How accurate is this?

How accurate is this?

this is an original post fuck you

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Very accurate.

Either marry a virgin or don't marry at all.

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maybe men should be more mature about female sexuality?

>yeah bro, social cohesion and virtue are like, boring and stuff

It's just a meme. You have to be a retarded incel to genuinely believe this bs.
>inb4 roastie reee get out bla bla

if social cohesion is your main concern then you need to support movements that empower women. when women are empowered everyone does better

100% accurate, it's the reason I'll die a lonely virgin.

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maybe women should be more mature about female sexuality?

Very accurate. If by "accurate" you mean "delusional cuck fantasies of basement-dwelling virgins".

Over the top but overall true.

What women called the "patriarchy" now were nothing more than set truths of life that kept girls from ending broken, alone and bitter.

Women are the ones acting like this, they are humans they are responsible for themselves.
This isn't true.

Stop avoiding the truth.

Attached: Stop.jpg (300x300, 19K)

this is certainly something that happens, but it's not a certainty at all
i'd say like 1/9 times

I met a very nice, sweet girl at work.
Should I give it a try? she has a prosthetic leg.

Is she a virgin? Even amputees can be sluts.

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That is only true when judging a situation of 3rd world to second world or second world to first world.
"Empowering" of women has been hugely detrimental in western societies if suicide rates and opiod addiction of males are any indicator.

I don't know. I just figured her missing leg might make her a bit more pure and humble.
She dosent seem to have the the feminist pushy bison attitude that most sluts have these days.

What about all the men living their life on the right side of this chart? Don't they count

>trips then dubs

sweetie let me break it down......simple......



Glad we agree, and oh yes repression of any group is not good for anybody involved.

I feel bad about men overdosing on opioids, but that has nothing to do with the OP

where the copypasta with the "even the quiet girl in the back of your class"
>implying chads gifted with perfect genes live the way normal men do

Eh, my mum is 47 and she gets mistaken for my sister. Im 20.

And no, not posting pics

>Glad we agree
What do we agree on?
>and oh yes repression of any group is not good for anybody involved.
This is false

Your post just seems like false feminist rhetoric, it's not true and it's boring.
Like the post "their pussy their choice". This is false.

>the exception = the rule

get the fuck out
originally you have no reason to be here

Having been friends with a few women and having had girlfriends in the past? Pretty fucking accurate. Women as a social group have absolutely ZERO understanding of responsibility or even struggle. There are exceptions, of course, but for the most part women in 21st century western countries are the most privileged, coddled social class in the history of the world.

>Everything I don't like is false
You've got some growing up to do.

What, because my mum looks young?

Of course it's their choice, but it's men's choice how to deal (or not to deal with it) - and there's ample evidence regarding a consensus concerning the desirability of females who ride the cock carousel.
You act like a slut, prepare to get treated like one.
Fuck off, you passive-aggressive moron.

That's not what I said. It's false because it's false, you're simply asserting "repression of any group is not good for anybody involved". This is obviously a false statement. Enslaving someone and getting free labor, for example, is not bad at all for the masters.
You're the one who needs to grow up, and learn that just saying a buzzword is not the same as understanding something or making an argument.

Can confirm. From UK and practically every girl here is utterly broken by feminism. They just do not know how to react when someone judges them and their behavior, they are actually in disbelief if you don't incessantly chase after them like a thirsty virgin regardless of what they say or do like every other beta cuck in the UK.

They are going to end up so broken, used up and alone. My ex in particular, a fucking nightmare of a roasty utterly ruined by her beta exes.

She'll die a lonely, broken whore.

>It's false because it's false
What a compelling reason! Much thinking! Almonds on full blast!

>Enslaving someone and getting free labor, for example, is not bad at all for the masters.

>They just do not know how to react when someone judges them and their behavior
Men are the same way

People judge men for their behavior constantly. I am constantly mocked and attacked for being a weird turboautist.

>What a compelling reason! Much thinking! Almonds on full blast!
Okay then, you are the one who made the statement, you are the one who needs to prove why it is true. go ahead, if you're right it should be easy to do.
While I agree it's morally repugnant, it's still true.
You are very tiresome, the way people like you talk and debate is always so boring.
So please, explain why it's morally okay for women to act whorish and degenerate, why it would be morally wrong for men to physically control this sexuality, why "their body their choice" is a moral absolute, etc. Or else, you have nothing.
Just remember, the idea's I'm saying are becoming more and more common, so you can't just say "it doesn't matter I don't need to make the argument". That's not going to work for much longer.