It'll be dark soon enough edition
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yeah still quite a few hours to go lod
second for if you post in this thread nice things will happen to you.. xoxo
>you ever met an actual schizophrenic lad?
reminder that if it's dark before the post count hits 500, it's the correct OP image.
Thanks for backing me up DC
cant believe im wearing cute knickers right now baka
im such a pervert...
The ones I've met are certainly not the cutesy 'lol what a mental dweeb am I' tier you're describing.
This desu. Fucking exhausting to be around for long periods
yeah but i bet you don't have big boobs
simple logic, lad tbqh.
When are you gonna ask moni out? i heard she is gagging for you
the anti-psychotics i was on gave me gyno desu
Loving Guild Wars 2 desu
>ask a paki man city fan out
would rather fuck a radiator.
hmm not quite the same tbqh
This is NOT me btwlads
Better idea - go fuck yourself
>still playing hard to get
fucking hell lad she has booked the day off work and everything for you. Stop being such a weakling and just go out with her. we all know how you feel
why in the fuck didn't I think of that name holy fug?
Go back to Pakistan, you inbred nonce
I'm more British than you'll ever be
>order 7g of weed
>get 4g
does he expect to maintain a good rating by doing this to people? I am not too bothered as it's pretty good weed but when you order 7g, you should expect 7g. Again not too fussed as it's decent weed but he has no grounds of complaint when he's given 3 stars
alright crumpet
>I'm more British than you'lI ever be
unironically a decent idea
Isn't that what's cotswold used to be called or were they different people
>Isn't that what's cotswold used to be called
yes indeed
How much of Silent Hill 3 does Revelations spoil lads?
dont know m8 just know a bit of crumpet when i see it
Feel like pure shit, just want Cotswold back
So I can call him a nonce
Leave his fluffy little head alone he was the nicest trip we ever had
congratulations on being a terrible person
How long does it take to arrive, could have been damp when weighed it. Also he more or less gave you half what you ordered. The fact the weed is nice would annoy me more
oi old man, look at these
This is like rule 1 in the drug dealers guide to being an absolute cunt desu
They do it because they can get away with it
Not him but this isnt a street dealer with some dumb kid. A dozen other dealers are just a click away
ive just caught a nonce in action in Istanbul spying on the local kiddiewinks
Gordon bennett, lad
What's that in his back pocket?
Man city season tickets??
old school noncing right there
they dont have the welly to hang around schools in this country anymore
I like ones like this you can pretend it's a lass whose sent it to you personally
Took 4 days on first class lad, again lacking on that front. Weed is best B grade I've had so far though, really dry and crispy.
Yeah, he can get away with it and I won't complain but a 3* will slightly taint his name. Not massive but again, an agreement was broken so it's only fair.
underrated post right here lads
Gets mugged
>3 stars
yeah gives it a different feeling, a bit more real I guess.
didn't you ask for a reship or wasn't it escrow? i always message them before leaving negative feedback and usually it's sorted, if it isn't sorted then 0 stars
how bad is fat in foods if you're trying to be Jow Forums?
Got my Cityzens matchday membership earlier today
How is this not a bargain for 35 quid?
>Exclusive match ticket priority
>5 quid off all home Premier League matches
>No booking fee whenwhen buying tickets
>Access to the Seasoncard Waiting List
>10% off at the City Store, online or in person
>20% off Stadium and Club tours
>2018/19 Season Pack
What's in your 2018/19 Adult Season Pack you ask?
>2018/19 Matchday card
>Limited edition scarf
>City presentation tin
>Cityzens Year Book
>Card holder
you posted this already and I didnt care then
you nonce, i meant im the one you mistook "her" for
Don't just stand there lad! Go fucking grab him
Had wagamana with the qt Asian girl.
Disappointed and will never visit this chain again.
Are you gonna start supporting man u when you get with death chan?
No point going through the process for 3g of cheapo weed lad. Maybe you would but me? No, it's just noted under his product and may sway a buyer elsewhere who knows.
It was escrow but for the sake of 3g I'll go without the hassle tbqh. I mean the price of the weed is very low as it is so yeah, not ideal but he's got a bad review and I'm not wasting my time with the process.
Just a little experiment
Wanted a feeling how how many people are here all day
Very comfy this
trying to find something to treat myself to in the steam sale
having a browse about for something comfy
fucking christ lads ive just found two more dirty nonces, theyre all at it down there
Stupid place to go for a date TBQH.
waste your time? you got shorted nearly 50% of your weed, and you have him a 3 star review, it takes 30 seconds to message him for a reship
literal cuck
It didn't turn out too bad all things considered lads.
they look about 12 though
partners supporting rival teams is fun
grim tbqh
What is that, lid? Looks a bit like a lasagne to me, could be wrong.
When does it start lad?
I need some ets2 dlc to soothe my truck autism
>cheapo weed
>decent weed
If I ordered a toaster from Argos and only got half a toaster they'd get a lot less than 3 stars mate.
Also I don't get buying it online, it takes no effort to find a dealer in person
loved how she noticed this bit, the ringwraith theme
i thought he did so poorly on the hobbit movies, there's not a single memorable and at the same time likeable song
and the link which i forgot
feeling a bit lonely lads
Duh, a northerner made it.
No idea mate, just stuck loads of shit I had into a pan and cooked it. There's garlic, onion, black pepper, salt, mixed veg, mincemeat and cheese lol.
I don't cook lad, I know it's terrible, I usually just stick to oven food.. Gotta learn to cook somehow.
hi let me hang out with you
You made an effort lad. Better than shovelling in Pot Noodle and Rustlers all day
better than what I could even dream to cook desuwesu, I couldn't make a fucking slice of toast without slicing my hands open, making a mess or causing a fire.
Cheers lad, it isn't even that bad. It's not winning awards like, but it fills a hole towards end of month I guess.
Top kek. Get some stab proof gloves lad and you could be the best chef in town.
Just give them 3 stars lad
That will make them think twice before ripping you off again
So incredibly lonely. This is not funny anymore. I can't handle it.
it's started today
become freinds laddos
The misses is entertaining a new black bull tonight. Hope he likes the meal I've made for him
how you doing mate? orookork
Oh shit so it has lad
I checked steam when i got home at around 5 and nothing had changed
haha whoa check out this guy!
i'm good mate, yourself?
Monster Hunter's a lot of fun, wish it had cosmetic overrides though
I eat about 100-120g of fat a day. You need it for energy and stuff, also fat as in the macronutrient is not what makes you fat
t. /britfit/
good man, not bad just half cut, been drinking all day so feeling rough lol
Fuck off, 48 year oId
unsurprisingly unoriginaI
Not at all. It's all about calories.
it's weed you'd usually pay like 30 for 1/8. I'll let it slip this time.
it's cheap weed yes, but it's actually good cheap weed.
this is slightly different though lad and you know that.
outer r9k is talking about us
what are you drinking? i'm on my second beer
Do the Goyim know that they are Goyim?
>2 large pizzas
>1 wedges
>1 garlic pizza bread
>1 fanta
can't wait boys
god i had such and still have a weird body
just went over a few dvds that i had written in the mid 00s
ffs why cant people just accept that sometimes its nice to talk to people who know what freddos and the clangers are