Ok, so the chaddiest chad can be called Chad Chaddington

ok, so the chaddiest chad can be called Chad Chaddington

what can you call the most virgin virgin?

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Virgil Virginich

Keith Keithington.


Eliot Rodger

Originalgsksksks deus

(You) You

It doesn't matter no one remembers his name anyway

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Eugene Eunuch

I'll go with Virgil Virgin

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Please do SIM social experiment.

damn well said brother

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It'll end up like chinman, but in this case Virgil will go on a end up killing himself and failing to kill anyone else

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Damn he smug.

>what can you call the most virgin virgin?


In some cases, OP.

>chad chadington

There are people so fucking underage that they have no idea the whole chad thing came from dudes like that being called chad thundercock

op rename him at once

I forgot his original name, renamed him
also remade a bit the Virgins traits
I think this is the best combination

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idk what those are
i only play sims 4 for wicked whims

This. Chaddest Chad is Chad Thundercock. Virginest virgin was agreed to be Thad Feelix Wenoguf. No one else posted the virgin's name, which proves right.

> not giving him lover aspiration

Liam, just Liam

>he calls that a chad
>he doesnt even own a harem of black breeding sows in his basement and over 70 children

Weak sauce m8

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Anyway without a bunch of mods like I have it is incredibly easy to lay anyone if you are persistent enough.

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