>every incel is a mentalcel
Every incel is a mentalcel
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Majority of people who use the term incels are from reddit and you should always sage their threads
Nope you're wrong and incorrect
proof in a original manner?
Proof is reality
reality is you have body dysmorphia which is a mental issue
Body Dysmorphia would imply that there isn't anything actually wrong with my body which there is
Reality is subjective. Try harder
There is objective reality. And objective reality sides with the incels.
Well all incels are brainlets.
My bone structure is proof
i..i don't know.
>muh BDD
Not a real disorder
Every incel is a spoiled child who hasn't experienced any difficulty in life, and now that they have difficulty in getting women, they get mad and start a movement.
>anime faggot
disregarded, you're going to die before 30 :)
I just want a gf to cuddle with and love but I'm afraid to talk to women. I dunno why it has to be so complicated with movements and bullshit assumptions about how shallow I am and how unjust want a fucktoy etc.
Guess my problem is that im too poor for therapy.
I see, and you were just never a mentalcel? what happened to me?
>incel is a r*ddit term
you're a moron if you really believe that
BDD is one of the more physically apparent mental disorders (anorexia)
Who cares? Fuck this terminology war. Virgins are virgins
You realise most of the people who were on that subreddit came from here don't you?
regardless any true robot wouldn't argue that they're not incel
Actually it's from Sluthate and puahate, which had more of a misc or Jow Forums vibe to it. r/incels was just a reddit alternative to r/foreveralone
Incels are virgins because of how they look and not exactly on their personality. You can ask any woman to describe the man she wants and most of the traits will be physical. I challenge any normie to prove me wrong.
incel = involuntarily celibate.
It doesn't mean it's IMPOSSIBLE to get laid, but that we've tried everything we can think of and failed, and certainly aren't monks taking some vow of voluntary celibacy. Some incels have hope, some don't.
Involuntary =/= inescapable, just like getting put into an institution involuntary. Work can still be done to statusmax or looksmax. You'll find incels have a lot more in common than you currently believe.
Every anime poster is an emotionally arrested retarded autist
Saying incels have it is silly still
I like how you guys don't have anything else to say but insults.
Classic incel tactic.
actually I posted the two posts linked below and just thought I'd use the same sweeping generalization tactic against you
some incels for sure, you ever been on their forums? they talk about the very specific facial parts that they lack. thats bdd in a nutshell.
Except that the lacking facial parts are the real reason they're ugly and thus undesirable. It's like saying a fat person that's sad that they're fat has bdd
"nice guys" are definitely all brainlets
not so sure about incels as a whole, though
correct, but it's a chicken and egg thing
it's very hard not to end up a mentalcel when you grow up awkward and shy and ugly, you will miss out on so many experiences and your brain will get all kinds of fucked up
You telling me this guy could get girls? No way.
Just cause he had BDD dude
Incel is a guy who can't get laid. 95% of r9k.
It really isn't probably got popular on misc or the counter-pua community.
He has unattractive facial features, not whatever the fuck BDD is.
Nah dude it's all Body dysmorphia disorder
80% of robots are volcels, unsurprisingly.
You're implying your mental state has anything to do with wether females find you attractive. It doesn't. Women only care about face and height.
People saying no are lying. Half of them wouldn't turn her down if she wanted to fuck.
Robots hold very high standards so I doubt that.
Incel predates r/incels by 20 years. The first incel site came out in 1993
>/threading your own post
>using the term incel instead of robot
>calling incels a fucking movement
The signs are all there.
Yeah man it's all in your mentalcel head
> you are ugly and aware of it
> fuck you for not being chad - here is another disorder tacked on your plate you delusional fuckwit
As if the disorder of being hideously deformed wasn't enough. Psych really needs to die. It's not helping humanity progress in any way
>This meme again
Many robots admit that they'd date absolutely anyone biologically female. You just ignore them in order to easily dismiss their problems as them being too picky when it's really the women who's waiting for their dream chad to sweep them off their feet.
>>Using the term incel instead of robot.
These are NOT, let me repeat, NOT synonymous.
You can tell yourself otherwise as much as you want, but the fact of that matter is that they're not even slightly the same.
Never been to Reddit btw, it's almost like you assumed that anyone with a different viewpoint than you has to be from a site you hate, almost.
whats the difference normie? robots are qt virgin bois you actually like? you know robots are higher on the mass shooter scoreboard than incels?
I have standards. If women can be picky, so can I. No beluga whales for one. If I can't get hard during sex, then why bother?
Robots are virgins, incels are virgins. Robots are basically mentally fucked up, while some incels have friends and jobs but are just not attractive. Robots fall more in line with mentalcels.
Spoiled brats who can't get laid so they blame everyone else.
People with actual mental problems.
>They're both virgins.
So..? That doesn't make them the same.
Incels are rarely mentally ill and just have meme depression from not getting gf, mainly cause they're not trying.
>he thinks robots are actually mentally ill
This is a pot and kettle situation
Can confirm, I'm probably alone because I hate myself. I dont want to ruin someone elses life by being in it.
honestly, ugly chicks have the most to lose from all the roleplaying faggots playing dress up these days, how can you even trust anyone anymore?
Its definitely a she. Veronika is a goddess desu.
Too bad she has a bf. She's a normalfag with a Facebook/vk too. Not surprised.
all women are, there is no such fucking thing as a lonely female
Women can be picky. You can't as evidenced by the fact no woman finds you attractive.
All robots desire gfs but cant get one. Literally robots and incels are identical
This. The boyfriend ia probably deceny looking too. Far above her level.
>muh robot superiority
surest sign of a normie
>>>>>All robots desire gfs
These are the people you share board with. This place is as good as dead
oh no all of a sudden its full of virginal guys with social issues.
They do. "Tfw no gf" is and always was r9k in a nutshell. Don't deny it because that's cope.