Does this eye look like an eye of a beta man? Also eyes thread

Does this eye look like an eye of a beta man? Also eyes thread

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looks like the eye from that really ugly russian girl i forget her name but she posted a lot as a fembot

Eye of the faggot

if that is the unstressed position then you aren't beta.

It looks like an eye that lusts for cock

Thanks for the retina scan.

t. CIA nigger

Attached: CIAAIC.jpg (326x392, 29K)

Dont lie to the poor faggot

Nah, it's hunter eyes. You have chad eyes, lad.

you have absolutely beautiful eyes, op. perfect blue eyes

>all these faggots making fun of OP's eyes but not posting their own
Pussies. Contribute to the goddamn thread.

Attached: fuggereyepicxDDd.jpg (1850x1861, 1.03M)

Another scan for the database.

t. CIA nigger

Attached: CIACaught.jpg (125x125, 3K)

You look like a fat nerd white boy trying to make a angry face to look tough desu.

Your eyes are really pretty user.

Umm, James?

Who else absolutely /soullessandhideous/ here? This thread reminded me of how ugly I am.

Attached: 20180621_165226.jpg (441x246, 61K)

Those eyes scream virgin male.

This is a Chad tier predator eye, don't listen to what anyone else says desu

Another one for the collection.

t. CIA nigger

Attached: I'mCIA.png (1280x715, 760K)

hi lavisheee

>eye thread
Time for my daily fap.

Attached: [REROING INTENSIFIES].gif (500x340, 806K)

Not really.
That hairstyle tho...

these eyes are actually so qt

Does your name start with a B
You look familiar

spider-man facepaint at the zoo lads

Attached: image.png.jpg (170x300, 9K)

Does mine look like a beta eye???

Attached: eyesrate.png (238x56, 36K)

Looks like the eyes of my gf. Are u my gf?


Are we all getting banned now?

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>everytime there's these eye threads people post such nice eye areas and have such nice skin
normies go and you underagers aren't even hopeless yet, go to some other board at least

>Are we all getting banned now?
I hope so

Attached: aye.png (208x164, 78K)

No you have hunter eyes that are attractive

yes and that you have to ask that on r9k confirms the betaness.

Superior blue eyes coming through

Attached: 412D3F49-0206-4CE3-9D31-53678FE113AC.jpg (804x521, 97K)

Pretty feminine eyes

tfw diarrhea-colored eyes

Attached: jbvkbnkgf.jpg (301x186, 34K)

Here are my eyes.


Attached: mineeyes.jpg (268x73, 26K)

holy shit dude you look so fucking gay

cute be my gf
originally of course

im not good at taking pictures so I hope this is good enough

Attached: CE71FA5B-D5FC-473C-9BFC-FCB50032B0D8.jpg (738x368, 50K)

you too

What are the real risks of posting your eye picture here? No memeing please

yahoo you have been muted for 16 seconds

Attached: 57AE20DD-5151-45AD-B7BD-4FABFFA60EB0.jpg (1052x438, 107K)

Someone may be able to dox you if you're retarded enough to use a crop of another pic you uploaded somewhere else, but that's assuming someone'd give a shit to begin with

Are you a guy or girl? Im stumped here

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Which ones are stealth girls and which ones are just faggots?

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i've got those deep-set neanderthal/caveman eyes

Attached: eyes1.png (750x306, 282K)

are u being serious

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t. soulless beast

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Hey if it means anything I like them regardless but yeah Im not so sure

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white people eyes always look cool if you angle the camera downward at it

How's mine faggots?

Attached: IMG_20180621_200121.jpg (1177x896, 240K)

Light skin + dark eye = amerimutt

A person once told me I had dead fish eyes. I didnt really look into it but this thread reminded me so I googled what that means and came up with pic related

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Attached: IMG_20180618_183405.jpg (1836x1833, 597K)

All green eyed superior males reply to this post for shits and giggles. Your immediate family will not be harmed based on your decision to reply to this post or not. Have a great day and dont forget to separate your recyclables

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Reporting in. Inb4 "pluck your eyebrows"

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OP I think I recognize you can you please tell me your name? At least the first letter.

here's my eye cia niggers

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The fucking grease

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Most of the people posting have green/blue eyes even though make up about 10% of the population. Does that mean that having green/blue eyes is tied to a genetic risk of being a robot?

Attached: ap,550x550,16x12,1,transparent,t.u7.png (549x413, 40K)

hsuperior green eye ribbit. blue eyes can look so vacant, seen some crazy looking people with blue eyes.
cept my eyes look blue here when really they are green and hezul. also i got fucking folded eye lids fuck.

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Original alpha male here :)

Attached: 23BA1D87-94D0-410C-88EA-0010258365F9.jpg (750x1331, 80K)

Hunter or prey eyes?

Attached: PSX_20180621_143056.jpg (285x88, 19K)

You need a fucking wash my man

Gook eyes

...I'm not Asian at all


in anoriginally way

onions eyes

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looks like the eye of a weak man who wears a mask of aggression to hide the fear on his sleeve.

>tfw you will never EVER have blue eyes
Why even bother going on?

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should I feel bad that I immediately knew what picture that was from?

I am clearly the only Alpha here

Attached: IMG_20180621_203928.jpg (479x217, 31K)

brown eyes are soulless, compaired to other eyes in this thread. None of you look like ugly people but green, blue and even light brown eyes are so much aesthetically appealing.

yes user holy fuck you've been on the internet for too long to recognize such an underground and obscure oldfag meme, are you the hacker known as Jow Forums?

light makes them look way brighter than they really are. kinda wish they always looked like this desu

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I never noticed how bad my eye bags are

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No. very easily identifiable considering the picture has veen reposted and shooped like 10 billion times

everyone on reddit does

Which are your top 3 favorites from this thread?

This thread is gay as fuck but here you CIA nignogs

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having blue eyes wouldn't change shit and you know it. nice dubs btw
best in thread

Attached: mye.jpg (480x640, 128K)

really bad bait. i already said dispite not looking ugly. and yeah brown eyes look soulless as fuck. you cant even see their iris most of the time unless you stick your eye inches away from theirs. Souless and sub human , you are a butthurt amerimutt or shit skin anways

Sorry about the bad quality. I think mine are blue ish?

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lol. Yes actually you like a gay boy too.

>Inb4 40 replies
Marry me.

Actually I'm pretty happy with my life, I just wish I had nicer eyes. It gives me a little bit of insecurity, especially when basically all of my family besides my mom has blue or green eyes.
I doubt very few people would say I have good eyes