Live in Germany

>Live in Germany
>Mother refuses to work
>Live from welfare
>The government takes over 50% of the money I earn because I live with my mother who gets welfare
>I'm allowed to keep 100eurobucks+20% of my original wage, so if I earn 450euros, the government takes 260euros from me
>All I can do is work for like 3euros per hour until I can move out
>All this because I've been born into a poor family
Did you ever experience unjustice? This shit genuinely pisses me off so much, that I want to gather a group of people like me and go on the streets to destroy fucking everything in sight. Set buildings on fire, demolish cars with baseball bats, beat random people up and cause as much suffering as possible. Fuck this retarded country. I just want to see Germany in flames.

How do I gather a bunch of angry people so we can fuck shit up? I don't even care about going to jail, I hate my life anyway.

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hello german CIA

just take a welfare as well you dumb cunt
take advantage of the shitty system of your shithole country

I want to earn money. Welfare is barely enough to survive. How the fuck am I supposed to live without high quality food and vidya? Fuck this shit.
I'll fucking rape these niggers if they come to my apartment. I'll fucking strip down their pants and destroy their asses. Fucking greedy jews taking all my money. Before I get to jail I'll take these fuckers with me.

just say that you are paying rent to your mom and not living there for free or some shit.

>Implying this will work
>Implying they would let a single shekle slip through their hands
You wouldn't believe how greedy these animals are. If your parents earn welfare you aren't even allowed to keep your fucking heritage from your grandparents. The people who do this aren't even human. They should be burned alive.

>If your parents earn welfare you aren't even allowed to keep your fucking heritage from your grandparents.

what do you mean by this? do you mean inheritance?

>roses are red
>violets are blue
>I wanna fuck you
>can I do it

Yes. Let's say your grandparents die and give you the money they had. The government WILL come and take it away because they are greedy fucking demons and demons should be in fucking hell burning for eternity.

>top tier GET on a post meant for a different thread
I feel conflicted

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>How do I gather a bunch of angry people so we can fuck shit up?
Head over to one of those mosques that have been popping up recently.
They'll be pretty receptive to that.

Killing people is a different thing. I don't want to kill innocent people. I just want to make the government lose a lot of money, maybe beat some people up at worst. The optimum would be to destroy a lot of stores, houses and cars.

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>All this because I've been born into a poor family
And not because your mom is a stupid lazy bitch who doesn't want to work?

Isn't that the same? In the end of the day it's not my fucking fault. I have to work thrice as much as other people for the same amount of money with the SAME FUCKING JOB. It's retarded and I did nothing wrong. Thinking about the smell of burning streets and the sound of hundreds of screams just makes me happy. Thinking about the reaction of the government to a bunch of people actually doing something against their unjustice. Fucking delicious.

The reason they're taxing you so heavily is because they're netting out a percentage based on the fact that you have been living as a parasite.

Itemize all the money the state has spent on you via your mother, and net that back into your check.

>NUH UH you should totally support me and all of my earnings should be disposable income for ME!

>fact that you have been living as a parasite.
I'm 18 you fucking piece of shit. There is literally NOTHING I could do to get out of this situation. Fuck off, jew.
>all of my earnings should be disposable income for ME
Yes it should. I work for it so I AM the only one allowed to keep it. They are the fucking parasites. Leeching on people who did nothing wrong.

principles over temporary gains, nigger

You live in your mother's house.

You eat your mother's food.

Who paid for that? What is your share of that total?

If you want to be made at someone, be mad at your mom. She's the one that, in effect, put you into debt by feeding and housing you at the public expense.

>Kids whove been born into poor families should be punished
Just fuck off you retarded jew. Most people in my position don't even work exactly because of this reason and I'll probably join them soon. The only one who should get punished is my mom for not working.

principles, like what? being a fucking wageslave? working for a society that hates you? fuck you and your normie wagecuck "principles"

At least you don't live on the other side of Oder user, I fucking wish I earned 3 euro in my shitty job

Sorry kid but spending your entire life leeching off of other people and crying about it as soon as you're required to repay a small portion of it makes YOU the jew.

>b-but it's not faaaair
I'm sorry, do the other taxpayers magically get back the money that was spent on you via your mother just because you've decided that you didn't want it and it's not fair to expect you to repay some of it? No? They don't?

Don't just take it like this. Fuck up the people who are the cause of your problem. Do something.

I'm my own problem. Are you recommending me the rope user?

i was also born and raised in a poor family and now i'm studying math & physics. You just have to git gud

Become the new Hitler

>YOU are the jew!
>We are allowed to take money from kids because WE are the chosen people oy vey
>What is that? You've been born into the wrong family and want to earn money like everyone else? Well too bad, we'll take over half of your money because we can!
>What do you mean this is unjustice?? Don't you DARE doing something against this! Just keep giving us half of your wage like the sheep you are.. dumb goyim..

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just live in a hostel or something you wurst-saugenmann

>Just get a better job bro so you can give even more money to us
Wow! Thanks!

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Your check wouldn't get dinged that way IF YOU STOPPED LIVING OFF FUCKING HANDOUTS.

That's the part where you're fucked up. The handouts you not only accepted in the past but *continue to accept* don't count to you.

Stop taking the welfare money, and they'll stop dinging your check. Problem solved.

>We are allowed to take money from kids because WE are the chosen people oy vey
They're not just taking money from you at random, dumbass. You've been taking money from the public your entire life. Whether or not you think that's fair has nothing to do with it. Money was taken from other people and given to your mother specifically so that she could care for and raise you. It would be entirely fair and reasonable to ask that you repay all of that money, but this isn't what's being asked. You're not being asked to repay even a small percentage of it. All that's being asked is that as long as you CHOOSE to remain in a position where you can continue to leech off the money taken from other people, you contribute a portion of it back.

It really says a lot about the youth of today that you're so utterly lacking in any kind of gratitude. You're a selfish little faggot and rather than recognize the fact that your society provided for your care and upbringing by spending huge amounts of money on you throughout your entire life - money that does not magically appear out of thin air but is taken from your fellow citizens. You were not forced to live in real poverty. You didn't starve or go without food or shelter. You've lived a life that would seem incredibly luxurious to a poor person from a non-first world country. And yet you have zero gratitude for this. Your only response now that you're an "adult" is, "Yeah fuck all those people who gave their money to raise me, I don't owe them shit, why don't I get to keep all my money me me me mine mine mine".

This base selfishness and refusal to participate in or contribute to the society around you is incredibly jewish and no amount of stale memes will change this fact. There's nothing more jewish than wishing that your relationship with your society could be one in which you only take and never give.

>Just go and live on the streets if you don't want us to take half your money
>You can always stop recieving welfare so you can become a wagecuck at the age of 18
>Who needs education anyway?
>Just don't go to university and live as a wagecuck forever, it brings us the most money, goy
Fascinating how you keep proving your jewish heritage over and over.

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It's not a decision you fucking retard. The only choice I have there is to give up education so I can wagecuck my entire life. Funny how this is just perfect for jews right? More fucking idiots working for minimal wage, making tons of money for them. Haha what a funny coincidence. Whatever I do, in the end it's the jew that wins. I either keep giving them half of my wage or become a wagecuck. Amazing.

>why can't i just freely take money from the government forever?
>all i want to do is get a paycheck and live on welfare at the same time
>what do you mean, that welfare money is taken from other hardworking citizens?
>lol fuck them, i deserve all my money and all their money too
Just wait until you actually grow up and move out of mommy's house and realize that the government is still going to keep taking a significant portion of your wages via taxes. And guess what, it won't even be spent on anything useful, it will just be used to raise even more spoiled and entitled little faggots like yourself.

keep in mind that germany is one of the states that participates in human trafficking from africa, and funds the "refugees" knowing full well they will get nothing back
they just won't extend the same courtesy to their own citizens

>Yeah sure I've spent the first two decades of my life living for free by leeching off of the taxes of hardworking people
>but that doesn't matter, I DESERVE a free education too
>It's also not fair to expect me to ever get a real job
>the only way you can beat the jew is to live on welfare your entire life
How fucking sad is this? Yeah, you're really teaching those jews a lesson by spending your entire life as a useless drain on society.

>change your address to a friends house who has a job
>stop getting half your pay check raped
>keep living at home

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If your mum wasn't on welfare she'd be taking a whole lot more than 260 shekels out of your paycheck.

Fucked up how they're so explicitly forcing people out of their parents home

Is this some kind of scheme to get migrants etc to scatter?

Hello, Jow Forums. As usual you forgot sources.

Join the army. It will get you out of the house and you won't be dependent on your mother anymore and (I can't confirm this for Germany) your government may provide tax benefits for working for a government agency and not legally living with your mother.
Even if your government is too tight-fisted to do that, the army is still a good way to get into other employment and into a new home when your service ends. I might be being a bit optimistic about the Bundeswehr but it is something you can look into

change your address op. you have a friend? change your address to his house. boom the government no longer thinks you're living with your mother even though you are. we have a lot of people doing that in my country in order to earn more money.

Pic related is living costs in Germany.

You have nothing to complain about with those numbers. Nothing.

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So your problem is that you are hungry ? Is that you dont have a warm house to live in ? You dont have internet or other useless shit ?

Zieh halt aus? xD

>live with my single unemployed mother for the most of my life
>poor as fuck all the time, father doesn't care
>have to pay for pretty much everything myself
>turn 18, have to pay >60% of my earnings to my mother as rent
>finally finish high school and move out at 20
>mother begs me to continue living with her
>fuck that I need to get out of here quick
>been slowly getting richer each month every since I moved out

I've never recieved any financial support from my parents. I had to earn everything myself. I envy the students that recieve money from their parents, yet I would do the same to my child if I could.