Discord Server

Sup robots

So I've just made this discord server. Bread just came out from the oven, thank God it's not a kike.
Anyways, If you thought that you reached the bottom, you've seen nothing yet.


Come and join us, lads

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Give me a reason why I should join your discord server.


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Probabilty to spot a girl

The fuck is this shit user

if you arent interested in this kind of thing try this instead:


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No one can post on your server, retard.

Im not interested on your server dude

its the best quality discord server, dont you agree?

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Why cant anyone talk yet? Whats the point?

its mysterious is it? who knows what will happen next? upsetting but also very exciting...

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I like some mystery, but I also want to shitpost

Are weebs welcome as well, or is being a NEET a requirement?

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Underage memester server, left after 30 seconds

all weebs, neets, traps, females, everyone

patience my friend, good things need time to grow

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Its a WoW vanilla private guild, you aren't welcome

server sucks dick dont join, i repete do not join

>create a chat server
>no one can chat
>"thats what makes it so good"

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>join the server
>change my name to #1
>@everyone 2 times

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sweeeeeeeeeeet lol

in the name of Chiaki Nanami, I bump (because the mute is annoying)

fembots dont exist desu its fake news

Thats gay af user.Your server is shit face it

still OP here
@Colin how does feel like being a pawn for that ginger fairy @Mac?

You guys can suck my dick, my fortress is bigger than yours now!

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just because my server doesnt meet your personal needs? rude pleb.

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If u want to have your pussy or dick sucked, then definitely join

Post more servers faggots

This is a server I made for anyone to join and say whatever they want.
Anyone is welcomed to join and talk to whoever.


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ARrcKJN server with absent admin

oh shit lets haxx it, admins absent!!