Tfw no loli gf

>tfw no loli gf

This is all I want in life

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>tfw your sister was a grown man's "gf" at age 13 and posts like this make you shudder

So HoW oLd Is YoUr SiStEr NoW?
i WaNt A lOliPoP

Degenerate pedophiles need to be shot on sight.

Disgusting pedos. Since when did you think even here on Jow Forums anyone would consider you humans?

24, shit was a long time ago but it still fucks with me.

3DPD girls are gross, I have no interest in them

As for being attracted to 2D girls, how could you not? They're tiny and adorable, loyal and pure, they have beautiful bodies and are superior in every way to women.

The normalfag brigade has arrived.

>wants loli gif, here you can learn to cope with your autism.

>they have beautiful bodies
Animated or not, if you are into the body type that makes you a paedophile, is a great help tool to help. I have had a lot of people to come to terms with this disease.

So not being a sick fuck makes me normie now?

the aoc in my state was 12 up until my great grandparents moved in
if you think it's morally wrong, whatever, but don't try and rope psychiatry into it, don't define evil as a disease

>I have had a lot of people to come to terms with this disease.
Appreciation of beauty isn't a disease, you're just so brainwashed by society you can't understand a relationship as complex as one a man has with a loli.

What the fuck? Lavenza is pure and would never have sex with anyone except for me ofcourse because she is my wife

You're free not to like loli's, but crying about other people liking them makes you a normie yes.

>be me
>one year ago
>ask girl out
>she says im nice but she's into older guys
>"oh like 14 or 15?"
>" no like 25"

Keep in mind we were both 12 at the time

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No, it makes us not-freaks. Even in prison, among murderers and other criminals, pedos are considered the worst. Make of it what you will.

I like this bait, but you're still getting banned.

Who the fuck would care in prison if your answer to "what are you in for" is "I looked at naughty cartoons online".

"murderers don't like it" isn't a good condemnation of anything

bait? im being dead serious m8
wish i was baiting

A disease could mean a harmful development. For example: sees the city's crime as a disease. Also, It's not something you can control, your love for a minor is not something you can do anything about, all you can do comes to terms with it. That's where Virped comes in, helps people like myself and others to come term with their "condition" or "disease" or what the fuck you want to call it.

Plenty of people, if they ask you to elaborate, and you answer "naked children".

>make everyone a pedo
>all criminals either leave or kill themselves
gaijin will never figure this out

>Make of that what you will
It's very simple.

Scumbag normies wanting to look down on someone. It doesn't mean a thing except they're all insecure little faggots.

Love of 2D loli's isn't harming anyone. Go through life with your inferiority mashocist fantasy if you want, the rest of us have a spine.

Are you just this dense? Virped was created to help people to come terms with their condition. So people who feel shit for liking minors can accept themselves. It's not out to brainwash you, but instead, it's trying to teach you to take it and do something about it.

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It's not a condition you brainwashed moron, it's a preference. If you feel like shit for liking something you're too easily influenced about what other people think, grow a pair.

Why would you need help for jerking off to fictional characters?

>loli hentai

enjoy ban