Im a hispanic trap & I was looking for a spic bf but they are all dumb & ignorant...I guess ill get a white bf now

Im a hispanic trap & I was looking for a spic bf but they are all dumb & ignorant...I guess ill get a white bf now

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>tfw white trap and only want a hispanic bf

Nice I'm happy for you. Honestly

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not op but i'm a cute hispanic boy

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I fuckin' doubt it. I'm calling both of you liars.

Id still date a spic as long as you arent a dumb paisa or some chicano cholo
No estoy mintiendo

I want to deport you uwu

Okay, you get a pass now, only for that gibberish speak. But I have my eye on you!

No please senor dont deport me
Gracias senor

I am a white guy with a cis hispanic gf, but secretly wish for a trap

I wish I was courting a non-white trap to be desu.

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Where are you guys from? Oregano

>Tfw my country raping lots of brown jungle people led to this

guess i fit the bill but how are you yourself not dumb and ignorant?

Hola senor conquistador
Even though my IQ isnt that high (I got 120 in an online IQ test but im guessing my real IQ is lower) I dont behave like a typical hispanic, for example I dont listen to annoying mexican or nigger music , I dont think most white americans are racist nor do I hate trump.

What about half of both?
Best/worst of both worlds

Do you behave like the average chicano or paisa spic or are you white acting?

I'd date you OP but you probably wouldn't like me because I don't have a dick

White acting mostly

>Tfw a trap gets more attention from girls than you



Why do you say mostly, do you like some things about spic/nigger culture?
Im mostly attracted to guys but I would date a girl as long as she doesnt have a hyperfeminine personality.
My favorite type of girls are feminine lokking girls with tomboy personalities

Be my hispanic bf I'm in texas so I'm used to hispanics

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Got my fathers rage issues and "misogynistic" views apparently

England. I say wish because I'm too much of a coward to not be seen as 100% heterosexual.

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Im not in texas rn but I plan to move to texas next year.
How old are you?

>How old are you?
23 but I'm too ugly to get a trap bf

Im 20 and I dont care if you are ugly as long as you are taller and weigh more than me.

being a tall blonde with a big dick does make you desirable, however being an autistic sperg nullifies those good traits

you do seem kinda slutty, which is typical for spic chicks
well, what sort of music do you enjoy? give me some links.

>and weigh more than me
Unfortunately I definitely do

oh you are not that ugly bae

I listen to electronic music, like dnb, eurobeat, j core & techno
How much do you weigh & how tall are you?

>How much do you weigh
Like 220ish probably I've gained like 5 pant sizes in the last year I was on some medication that really fucked my appetite and stomach in general and now I'm like slowly as fuck getting back to normal
>how tall are you
around 5'9"

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I plan to move to the southwest next year, guys from that area please share your discord

be my gf i'm half white

Whats are you mixed with? Age, height & weight? what state are you from?

I hope your health gets better, I wouldnt be your bf if you are that overweight..sorry

Non white traps are ridiculously hard to find despite being my absolute favorite
I demand to see your qt brown trap butt this instant

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I thought that was one of the pics I posted before lol.

Id take a pic to post rn but I cant since im not in my house rn

Ok heres a pic, I just took

Attached: 20180621_133534.jpg (1010x930, 521K)

Post more immediately, there's so many things I want to do to that sexy butt

>le qt trap posters are disgusting overweight fucks

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ah alright so rather shallow things
not interested

fags need a gas chamber

5 likes 8 rts
a rousing success

big-ass talk from the milfposter

Later when I get home

I'm Hispanic yet fit the requirements you're looking for.

Good. With a body like that, I'll 100% be your tall white bf

Id consider being your gf(male) then.
Height weight age & location?

Let see some pics of this spic. Spic here family been here since the 1800s raised whiter than whitebread. You have to go back.

Nigga is that an in n out. Are you a call trap and are you passable spic here looking for a good trap to fuck.

Heres my discord
Guys taller than me only (im 5'4" )
I dont want to waste my time with someone too far away from so be from the southwest area

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Thats a 5 guys and I am in cali but moving to the southwest

But why do you talk like a nigger?

Texas, 5'8 170 pounds
Still working out to lose it or build muscle from the fat at least.

Okay send me a request on discord, Ill accept it once I get home

how the fuck is that a trap? it's just a normal man, you guys are fucking gay

Sent it.
This is oginalri DMCV when

geesh man how desperate are you

Show your hole OP.

Trap=/= tranny oregano

you know whats gonna happen pretty soon, right? they are gonna be synonyms

ha ha ha ha

You do not belong here

please leave, it's just embarrassing

You're going to look like shit in 5 years time

What do you originally mean?
Tranny= believes is a girl, takes hormones & sometimes gets srs
Trap= guy who doesnt identify as a girl but dresses as a one and sometimes takes hormones

Bridget has never taken hormones

I eat well & take care of my health so no

you think people give a fuck? you will see this mingle of words again and again til no one will care.

Bridget is a gear, which is sort of like that

careful with those fries, mang
:) just look at your old folks to see where it will end

He's not a gear, thanks for showing your stupidity.

My mom is 40 and shes still skinny.

hows her wrinkles
also who would lie on the internet?

my personal theory is that exposure to gear cells in e.g. combat situations has effects on the human body
obviously, I can't prove this

Aka you're a fucking retard, we know that already.

Okay dont believe me

no, exposure to gear cells, as in fighting gears, eventually turns you into one, or something like one
that would be what happened to him (in my opinion)

i'm half mexican half generic american white. i'm pretty pale but my dick and nipples are kinda dark, wanna date me?

>be hispanic
>light skinned af
>no accent
>can't speak spanish all that well
>know next to nothing of my culture
Am I basically white or do I still get a latino label? Both my parents are hispanic if that counts for anything.

Yes you are white

If you pass as white, you're white.
>sister looks like your typical white brunette girl
>complains about discrimination
Bitch, look in the mirror it's not about background it's about looks.

Cool, works for me. Thanks.

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>friendly reminder that you don't get to decide if you pass as a trap i.e. fool people into thinking you're an actual girl
If you want us to even remotely care post pics phag

I've been told by some I look white, others haven't been able to figure out exactly where I'm from, some thought I was some european. My last name does give away being hispanic though.

Bruh I look more girly than you and I'm not even a gay. Try harder nigger

Guess where hispanic last names originate from?

Te vamos a violar cabron.

Jesus, lose some weight you gross manlet.

I wish they'd colonize them again, even if I am one I hate hispanic people. By far the lowest iq set of people I've interacted with.

If you look white you are basically just a spaniard

No, you're not white. Just because you have white skin doesn't mean that you're not Latino/Hispanic.

Hispanic/Latino is an ethnicity not a race.
He is white.

The only reason people think of non whites when they hear hispanic is because spaniards conquered amerindians and produced lots of spanish speaking mestizos.
If hes white skinned it means hes a descendant of the spaniards who didnt mix with amerindians

Hey op can I be ur bf thanks

No, he's just a mestizo with light skin.

Im a mestizo hes probably an harnizo or castizo


Oh nevermind not from southwest, good luck.

Big conquistador cock :)
Tfw I should have been born 500 years ago
I would be pretty hung for a mass rapist