All you have to do is settle for a 4/10 girl. Why is this so hard for robots to accept?
All you have to do is settle for a 4/10 girl. Why is this so hard for robots to accept?
I actually find it logical
>All you have to do is settle for a 4/10 girl
Why do you keep doing these slidethreads every single day ? Nobody "settle" on this board because nobody wants you to settle with them.
That creature is actually a 4/10 though
She should just put herself in a dumpster.
>That creature is actually a 4/10 though
muffy? I agree
whys that? Too hot for a robot to admit hes actually attracted to her. No no lets all keep pretending these ugly muppet tier waifus are hot.
thats 1/10 though lmao
I'm fine with 4/10, but where the fuck do I find her as an autist living in some meme country?
4/10s aren't much easier than 6/10s or 7/10s for robots. If you aren't able to get a girl wet with your looks and charisma, you won't get a gf. If you are able to, you can pretty much take your pick because that natural ability will bring with it a shitload of confidence.
I've almost fucked a 4/10 but I didn't go through with it because I realised neither of us would have enjoyed it we were just desperate.
She's fucking disgusting. I'd take OPs girl over that whore any day.
How do we convince Muffy to show us her underwear?
>pic related is a 9/10
Yeah, sure user.....
By first becoming her husband.
muffy is /ourgirl/ for sure
muffy is CUTE and WHOLESOME..
bullshit all the 4/10s at my job all have such huge egos for some reason idk what went wrong
its a meme granadad
Youre lying and you know you are. Keep coping though
One day I will be, and I will come back to inform you all.
>wanting a basic instagram nigress slut
I'll pass.
I want to spit on niggers with Muffy!!
You proved my point shithead. Youre being a contrarian and projecting nonsess simply because shes actually good looking. If she were ugly or basic like your muppet waifus youd assume shed be pure or something.
>posing her ass and tits on Jow Forums
>not a slut
You fucking retard, if she didn't post pictures of herself in her underwear and in slutty clothes I could maybe believe she was pure, doesn't matter what she looks like, she's posting pictures of herself in underwear (or essentially underwear) online, she's a slut. It doesn't help that she spammed threads about herself, and when she does complain about threads being about her, she just starts to answer questions in the same thread.
this, user
glad someone is actually seeing through the stupid delusions
maybe theres more to it than just this judgement but that really does sum up a lot
Anyone that is a 5 is acceptable. Even a 4. Getting a 7 is like getting a 10.
I want to 69 with Muffy!
You should have made love to her. Stop trying to just fuck.
>ywn rape and impregnate her
I didnt say she wasnt, but her slut ness doesnt detract from her looks.
Again you moron, her slutness has no impact on her looks. Lets establish that she is in fact beautiful, than we can move onto the topic of whether shes a slut or not.
Also muffy is spamming pics of her self for attention the only difference is shes ugly and doesnt have a good body so she covers it. Wow such difference.
Muffy is like an 8/10 while Brooke is a 6/10 in terms of faces so you're wrong
>defending that slut
>while claiming Muffy is the one spamming
Nice try
>doesnt have a good body so she covers it
what the fuck are you talking about?
>muffy spamming
what the fuck are you talking about?
muffy is sticc and qt instead of some slim-thicc verge of chubby type
Im actually not defending her at all, start thinking logically not emotionally you autistic child
>Muffy is like an 8/10 while Brooke is a 6/10 in terms of faces so you're wrong
>what the fuck are you talking about?
she looks like a little boy
How anyone can find Brookes face attractive is beyond saving.
>shes skinny and frail instead of some gross big tits big ass wide hips roastie so she looks like a little boy
ok user ok
ok user
>man eyebrows
>nigger lips
>tiny eyes
>shit skin
God she is so hot.
seconding the nigger lips thing
this is literally the exact type of girl a nigger would like
and thats disgusting
imagine how horrible her children will be
ew ew ew ew
Her face always looks like it's being squeezed together, it's disgusting
what exactly dont you like? The thic brows? Thic lips? Green eyes?
big tits?
you guys are insane
She is, these losers here are pretending.
>finding this la creatura attractive
I want 13 year old summerfags to get off my board
They are just mad she is leagues above them.
She have an Instagram or just lots of discord pics?
ok yes youre right brooke has a small chest but that isn't responding to my other points.. i think brooke would look a lot better if she didnt have a nigger body type and was maybe i dont know ACTUALLY WHITE LIKE MUFFY
I heard this girl is an incel
someday they'll all fuck off and itll just be muffyposters and kellyposters..
hopefully someday soon
obviously bullshit
> You guys are insane
> literally gives no refutation to what they said
> she is, these losers here are pretending
The fuck do you find attractive about brooke
>I want 13 year old summerfags to get off my board
ya i agree, liking that little boy you keep posting is summer for sure.
just pics from what i know
>nigger body type
you mean a womans body and not a little boys?
>obviously bullshit
see again youre assuming and projecting things because shes actually hot and not ugly like that little boy
At least Muffy understands she's voluntarily celibate and doesn't spew bullshit for attention
Pure incel girl looking for love
Race-mixing alt-girl slut looking for huge cocks to stretch her body
>The fuck do you find attractive about brooke
what i wrote you shit head, the full lips, thic brows, colored eyes, shes tall which i like, nice hips.
Avery is an underageb& female that orbits e-whores, just filter her.
muffys body is GRACEFUL and CUTE! Not like a little boy! She is JUST GRACEFUL! AND PRETTY..
seeis that true? lol youre a fucking loser
i guess these discussions are stupid and pointless because everybody has different taste and in the end we are not going to change eachothers personal taste on e-girls
Brooke you aren't fooling anyone fuck off
Nope. Muffy is actually a lesbian who particularly favors white women only.
>Race-mixing alt-girl slut looking for huge cocks to stretch her body
many such cases
You do not date a girl that isn't at least a 5/10 (in your eyes). It's just better for everyone that way.
And these anons believe muffy is different cause she says she is! Yet they doubt Brooke when she says she is a femcel incel just looking for a nice boy to call her own.
>settle for 4/10
I would but I am only a 5/10 at best :/ and these girls just want chad
More Brooke please?
Muffy is a nazi, alongside half the other Jow Forums waifus
100% correct. They take muffys word cause shes ugly and doubt brooke cause shes hot.
>stupid grimace to mimic an actual jawline
>canthal tilt of a loser
Checks out.
Muffy is built for interracial anal breeding.
Or you know, take muffys word because she's volcel and doubt that brooke is incel, I would believe her if she had said she was volcel, but women can't be incel
I want to fuck Muffy hard while Brooke watches and masturbates in the corner.
Muffy never claimed to be an incel because she isn't retarded like Brooke.
this.. completely different thing..
Are you Black? Muffy only sleeps with black guys
>Muffy is a nazi
This is nothing but a good thing.
see conflicting reports
Muffy is a proud natsoc and she won't put up with this degeneracy..
No user, you read that wrong, that isn't conflicting reread it
Thank you user. A lot of people have been lying and saying that I am chad but that cant be further from the truth. Im an autistic khhv 23 year old NEET and neither of the girls in this thread would date me.
It is really ironic that muffy and brooke claim to not want a dudebro Chad but then why havent they gotten a humble incel BF yet?
muffy doesn't have one because she doesn't want a relationship yet
brooke doesn't have one because she just wants attention
because muffy just doesnt want a relationship!
brooke, however.. really makes you think doesn't it?
>muffy doesn't have one because she doesn't want a relationship yet
Because she prefers to have casual sex with black guys instead
Muffy is a nazi and wants to secure a future for the white race. Pic related, from her tumblr.
you tell 'em, user! muffy, /ourgirl/, is a fan of fellow whites only
>brooke doesn't have one because she just wants attention
prove it
Girls like that are the biggest sluts for black men of all
She has a discord server of hundreds of people dedicated to orbiting her
What is there to prove? She posted tons of threads complaining about being """incel""" and complains about threads being made about her but then is one of the most active posters in those threads. She acts like she doesn't have orbiters and nobody likes her, that is clearly not the case, look at all the whiteknights for her in this thread, look at any brooke thread, there's tons of people saying stuff like "she's so beautiful" and ahit like that. She complains about nobody talking to her but then says that if you don't voice call her she won't talk to you. I bet that the only reason she uses r9k is because she saw how people like Ciara had orbiters and decided she could also gain from it
Just accept that she doesn't want your disgusting shitskin cock and move along, Tyrone.
>She complains about nobody talking to her but then says that if you don't voice call her she won't talk to
What the fuck, glad I never tried to talk to that roastie.
>settle for a 4/10
I'd be happy if a 4/10 even wanted to be near me.
shithead all these garbage waifus have that
>look at all the whiteknights for her in this thread, look at any brooke thread, there's tons of people saying stuff like "she's so beautiful" and ahit like that
shithead the same exact thing could be said about muffy.
Give me suggestions for my gf meme, Muffyfrens
The funniest thing is that if you ever even managed to get a relationship going with a woman like pic related you'd be back on here within a month screeching about wanting to kill yourself because she's livestreaming being spitroasted by chad and tyrone.
You're a fucking mess. Sort yourself out.
When I say pic related I mean the pictures of the slag you are using in all your posts.
literally none of this si true. Im not ugly or autistic i only lurk here cause i pissed in bottles when i was younger.
Try checking her curious cat and adding things from that or references from that onto it!
I'm a 3/10, I can't settle for anything.
It doesn't matter if you are attractive or not. An insta-slag is always going to be promiscuous and will cheat on you. Thats why I don't get beta-orbiters like yourself worshipping them.
Original Kekaroonie
Find a 0 to 3 out of 10 woman. Sorted.