Will we ever find love?

will we ever find love?

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people who love don't want the object of their love to change. They stunt and sabotage it so that it remains an object that fit's their holes.
People who feel love are scum.

No, I'm to old and bitter for love anymore. The only thing I can "love" is my own self-hatred and pity.

Love? I just want companionship.

When we'll be 45 user.
Just wait for that 40 years old used slut that will come begging for you.

Just win the lottery bro, you can just pay 2 win after that. You just pretend you earned it and some rich girl will want you just because she will think your rich like her and bam, your now a normie hanging around rich normies

I bet you're still in your 20s or at most early 30s lol

Love is not really a big deal. I've felt love and it fades with time, you end with someone you even didn't like anymore but at least brings you comfort. When I see her face sometimes I remember those good times we spend together, it hurts because those feelings are lost and will never come back.

There are better things in life than love, memes aside, it's overrated.

I am ethnic (curry) living in the west. So I don't think I will ever find love.

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Go for your own race you moron

Drop the dream of getting a white gf. The only type of white woman that would even bother with an Indian would be crazy tier anyway, you dont want that in your life

Yeah I'm 32

Love is horrible, since it turns into every negative emotion once it's taken away. It's like heroin, once it's taken away, you'll suffer withdrawal and always crave for it again.
It's better to have never experienced it and find happiness in a safer source, like a creative hobby, or a healthy hobby like tennis.

I know. I am not even trying for a white girls anymore. Even the curry roasties want chad or chad-lite dick here in the west. This shit is unfair.

love is a peculiar thing, it takes a deep connection between two people to work
most of the time, love is only felt strongly by one person to another (ie: you loving your crush) but but if the love is two way, then you will

>have deep feelings for girl who I have everything in common with
>can't have good conversation with because too shy, don't click too well
>other girl who I have nothing in common with has deep feelings for me
>easy to make conversation with, click together well

I can't avoid either of them because the two are always together. They are my only friends that I can hang out with and don't mind my autism because they also don't have anyone else.
this is LIVING HELL, I can't bring myself to try to get into a relationship with the second one because I don't have any particular feelings toward her. I want off this ride and I have for 6 months already and

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Very well put, it's fucked up, isnt it...

yes, if you love kewi. lets all love kelly

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>tfw no Kelly gf
there's no worse del

a feel that nobody deserves to feel..

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Is that spoon sticking from all the SNOT leaking from her forever RUNNY NOSE

POOR girl.. I want to hand her a tissue

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