Make a thread about suicide, get banned by mods

the absolute state of this newfag underage board

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Suicide is for faggots, don't u know it? Haha u faggot!

Mods are huge fucking faggots, nothing new.

jesus christ this is fucking reddit by now

>make an anti-roastie argument
>get banned for pornography, despite never even engaging in talking about it
I think they had a roastie mod added to the staff recently.

>pedo shit

lol this is nothing. you wanna see what reddit looks like? go to /v/



Huge Paragraphs



Newsflash, all the new janitors are from /lgbt/, the 1(one) mod assigned to this board only reviews bans and appeals.

>I'm not a redditor you are!
talk about camouflage

What the fuck are you even talking about? Did you learn to quote yesterday?

you know I'm not the user you replied to right? dumbshit

that's why there is so much faggot and trap shit these last years, are they trying to brainwash people to get an army of loose holes? fucks sake

are you having a stroke you fucking cumstain? it ain't fucking hard to hover your mouse over to check is it you nuclear autist?

My global ban got revoked. So thank mr r9k mod. You are doing a splendid job keeping the lgbt janitors in check.

you mean giving em the s u c c

>are you having a stroke you fucking cumstain? it ain't fucking hard to hover your mouse over to check is it you nuclear autist?
you ok bud?

Attached: you.png (214x236, 5K)

>hurr durr le funny image meme you stupid loll
neck yourself

The absolute state of this thread. Ugh. Feels like I walked into a coffee shop

>hurr durr le funny image meme you stupid loll
>neck yourself

Attached: you2.jpg (600x600, 57K)

what does that even mean
why does your personal tard wrangler allow you to post online

This thread is normie infested. I bet none of the poster here spent more than 8 hrs on their screen today

good thing someone made those images so you don't have to think to anything clever eh?
good boy

sweet mixture of "that feels when no gf XD" and "le funneee r/Jow Forums memes" that brought this fucking entire site to this. well done everyone!

no need to make up something clever when your posts don't make any sense brainlet

explain how do they not make sense you fucking turd? guess that since you're fucking newfag you're quite not well adjusted but you should avoid littering thread like an absolute faggot

>make thread to cry about mods banning you
>complain about reddit
>user comes and tells you you haven't seen nothing yet and to go check /v/ if you wanna see what reddit is really like
>go anal for no reason cause you're probably a schizo and a brainlet
>keep going anal for the duration of your shitty thread
this is you right now

Attached: you3.jpg (485x443, 39K)

are you fucking retarded? I was talking about those posters on /v/ that tells others they "absolutely don't go to reddit" while still writing



Are you a non native english speaker or you're just unable to understand because you're a fucking retard?

>shows no indication of what he is trying to convey in his post
>expects others to read his mind to know what he means
deffo a schizo, go take your medication

Attached: you4.png (406x452, 30K)

this is a poor way to take pride of your "brainlet folder xD", besides no one gives a shit about it nor about your inability to comprehend basic english.

Please return to your shit eating hobbies

I'm grabbin em off google as I reply to you. never before I felt the need to post brainlet wojaks until I engaged you.
also I just realized you've been reddit spacing all this time LOL, no wonder you got so anal about it

>all this time
>the latest post is the only one having a spacing

i already suspected you were retarded as shit but now i can 100% guarantee it as you can't even perform basic counting. ya sure your wrangler is feeding you right? it would be a pity if you became even more retarded, though probably not possible.

>says latest post is the only one
>can easily count at least three posts where your redditness spills out
>replies twice cause hes so anal about the whole thing
this is getting sad

>deletes his last post because of a tiny mistake
holy shit you're pathetic

>accuses other of being anal
>continues replying crap like a faggot
definitely surprising

>bash others for correcting grammar mistakes
ah yes I remember being 14 but not this huge of a faggot

>thinks he's being bashed for correcting grammar mistakes
>does not realize he's being bashed for being an insecure little faggot
it's ok, I know missing simple cues like that one is part of your mental illness

>calls other insecure and anal
>still replies

do i need to say more?

>gets called out for being an insecure little faggot getting anal in his own thread
>best he can come up is 'no u'
yikes buddy

>wants to !call out others' insecurities" to project his own
>best he can come up is 'no u'
>"hurr durr you're anal"
>still replies
damn dude if I were such a faggot like you are I would def take advantage of those brainlet pics

this post made absolutely no sense at all
are you having a psychotic episode? maybe you should delete this post and try again

jesus there is really no winning against a retard repeaiting ad infinitum "i can't understand what you say so you have to be the stupid one"
good riddance

get off the basement and go read your mum your posts out loud and ask her if you don't sound like a rambling retard. I know it's difficult to understand when you got no external input

she said trying to reason with retards on the internet it's even more pointless than doing it irl,guess she may be right

>mom tries to get you to understand you're a rambling retard
>so mentally ill you twist her words to your own convenience
buddy you need help

>no u
wew lad what goes around comes around eh?

>implying no u
man you really live up to the brainlet meme, how was my post 'no u' at all? also
>complains about hurr durr le memes
>replies with hurr durr meme lingo

>Talk about 8-chan
>Get banned
faggot mods

>not understanding sarcasm
we're getting on another level here, had you and your mother a stroke at birth?

>says he was being sarcastic
>but he wasn't
buddy go look up what sarcasm mean

>implying I wasn't
>"I misunderstood the whole situation from start, the following posts and acting like a retard all around"
I don't think looking at dictionaries will erase retards from my sight, sorry

All of you are faggots I am the superior human here

Pathetic worms

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>implying you were
>implying your second quote has any context or makes any sense
really the king of brainlets, congrats buddy

you still don't get it do ya?
not understanding what others are saying isn't others' fault by default, you should aknowledge that you are the retard here and repeating "hurr durr brainlet" is pointless

thing is, your mental derangement does not let you see how little sense you've been making this whole time, you never address the point at hand, you never try to make sense out of your pointless rambling
here's to you, brainlet king

>can't understand the original post, gets angry for it
>can't follow the thread
>accuses others to be stupid albeit being the only one not understanding what they're saying
>"brainlet king XD"

you're a fucking autist and I'm backing the other user, sort your shit out.

>samefagging this hard
this is reaching cringy levels of patheticness

>expects others to read his mind to know the purpose of his post
>nowhere near his post he gives any hint of what he is trying to convey
>gets anal when called out on not making sense
>acts like an insecure little faggot by deleting a post with a tiny mistake
>posts the most obtuse, senseless posts any robot has ever seen
>says he is being sarcastic, clearly does not understand what sarcasm means
>still wont acknowledge he's just a brainlet and should not be allowed to argue on the internet

>cannot read the poster count at the bottom

el em ay oh my friend, you're truly a fucking retard


originally ofcroouse

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oldfags, no underage: Tinychat dot calm slash r9kdeathcult