Hello anons its time for your yearly robot test if you score 82+ get the FUCK out

Hello anons its time for your yearly robot test if you score 82+ get the FUCK out

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Other urls found in this thread:


every time someone posts this user, but anyway
23 physical, 3 mental, 10 social, 2 accomplishment, 4 bonus. - 42

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Physical 13
Mental 7
Social 5.5
Accomplishment 12.5
Bonus 9
Total 47 - Robot
Nothing surprising here

80, glad I get to stay. Still have crippling depression.

55, I was actually expecting more points to get me the fuck out of here.

134.... seems like just yesterday I was just 80. It gets better guys.

There's no end in sight

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Will always score in the 70's. I don't bother anyone but I don't have any friends either. Even that cybog staring at the rope hits home.

Cyborg is life on nightmare mode. I'm too normal for the robots and too weird for the normalfags. At least wizards are usually too autistic to care about being freaks.

i scored a 36. no surprise there

Proud 58 reporting here


See ya later faggotrons

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26, and I'm only 20. I guess it's 10 more years until I become a wizard.

failed normie cyborg reporting in
physical - 14
mental - 20
social - 9
accomplishment - 11
bonus - 14
68 total

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tfw don't belong anywhere.

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Wow, I'm actually in the Robot category
I think college helps you get points in the social area

I scored 43 but I am detached from the real including any real desires in life and 100% going to be a wizard in 5 years.

How is "don't smoke weed" a plus? Most normalshits I know do loads of drugs, you're more likely to not do drugs if you're weird.

fair enough. not sure what the fetish question means though. how does having a fetish (like gore) make you more of a normalfag?

It means normalfag fetish, hence why it says feet, DP, BDSM etc. Gore wouldn't count since its a weird fetish.

tfw barely a robot

i assume it meant habitually everyday smoking

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>posting the outdated 4.0 version
out normalfag

Yeah but id say not smoking weed is more of a robot trait than smoking it. same with other drugs.

desu id be inclined to agree, you have to socialise to get weed

The pity fuck pushed me over the edge. Guess I don't belong anymore

You were a failed normalfag in the first place. All that changed is that you got a girlfriend.
Never should have come here

Attached: NEVER SHOULD HAVE COME HERE.png (508x806, 680K)

15 physical
9 mental
20 social
15 accomplishment
7 bonus

66 total.

basically a normie, though i don't feel like one.

35, don't know if this is good or bad, probably bad but hey at least no one can see my failure since I don't go outside

If u count online gf = 65
Without online gf= 57
I linger between robot and cyborg

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>23 male
>still live with parents driving a piece of shit car working at dead end job
>hundreds of dollars in debt
>manipulated by girl at work
>normalfag with score of 102
oh fuck off, someone slit my wrists already

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I score 8 every tme. The highest I've ever scored was 9. The 9 was the first time I took it. I'm a schizophrenic youtu.be/Dx_fKPBPYUI

>106 points
please i dont want to leave

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Physical - 19
Mental - 17
Social - 29
Accomplishment - 13
Bonus - 9
Total - 87

Guess it's time to leave.

>Physical 11
>Mental 12
>Social 10
>Accomplishments: 8
>Bonus: 7
48 not bad, I thought I was going to get cyborg but I am a confirmed robot

What is the silk road

Original let me post

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you must leave, your kind don't belong here.

uhh i dont belong on this board

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here's mine, pls don't bully

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Physical: 11
Mental: 12
Social: 24
Accomplishment: 22
Bonus: 8
77 Cyborg, I was in the low 30s before my parents kicked me out and forced me to get a job though.

142, help me anons.
Orig org ori


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fuck outta here, normalfag


be nice to the cyborgs friend, they truly have nowhere to go

Being a woman should at least be +100 points

a solid 69, boys. yee hoo!

please god help me. i just want to get off this ride

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>not doing drugs makes you a normie
but i get bullied for not being a pothead


They should add a part that asks about things like will to live

Wizards should automatically get 30 points deducted.

>mfw one point off from being a robot

So I was meant to be the voice of the betas to the normies. To lead my men left behind to a world where they are respect and not pitied. A world where normies see that they have uses and can be useful to society

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If you're interested, all of my points are from physical. If I start working out again, I will no longer be a Grand Wizard. I have seen one person score less than me before. That person scored a '7'.

>you were never a true robot
>you were never a true christian
>you were never a true member of the Communist Party

Because I don't do drugs of any sort. I don't even drink soda. I drink water. That's it. Every few months I'll drink something else for one reason or another. Also, I don't count cereal milk. Wasting cereal milk is for degenerates or nonwhites.

why am i even still here

Physical 24
Mental 24
Social 26
Accomplishment 18
Bonus 18
Total 101 - Normalfag
I'll let myself out :(

Physical 24
Mental 15
Social 10
Accomplishment 10
Bonus 9
Total 68- Cyborg

25, what the fuck are you normies doing here? Get the fuck out or I'll rape you

118 here
Feels good being /brad/ while you incels suffer

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actually 135, must have miscounted before

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One of the criteria I never understood was "have material items to be proud of". What does this mean? I have objects that have sentimental value to me, or are rare in the context of specific interests, but I don't really understand this one. Please explain.

Depending on answers I get between 71-80, which seems rather high given that I'm in my late 20s, living with my parents with no job, and am still a virgin. Being in school, especially undergrad, should probably stop giving you points after a certain age if you're not employed, if we're judging by social standards.

I disdain your presence amongst us.

i come here to cheer up my life desu, i just take a look at here and seeing that other people have it worse sort of helps me. for example that cp person that got caught thread yesterday
some of the stuff is just sad though
>just a normal fag but if i had a gf and more text messaging i would be a chad based on this chart

i assume its some sort of item that has real world value that you like
for example maybe an exotic car or something


Originally a original post

i got 38 , had no idea things were this bad

>fuggin 24
Help me dudes


bye losers

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140. About to be 24, only one romantic partner, still living at home but in college

One of the things I always do to check the validity of these tests is to always look at the extremes. For example, in this hypothetical situation, I envisioned someone who is a manlet, has an ugly face, is a virgin, is slightly to moderately mentally unstable, and more anxious and unhappy than the typical normie.

However, if they took good care of their body, were responsible, and had a decent job, they still scored enough points to be a normie. There is still some wiggle room here as well to add even more points without drastically changing much. This seems mildly ridiculous to me considering everything else going against them.

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26 or 23 if you don't count dropping out of sixth form after a year of a 2/3 year course attending higher education

How come you guys never post V4.2?

>physical 25
>mental 26
>social 29
>accomplishment 25
>bonus 14
>119 total
That scale doesn't seem accurate. There's no way I'm a borderline chad.

Cyborgs are honorary robots user. 82+ Failed normalfags need to be purged tho

Forty eight, mediocrity is chasing me baka.

>all the people above 80 laughing at robots

why are you on this board you filthy scum? gtfo you fucking normie trash

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you must go norman

Physical: 14
Mental: 13
Social: 16
Accomplishment: 19
Bonus: 7

Total: The Sex Number

I don't even care if it's a little high. I got the best score.

hahaha LOSERS this is normie bored now


I've gotten worse since I last took this lmao.

five years ago I was an agoraphobic NEET and couldn't leave the house

it gets better

But I'm still a virgin. Not a kissless tho but a virgin.

what do i do lods do i leave or do i stay?


This has 100 percent content now

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102 here we gotta leave user

73. So a cyborg. Yeah that fits me pretty well I'd say. Not a normie, but not a complete robot either. Just miserably in the middle.

should I just end it all? Not even successful...

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38pts last time I did the test (month ago). Nothing changed at all.

Cyborg here (60). Thanks for accepting us.
Being ostracized by both robots and normalfags does bad things to my mind.

>female is only +6
Should be +58

also I got 39 which is a huge improvement from the last time I done this meme test

63 all because a few years ago I had a gf

I think thats accurate.
Also I hate myself for not fitting in but sometimes i enjoy it

52. feels good, guess it went up from last time

Not smoking weed should be a -10. Stoners literally can't be robots, ALL (literally EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.) of then are turbonormies.

We need a Cyborg Society

Phew, I thought I would be a cyborg. At least I fit into a group...

Make me faggot
Oh that's right you can't
Get use to that powerless feeling

>i just take a look at here and seeing that other people have it worse sort of helps me. for example that cp person that got caught thread yesterday

Call me Princess Zelda, cuz I need that Link. Could use a good laugh.

Really, though, we're the same. Score 73 Cyborg, here. I long ago realized that I could become a normie, maybe even a Chad if I really wanted, I am just not driven enough to prove how much of a party bro I am, nor do I chase women (bisexual, hetero dating sounds horrible and the only gays I can attract are fat middle aged guys, and not the sexy kind).

I browse /tv/ and Jow Forums for the same reason. Hell, months ago, I made a great thread on /b/ calling Alt Right faggots out by asking how they are against mass immigration when America was founded on the invasion and genocide of NA's. Got over 300 replies.

Physical - 22
Mental - 23
Social - 4
Accomplishments - 6
Bonus Round - 11
Total: 66
Every time I take the test it seems to get worse.

47, finally I have become a true Robert