>boss told me i have to work saturday
Boss told me i have to work saturday
Such is life as a wagecuck.
is your job soul sucking? If not at least you have a fucking job, man. I've been unemployed nearly all year
You don't HAVE to work Saturday, you're just a bitch who says yes to everything
>TFW super jazzed to be getting a job where I only work part of Saturday
yeahhh I'm just gonna need you to go ahead and come in on sunday too mmkay
why don't you tell your boss to work in a saturday instead of you?
believe me, after you've done this, he'll think that you are a very brave person for confronting him in that way and he'll probably promote you.
shoot him in the head with a shotgun
yeaaaaaaa, if you could come in we need to play a little ketchup, that'd be great
if i say no i get fired
i need the money
>tell boss no
>get fired
>at least I'm not a bitch who says yes to everything right haha
t. bosses' bitch
Fuck critics, Office Space was good
Office Space has a 79% on Rotten Tomatoes
t. worthless NEET leech
t. worthless ugly virgin incel who will be a lonely jobless cuck forever
If its overtime / not part of your set hours then you can say no all you want
Stop being so scared of your boss
If you need the money then why the fuck are you complaining anyway?
not how the real world works neet
Oh, but it is, wagie
If you let people walk all over you, they'll do just that
But if you stand up and tell them you're not going to take it, they'll respect you
Just tell your boss you'll be busy. He can't do shit if it's not part of your set hours
Call me names all you want, it doesn't change the fact that you're a wagie.
Mate thats bullshit and you know it, what are your contracted hours? Unless you are zero hours, you can turn it down because you've done your time, if you want the extra money by all means, but its not a forced imposition. If they want to sack you for not going over your assigned hours without agreeing to it, they're in the wrong and have done you a service for showing how scummy your boss is for enforcing this shit on his workers.
Are you sure you know how the real world works?