Thread for all Elliot discussion! Keep it r9k people!
Sons of Elliot Rodger | ER General
Elliot Rodger was a dude that chimped-out
He literally never talked to a woman. Im serious. Read his book, his whole goal in life was to get a girl, but never once did he speak to one.
Maybe we should just fucking talk to them.
Try disciples maybe?
We aren't his disciples. We are more than that.. almost an offspring created beyond procreation
Idolizing this guy even ironically is dangerous. You should strive to be the opposite of him
Exactly what a normalfag would say!
Thanks, but I'm not. I want to be a normal and you should too.
I'll do as I wish, I have been ostracized my entire life by you normalshits, do you think I'll try to fit in now?
You'll end up dead and a meme like Elliot. Come on its not hard. You should participate in life
Women should talk to men and let them know they're interested in them.
He never had something so basic and fundamentally human because he was mixed-raced.
It's sad but true.
>You'll end up dead
So will you, when it happens is irrelevant. What do you mean when you say participate in life?
No its not. In his memeifesto he saw Asian men , blacks and all sorts of mixed guys with hot woman and it made home mad. Dumbass never figured out the secret was to go up to woman himself. It's been like that sense time immemorial, males compete for females and they get to choose. Keep up
But you don't wanna be a meme when you die.
When I say participate in life. I mean try and find love/get laid/have friends . Really any life that will fulfill you. Whatever it may be
Stupid fag, he didn't even kill a single roastie
>Males compete for females
When you're competing inside of your race, you are worth exponentially more. The women need to be sexually attracted to you.
Elliot would've had to crucify himself to get a girlfriend, and he had no social skills. He was ugly to the women he wanted, and he had nothing that could compensate for this.
It wasn't fair.
All of those "Asian, Black, and Indian" men were socially skilled because they came from big families.
Elliot Rodger died because he was mixed-raced.
A suggestion for all followers of Eliot Rodger. You should if you haven't already is school or in your own time READ fight club. Don't watch the movie but read the book. And if there is anything your supposed to bring out of it is that in death we earn our names just as young Elliot did
the secret is not to just go up to them lol, whats next be confident? be yourself?
failed his killing spree lol..
Are there actually faggots who look up to this pathetic loser?
Nah, those men got those blonde Aryan goddesses cause they had experience and confidence.
I know he didn't have it, but he could have got it. The only was is to put yourself out there and improve. You may be shunned, but you can bounce back and improve. That's life, and he ran from it.
elliot rogers is plebbit tier now
But it is.
You've memed yourself into hell.
Go ahead and try it. Many times. It will work eventually
That's what it is to be socially skilled.
They had family they cared about.
They had friends that were their race.
These social interactions formed the building blocks for experience, confidence.
>He could've got it
I don't think he could have.
I think he would probably get a fucked-up version of it that barely works, and he'd ultimately be fortunate to get a 25 year old plain white girl.
He didn't want this.
You want to pretend that it's fair for everyone, but it's not. It's hard to improve from nothing at all. Elliot Rodger was insulting people and shocked they would insult him back.
The only person he ever had in his life that was his race was his sister.
It was over before it began.
How do you know he never talked to girls? He never said anything about never talking to girls. Quit being a faggot and assuming shit.
I read the book. His manifesto. He talks about his life in ridiculous detail.
I know he didn't. He expected them to go to him. Read it
Hmm, so many posts in an Elliot thread all of a sudden. Very suspicious.
I'll just read this time. As I'm tired of this shitty forum and this whole shitty planet of the apes.
He had friends when he was young. He had a loving family. If you read his manifesto its clear he had the chances.
His parents cared about him enough to send him to a college town. He got thousands each month by his parents. Literally a dream situation, and he fucked it up cause he was a pussy.
I really do pity him.
It's me man. I read his whole book last night, and I want to talk about him, cause he's pretty idolized by robots.
His mistake was so alarmingly simple. He didn't talk to girls. He never looked inward.
Money doesn't equate love.
He grew to call his own father a cunt.
Where were his friends when he grew-up?
They obviously cut ties at some point in time.
They were never true friends, and he never had a real connection.
What race are you?
>His mistake was so alarmingly simple. He didn't talk to girls. He never looked inward.
Okay. He never talked to girls because he was terrified by them. I do not know what you mean by looking inward. He was very introspective actually.
His father did abandon him. But he was still there for him in his childhood. They later reconciled.
He had friends, really, but they all left him because he became a jealous Cunt.
I'm mixed race myself, but I don't see how that matters. You're a little caught up on it. You shouldnt be
Holy fucking shit. I can't tell if there's just some unnanounced circle jerk going on for loser faggots who are horny and too scared to talk to a bitch, or if maybe I'm just fuckin' delusional. I gotta be delusional, because the other option is that there are sad, morinic, faggots who won't even *try* to fuck another human. Like shit senpai. Go kys, it's more sad to keep on living that way.
He never challenged his beliefs. He never questioned what was wrong with him. When he did, he came to the conclusion that women were flawed. The world was wrong, not him.
He was scared of girls, sure. So am I. I bet you wouldn't have been as scared of he talked to a few.
They are literally too fucking scared.
It's sad to see
What kind of a friend abandons a friend?
A bad one.
>His fathered abandoned him
Then how can you say he was ever really there in during his childhood?
He never cared even if they "reconciled"
His interviews post-massacre are tear less.
It is the same thing with the father of Chris Harper-Mercer
It'd be nice to place the blame all on yourself, but that's not the way life works. You will be trying for something, and you already know what the results are going to be.
Somethings aren't supposed to go together.
Pic related, it's me.
What I meant by "abandon" is that his father banned from his house for a few years, cause Elliot didn't get along with his dads girlfriend.
Its fucked up, but it's not that bad really. In his younger years he had a dad that cared.
Blaming problems on yourself may not be entirely justified. Others are at fault too, no doubt. But accepting you have a part in it is important to regain control, and it lets you move forward.
And nobody Cares if your mixed race man. I bet you look fine and sound fine. I'd be friends with you no doubt.
Millions out there would too.
>In his younger years, he had a dad that cared
His father cared to the extent that he was a child and sort of looked like him, but beyond that point in time, his love for his son died with his immediate youth.
>No one cares if you're mixed-raced
Everyone does. They don't say it though, and they're not aware of how they really feel toward me.
It's a biological, subconscious rejection.
My sister calls Indian men "creepy", but they're just not her race. They're "creepy" because they're ugly because they're not her race.
I've had so many white women call me creepy.
It's the exact same biological impulse.
Even if his father didn't care. He supported him. I envy that
And bro, please listen to me. There are no racial biological impulses. Women call you creepy cause of the way you act. Women will fuck other races if they're good looking and charming. Women will fuck the same race only if they're good looking and charming too.
It's not fair, but it's what they do. Move beyond race. Somehow you need to obtain an inkling of genuine confidence. It'll be hard, but it's a worthy goal.
He knew that he was short, half-Asian, shy and socially awkward and he also knew that women (of the kind he wanted) did not care about him because of these qualities. But, he could not accept it, that the women (of the kind he wanted) were not accepting him for those qualities, as he thought he had other good enough qualities to compensate the qualities causing rejection, such as being intelligent, (self) educated and decent looking. That is why he blamed women.
He was scared of girls to the point a normal person can not understand. His fear was more like a phobia, not like your usual fear of an inexperienced young boy who approaches women for the first time.
Sorry if I don't think I will reply more. I just want to go to sleep and dream of better times when the world was simple and elegant.
I would write a long reply, but I won't.
Remember not to dream of a better world, but the ability to be better in a cruel world.
Good night user
>There are no racial biological impulses
But there are
I have a lot of confidence, but I'm still not attractive to women.
Good looking is "a face that is my own"
The threshold for what constitutes charming is lower for people that are the same race.
Elliot Rodger's parents didn't really care about him because there was a 50% DNA gap between the both of them.
He lived on this world alone.
This is why he threw his life away.
That shit isn't real science.
You sound just like Elliot. He saw uglier men of mixed race with girls he wanted fucking constantly.
I don't know what got you on this line of thinking, but you need to get out. The modern world is getting kinder to minorties and interracial couples. More so than ever before in history. I know bias exists, but it's just that: bias.
It doesn't mean anything.
It's not real science, but life follows it to a T.
Unless someone is valuable for something outside of their race, they will never go outside of their blood.
I feel no attraction toward white, mestizo, or black women.
This is how my own innate biological racism reacts to the world.
That's not an innate biological impulse, that's a preference.
You are probably attracted to the race your mother is, and the races your father likes. It's genetics and upbringing that gives you bias towards race. It's nothing even close to a biological impulses. Bias can be undone. If you let some kind white,mestizo,or black women your opinion may change
Not let
I've never wanted to have sex with my mother.
I've always wanted to have sex with my sister though. I'd say "preference" is indicative of more than an opinion or influence by media.
I've felt this way since I was 8.
I just said it was genetics and upbringing didn't I? It's more than media influence, but much less than a fucking biological impulse.
Is your sister the same race as your mother? If so my point stands. I wanna fuck white girls cause my dad likes white girls and my mom's white. It's pretty simple. Over the years of grown much more fond of Asians,Latinas, and black girls.
She's not.
We're a different race from both of our parents.
It's strange, but I find that I'm more attracted toward white boys than white women.
My upbringing was not a good one.
How the fuck is that possible. Were you adopted?
If so, your real mother is probably the race you like the most. If you never had a dad, or you did and he was a little gay, that explains your gayness
>Le bee urself
A confident guy would say "lol fuck that Thot" and go to the next girl. Just cause vain bitches exist doesn't mean you can't have confidence.
>Bro just be confident! Women care about your personality and don't just want top 20% men, while using "bad personality", "creep", "weirdo" for guys they find ugly. As long as you're objectively good she'll appreciate you. Just find the right girl
He said Hi to a girl in his manifesto and she just gave him the stonewall >le creepXD
That's how I know you're full of shit
Please read this you poor poor fuck
That doesn't fucking count. He said hi to girl in passing once and never tried again.
If you actually think that's what talking to a girl means then you should reassess your views.
We're mixed-raced.
When you race-mix, the child is the race of neither parent.
No , that means the Child is of both races. The child is the race of both of the parents. You didn't just make a new race, you mixed them.
So you really do wanna fuck your mom okay
>The child is the race of both parents
Explain Mexicans.
They're not hailed by Europeans for their 60% Iberian ancestry.
People feel in group bias in favor of their race as young as 6 montys old you marxoid idiot. Only the mentally racemix.
here comes ER bang bang