Why are men so thirsty?

There are literally 8+/10 Chads that are willing to settle with a psycho basic bitch 5/10 for a cheap piece of pussy. This is why most men can't get laid, because the top 20% of men have the standards of a 3/10 guy, and even those fat ugly whores now feel entitled to Chads because Chad won't be selective and put those stupid ugly bitches in their place.

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Men don't need to be picky because the nature of our gametes do not prescribe it.

If I were a chad Id still probably fuck 80% slampigs to be honest. Just knowing how far beneath me she is would be great.

Are you implying that guy is an 8? Because he is not


Pick one. If they're with a girl below their league they're 100% cheating behind her back.

That girl is fuckable, though.

There's no reason not to fuck a girl who's fuckable. I don't think she's a 5, she's at 6 for being thin at a minimum. Add a point for being a redhead.

She's totally fuckable. Would YOU fuck her? Yes. So why are you mad at this guy for fucking her?

oh you poor think, big bads chads are stealing gfs that should rightfully be yours, how dare they

or is it just that you dont deserve fucking shit?

good way to cope :))

Been described as a 9, I just find some average and uglier chicks charming, that's all there is to it really. Most 7s and up that are usually looking for fun (eg casual relationships and fucking) are usually quite entitled and demanding, so fuck them. I'd much rather have some fun with a humble average girl. I "settle" now because there isn't any reason not to. Looks and personality will play a bigger role when in the future when I plan to settle down. For now I just do whatever I want. Cheers.

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Based. How do roasties react to getting rejected after you've fucked and left them?

Thanks for ruining the lives of actual ugly men who would otherwise be in happy relationships with appropriately ugly women. Roleplaying faggot

Most act surprised as if we weren't both looking for some quick fun. Most think they can use their pussy powers to entice me into having an actual relationship with them.

I didn't ruin shit. Get off your sobbing ass and you'll score too. But believe me, you'll realise not having sex is far from the worst of your problems.

I look better than him and I consider myself a 7

Do you consider that girl a sub 7?

Based only on looks, yes. Maybe a 6.

How do we get laid then faggot? If it's so fucking easy why can't we do it but you are literally throwing Stacy's to the side and fucking ugly bitches

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I agree with Chad, the bitch is pretty plain. However you pathetic virgins will put her higher on the scale because her plainness makes her look less intimidating and more submissive for you. Stop putting these plain bitches on a pedestal.

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Hang around the right places, look for the right kind of women, take advantage of the right situations.

If you're looking for quick hookups with average chicks go to parties. I'm still in uni so it's quite easy for me too find a party when I want to. Most girls there are looking for fun and are already tipsy. Don't go for drunk chicks. A couple of stares will do the trick if you're good looking to catch her attention. It's working for me but I guess it would be considered creepy if a below average dude tried it. So I guess in that situation buying her a drink is a good start. Bodily contact is very important. Grab them by the waist, in my case a lot of them start grinding on me. If you grab her and she seems displeased or angry say something like "I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention, won't happen again" and retreat immediately. Bodily contact is a good indication if they are up for sex. After you've spent some time hit them with the "wanna go someplace quieter?" They're are most likely tipsy by that point and are familiar enough with you to have sex. Make sure you're place is looking crisp though.

Pro fucking tip. Never seem needy. It's as if they have a fucking sixth sense for that shit. Just act like you don't give a fuck if she sits on your dick or not. Always carry protection. You don't know if you'll end up on your place or her place and you don't want to bet on her having any STD's or not.

That's a pretty basic guide for parties.

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being self centered prick that has low selfesteem but still thinks its someone elses fault he doesnt get laid is a big turn of, believe me

the problem is that you're applying the same flawed logic that idiots attempt to apply to the market

they assume that everyone is a rational actor/consumer and will purchase the goods that are optimized for price and quality

in reality life is far more complicated, most people are stupid/incompetent in practice and do not have the knowledge or decision making capacity to actually making objectively good decisions in regards to acquiring anything

the man in the op's jpg is very clearly not utilizing his natural beauty to its optimal efficiency. this principal is the same reason why a 5/10 thickboi like myself can land an 8.5/10 girl

thanks chad


The girl you posted has an uglier face though

No problem robot man

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so much this
being self centered prick is a big turn of

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