imagine being convinced to take titty skittles for the attention of a human man so that you feel gratification for the first time in your life but he's actually a cis straight man child. :^)
Imagine being convinced to take titty skittles for the attention of a human man so that you feel gratification for the...
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please STOP trying to make this LITERAL WHO relevant again, the CRAZE HAS PASSED, ITS OVER, NO MORE
i thought it was "aero" this time
my request: name the next one spurdo
i want to hear about spurdo's trap harem
Fuck off reiko
Imagine not being able to pick up on a joke
I dont like you avery, but yeah, this.
>Tripfags talking about relevancy on an anonymous Taiwanese basket weaving forum
worst trap ever desu
i am willing to fight you to the death to defend the honor of this cute girl(male) i just saw four minutes ago
There will be leaks. I know a guy that knows a guy. Him and his friends not done hurting people, they're far from it.
Expect some news soon
user, I...
I guess incels really are terrible people
about reiko or kelly?
I'm thinking of contacting Reiko and seeing if anything needs done. I don't care about him per se, but if I have to fight a proxy war to keep the niggers from eating my board, I will. I've got ten years of incel rage in me and no internet footprint. They'll learn pretty quick that they fucked with the wrong people.
None. Seen some of the newer, arguably even more disgusting shit him and so fellow psychopaths has done however
*some fellow psychopaths
Why I always forget to check before posting amazes me desu
>disjointed sentence structure
>replying to the post but the reply makes no sense in context
the anti-trap fags are using bots
leaks/news about who then? im confused
>who then, probably
you're talking to some skiddie shitter's shitposting tool
ill just leave this here :3
I'm not a bot, I'm just saying that you guys should be ready for some sick news soon. I don't know how you would come to that conclusion, do actually you think that bots spellcheck themselves?
You can't even figure out who the fuck you're trying to go after. Screw your gay ominous bullshit. Whatever you do to my board, I will do to you.
>ywn have a pissed-off NEET fly a Long EZ into your fucking house because you cut off the gayboi porn
see you on the news fampai
An RV-4 would have better penetration characteristics.
*I meant to say that I am not sure. The news will be around a certain Discord server and some of it's members, Reiko being one of them. I honestly don't know much more though desu
you don't know much more because there isn't anything more
stop with the FUD, retard
There's a lot more to Jow Forumsfags trying to kill people, and no one's done anything about that.
You think there's nothing more because you haven't seen it.
I personally don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes, but I know that there are some things that have been done by him and his friends that most currently are unaware about.
if you did you would've done a gay callout post by now
you don't have shit
I have my reasons to why I shouldn't post it now
your ass you do
this is more gay FUD where at the end of it it turns out an internet sissydom was having other sissies wear collars and eat crushed midol or some other non-event bullshit
meanwhile there's actual dogfucking threads up, threads about marrying lolis
gb2/tumblr/ with this crap
Laughing at you all RN btw
Especially at >W-We're gonna get him this time!
I have a friend that uses that image as their profile picture, and I always get confused when I see it in a thread or a hate Reiko post.
love to be lectured on Internet Psychopathy by the kind of faggot who's the reason Chris-Chan's a tranny now
love to be condescended to by a white chick who takes the knot like an able seaman
Okay, you keep telling yourself that.
I'll give you a hint though:
It's way more serious than some sissies sending cute little messages to each other.
Speak english please
Nice larp, how old are you exactly? 15?
sam hyde fucked the shit out of teenage camwhores irl
Jow Forumsfags literally murdered a jewish kid
is it more serious than that
no, because it's fucking nothing
oh, also, is it more serious than moralfags bullying shuaiby to suicide for being a lolicon?
get the fuck out of here
stop spreading stupid rumours nobody bullied shuaiby to suicide for being a lolicon that is dumb
he wasn't like, a legit lolicon
if he'd been less of an autist he would've said "shortstacks"
but, yeah, they got on him pretty hard for being subscribed to loli channels
of course, no one's going to do anything about that because he's not enough of a victim that way
I'd say it's on the same level.
Also, I haven't heard about the Jow Forums killing a jewish kid thing, I'd be interested to hear about it though
I can understand why you would think that, but there really is no other way to tell you people about this without sounding like an edgy teenager.
I'd respect your intelligence a lot more if you stuck to the old line about how it's wrong to be a tranny rather than trying to invent shit and go after e-celebs. You can't kill memes by going after posters. Don't you realize that?
says increasingly nervous incel for the 7th time this year
What makes you think I posted about Reiko before?
Do you think I'm some guy that's just trying to exclusively go after Reiko because of butthurt? I don't make up any rumors, I just have my reasons to keep these things secret for now.
If I drop my discord here would you be willing to discuss this more? Genuinely curious what you have.
It's not really about "finishing" Reiko. It's more about letting people know what some people have done.
The Reiko thing was dumb.
>super elite squad of trap shitposters with airtight opsec, no leaks
>funded by bitcoin millionaire over the course of one to two years
>with the nefarious goal of posting the same shit that's been posted since 2014
I could shit a better narrative. Especially since they tried forcing that stupid fake convo a few years back
And of course, it fell apart and now they're going after "aero", like we haven't seen them just do this shit.
I'd love to, but I can't. You'll have to be patient though, I believe that this stuff will be all over Jow Forums soon.
Besides, I'm not the guy with the most information
what fake convo
This one.
Look at this shit. TWO YEARS of this shit. It's the same guy, too. He writes like himself.
>that last one
>>I have been talking to this girl who is a mod of a very hush hush sub reddit. I had to pretend to be a girl from tumblr who hates Jow Forums. Should I warn /pol?
>you will never return to the time when Jow Forums cared about tumblr
it hurts
NOT redeeming at all holy flip that was bad
are you talking about the post where I made fun of the shutupbro
also your dudes are the ones who post the loli wife shit and if you were any bigger you'd all simultaneously get sick of each other and tear yourselves apart, I saw it happen when the board came back
always made it a point to NOT ogle girls because i didnt want them seeing and increasing their ego
need to obsess over a craft like jiro no time for anything else even joing fifty years from now they will make a documentary about me
chill out schizbro
stop watching thinking and posting about e3 its all modern trash that you are NOT gonno play anyways
drink some water friend
You gotta admit his profile picture is perfect for his shitty persona
what persona
>dude i wanna get laid lol
>dude i like shitposting lmao
these faggots have been going after him for months and that's all they have
>Being this asspained
Still not doxxed, swatted, or harmed in any way from this btw
The paychopath who blackmails hrt faggots ?
the shit that never happened and is totally unbelievable to anyone with even a cursory understanding of how the internet works ??? ? ? ?
that bullshit they tried to feed me about him is so improbable that if anyone DOES come up with anything I'll assume it's a psyop
Why is this thread on Jow Forums and not a conversation in whichever irrelevant discord server you came from
because Jow Forums is their personal army
personally I'm pretty sick of not being paid
Is this the Reiko Defence Force ?