>Go on coffee date with 7/10 prime ass 22 yo fit latina with hoop earrings. Dick is so diamonds precum is leaking thru my pants >She complimented me 3 times how good I look (not even ottermode pretty DYEL) >Sitting next to her and she touched me a lot all over >Touch back placing hand on her legs for 3 seconds with eye contact >Smile at her after saying something >"Ahhhh user is that a dimple" then she literally cups my face with both hands >I could die >She changes her schedule around Saturday to meet for a longer date >Only wanted a kiss on the cheek so a non-thot
Despite not even being ottermode, I credit this success to early stages of cutting. When I was bulking, I got an insane amount of rejection. Cutting is when the mires come. Went 3 for 3 numbers that responded for dates. Never happened on a bulk
>22 yo fit latina with hoop earrings sounds like a thot
Chase Perry
Guys HELP >2 more days until my last exam at uni >whatsapp from unknown number >says its a girl in my class got my number from a friend >asks me a few things about the exam >dont text for a bit >like 5 mins ago (its past midnight) texts me and asks to study together on campus What the fuck?? Is this a mire since it is quite late to be texting someone not your boyfriend? I normally just study by myself in my room instead of the library cos i get anxious around people. If i meet her should i try and flirt? What should i do. Part of me is telling me i should block her and focus on my studying though. Can't help thinking about why she messaged me so late though. I am going to wake up early and reply to make it seem like i don't just stay awake all night playing games or something just incase
Found the virgin who believes if he smashes enough whales on the first date he's made it
You want to make a thot who has sex on the 1st date your gf? Good luck with your 2018 cuck goals
I was aggressive and grabbed her by the hips face to face and she said "I think you're very handsome. I'll see you Saturday. How about just a kiss on the cheek". If she knows you're dominant and not a pussy, you've done your part. The rest is on her as a test on how much of a thot she is, and she passed
Gabriel Harris
Nah latinas are thirsty as fuck esp if you’re white. Only race thirstier would be filipinas.
Henry Howard
You were too thirsty and escalated too fast in an inappropriate spot.
Gabriel Gomez
Stop reading PUA shit
Noah Jones
dont ever try and convince me to stop bulking again
Nathaniel Walker
user fucking let her come over you massive autist.
Meet up now. She could be legitimately desperate for study help, but good chance she is into you if it's so late and you know her well from class. Read her body language and take it from there
Luke Reed
>Part of me is telling me i should block her and focus on my studying though
you fucking homo, do not do this
Gabriel Adams
>be me >browse Jow Forums >read familar mirin story >realize op posted story in different thread the other day
Not hating. Just noticed it and thought I’d point it out As a current DYEL, I live vicariously through good mirin stories. Happy for OP
Easton Jenkins
Filipinas are almost all either gold diggers or hardcore Jehovah's Witnesses in my experience. Not worth it.
David Perez
>casually posts CP that goes unnoticed
Special place in hell
Colton Ward
>getting my haircut >hairdresser offers a head and neck massage first >sure, why not >gets to my shoulders >works her way down to my biceps >watch her face in the mirror >eyes go wide, look of absolute amazement on her face >spills her spaghetti, goes back to my neck >can't get more than a 2-3 word reply out of her for the rest of the cut Wasn't really super into her, but it still felt nice. I'm still DYEL as fuck, too.
Nathan Adams
Chad would have his dick out, next time let her grab your junk first
John Gonzalez
Lel dat male optimism
Ayden Morgan
>at work >doing ergonomic eval where people come check your posture and recommend chairs and keyboards etc >2 blondes are my evaluators >1 older maybe 40s and 1 qt in her 20s >they were feeling my elbow because I had mentioned I get some pain there >they comment that my forearms are the most defined they've ever seen >they start feeling my forearms saying "oh as physiotherapists we love muscles like this"
After being a skeleton my whole life felt pretty damn good.
>he actually said "my elbow hurts" like a numale instead of shrugging those BS evals off like the nonsense they are designed for fat middle aged women who get carpal tunnel
>be me >walking down hallway to locker room after signing in >wearing size L Superman shirt >slightly tight on the chest area but idc tbqh desu >walking toward cardio bunny 6/10 >close range, she takes headphones off >"Oh you're superman for today?" >remember that i usually wear superhero tshirts to gym (and change into compression shirt) >realize I've thought about it too long and I'm now about to pass her >"Y-yes" >she makes a sorta positively surprised look >i keep walking
Idk she looked like she wanted the D. Maybe that's just the tren talking
Luke Bailey
Aaron Sanchez
>been lifting heavy and losing a lot of fat this past year >boss’ daughter has started flirting with me a lot more than usual >we go to the gym together >she lifts up her shirt and asks me if I think she’s too fat >wants me to take her to concerts >makes a lot of “jokes” about me sexually harassing her just to have her mom mad at me >”lol” >she keeps commenting on how much better I look and blushing every time I check her out at the gym I’m not sure if I should make my move yet. I could be misreading the signs.
Ian Cook
>going to buy another guitar >playing a few at the store >guy walks up and starts talking about illuminati and trump >tells me my muscles look good >no homo right >manage to mutter out a y-you to >guy was an obese black man who just got out of prison Any way other than the intense awkwardness of the moment it felt good to know even ex junkies mire my gains
Jason Howard
If you care about job and work directly with her, don't
If you don't care about job, and don't directly work with her, do
Gabriel Turner
For you
Tyler Mitchell
>guy walks up and starts talking about illuminati and trump Could you provide more details about this?
Hudson Roberts
That’s the thing. I technically work for both her and her mother. I do landscaping for her mom, and housecleaning on fridays for her. She does it to pay for college. Her and her mother have treated me like family since I started working for them. I don’t want to overstep my boundaries, but I feel like if I ask her mom for permission first, it’ll look better on me.
Jacob Ross
Feels good, don't it?
Evan Barnes
>be me >waiting in line at the bank I haven’t gone to in a while >teller I recognize waves me over >most chipper I’ve ever seen/heard her >asks me what I do, if I live around the area >spaghettis a little with amount of money >smiling the entire time >gives me a wink twice over the course of the convo feels good, but undeserved. I’m still DYEL
Jayden Cox
He was muttering straight Jow Forums jargon for like fifteen minutes which threw me off because he, as previously stated, was a black man
kek I've heard some weird shit from black people. One guy repeatedly telling me "I'mma homophobe" and I was like uhhh okey doke.
Cooper Flores
Eat a dick. I help them out while they need it. I do firefighting for a living during the summer, and work for them mixed with selling firewood for the winter. I get by.
Daniel Williams
Lol ok simple jack
Eli Davis
>Not knowing this is how family businesses work
Its some feudal politics shit user, my family and the girls family tried to set us up in an attempt to bring each families business together.
Parker Bell
>fat grill at work always rubbing my back and belly since losing fuck ton of weight >wanted to get a drink after work >sperged out and left >thinking about asking her out tomorrow thing is she was having an affair with my really good friend up until he had twins with another girl I don’t want to date her, I really just wanna bust a nut. I have a belly fetish and she has a nice pot belly should I do it?
Leo Gomez
>fat girl at work >at work
Don't shit where you eat, bro.
Gabriel Foster
Again if you don't care about job
Even if you do and can do it discreetly. Sounds like a whale and a whore thought so not worth it to me
Logan Turner
>Only wanted a kiss on the cheek so a non-thot but she's not a thot when she wants to fuck you saturday?
Isaiah Baker
Getting alot more mires after cutting down from 30% to 19% bodyfat.
>see girl on daily commute >she takes the same train and shuttle as me >she gets on the train on the opposite side of the train car and walks past rows of empty seats to sit opposite side of me, facing each other >she pulls out some papers and pretends to read >she flips her head to the side, pulls her to the other side and shows me her neckline >catch her staring at me from the corners of her eye >another day, on the shuttle, I'm sitting at the back and she walks all the way down to sit on the seats to my left with the aisle inbetween us >she pulls out her phone and minutes later she has her phone up to her right ear as if she was on a phone call >front camera pointing at me the whole time >she didn't talk the whole time >prob sneaking a photo/vid of me It sucks since I saw her profile on a dating app and she's 3 years older and looking to date someone of her religion :(
>go on first date with a match from CMB >during the date she asks "So what do you do on your spare time? You obviously go to the gym" >end of the date, walking to the car and chatting >she laughs after something I said and grabbed my bicep and squeezed >hugged me longer than normal after saying goodbye
>at work volunteer event >first time wearing a short sleeve t-shirt at work >female co-worker comments on my shirt: "Look at user wearing that shirt that's too small for him and showing off his muscles" >It's a large shirt
Jason Taylor
>new girl working front desk at the gym, also works out there >cute blonde, short, decent ass >talk occasionally >notice her smiling and looking at me while I'm working out >at water fountain filling my shaker bottle >"oh hey user don't mind me I'll just stand like a creep behind you haha" >invites me to go on a hike with her this weekend
Not exactly a mire but it made me feel pretty good. Happy friday boys.
John Gomez
depends, whats his goals? are they GPA related like medical school or just graduating with a shitty engineering degree
if professional school is his goal, than gpa and fuck no to women
if bachelors is his goal, then fuck yea to women
Mason Cruz
Mate, she wants you to ravage her in the wilds.
Nolan Jackson
>damn user is so BIg >no user is W-I-D-E made me kek hard that was last mire i received
>shopping at the grocery store >passing by the refrigerated beverages near the veggies >thicc woman in her early 30's asks me to grab the coffee in the back in the top rack >giggles and tells me I probably get asked this often then thanks me while staring me up and down.
Goddamn it that was easiest in I've ever had and I did nothing except act polite.
Julian Rivera
>Once in awhile, hehe >So, you from aronund here >Cool, I'm from Jow Forums >I'm user >I like your outfit >Well, I gotta run but let's meet up some time for some coffee. Put your number in my phone
It's that simple
Dominic Roberts
I get mired everywhere I go. You’d think it’d be a good feel but I’m going bald and I realise in a few years I’ll be a ghost
>I’m going bald and I realise in a few years I’ll be a ghost Shave your head. Works for Vin Diesel, Bruce Willis.. why not you?
Nathaniel Hall
I dunno if it will bro, 22 years of age
Brody Kelly
You sexually assaulted her
Brody Peterson
>"Ahhhh user is that a dimple" then she literally cups my face with both hands
she wanted you to kiss her
Tyler Evans
Chad would rub her clit with a dick, ram it inside and she would tell all her friends how good you were fucking her
Aaron Campbell
Got like four mires in one day.
>just walking along the beach >pass two guys and overhear that they are talking about the gym >as I get further away I hear "that's the size I want" and "look at how wide his back is"
Then, >still on the same walk, sun is blasting me so decide to take off shirt >walk past some middle aged women >their convo goes quiet and I feel their eyes on me >they say something about spiderman and superman, then as I get further away one of them says something, the other replies with "you wish"
>on my way back now, still shirtless >some guys approaching me from the direction I came from >as they get closer one of them does a double bicep and puffs his chest out >I just smile and reply with "alright mate"
Final one, >decide to get an ice cream >while waiting in line notice a woman glance at me >she turns to her friend, then her friend throws me a quick glance and smiles >they both keep shooting glances while I wait for my ice cream
Dyel and p ugly so I'm not sure why I keep getting mired
Isaac Rivera
>Tuesday, enter a tram on the way home from work >wearing khakis, blue suede shoes, matching belt, matching socks, matching polo shirt, buffer than any guy on the tram of course >see chubby retarded girl form my gym staring at me smiling, I pretend I did not see her >like wtf is she doing here on the completely different part of the city >yesterday, see her staring at me at the gym, approaches me while I was on a hamstring machine and asks me, all smiling, in English: "How much do you have left?" > we are both croatian, in croatia >play along, tell her "I have another set" in English >finish my set, clean the machine from my sweat while she is standing beside me, we exchange smiles and I go about my way >catch her throwing glances at me later
was this a mire or she's just retarded?
Carson Ortiz
post body
Jaxon Baker
How retarded are we talking here? Down syndrome, or just a bit thick?
Caleb Edwards
>work in an office >20 guys and about 50 chicks >gals say to me i got the best looking butt >mfw
not down syndrome, does not have that face, but she is like still like 8 years old looking at her behavior. she's a fatty too so I wouldn't, although I appreciate the potential mire
Tyler Ortiz
>not realising girls actually have really low standards about this sort of thing If you put in even the bare minimum effort with your workout, girls mire you. It doesn't take much.
>guy walks up and starts talking about illuminati and trump I love these characters. I wish I knew an Eddie Bravo / Alex Jones type irl.
Josiah Stewart
can you grow a beard?
Adam Hall
U got huge shoulders bro
Joseph Ross
Squat+pulling movement + pressing movement every day
Lincoln Johnson
So modified SS basically?
Michael Foster
6-7 days a week?
Brandon Roberts
Top lad. Ask mom for permission.
Austin Wilson
You've posted this shit before faggot.
Mason Stewart
Do you ask girls out in person or use an app? Curious because I'm wondering if real life has a better success rate than Tinder.
Christopher Harris
>Only wanted a kiss on the cheek so a non-thot lol she got railed by chad that very night you idiot
i bet you paid for her coffee too
Grayson Walker
Please be bait and not an incel who left the pit
Gavin Davis
god tier
Gavin Bailey
Are you retarded? Invite her over. What are you waiting for, her to snap you a pic of her pussy with and arrow pointing to it and 'ur dick here' written at the end of the arrow?
Landon Evans
Jayden Brown
I take it none of you retards ever went to college. If she has been in his class for 3 years and only text him for the first time 2 days before the final exam then you can be 99.999% certain she is not attracted to him and instead decides in the last week of term that she actually wants to pass and the best way of doing that is attracting a austistic nerd kid from her class to come help her study.
So yeah.. block the study gains goblin and study by yourself, your degree is more important than the tiny chance of getting pussy
Jeremiah Hill
Dont listen to the other fucking retards and listen to these two If you are expecting to get laid it WILL NOT happen, infact its even worse, She will keep you as a ''friend'' in order to get your ass to help her whenever she needs help with other shit later on.
Matthew Lee
>day 1 nofap >already thirsty as fuck >go to the grocery store >mature granny cashier tells me "here's your receipt hun" I've been lifting for 3 months but I already made it