How to make YouTube money

Pic related appeals to literal children and makes an upper-middle class living at the absolute minimum. Please r9k, help me identify a niche so I can make shit videos and make college just a bit more afordable.

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Come on hombres I just need some help so college is not so miserable.

If we knew it we be doing it already

Watch these video's and you'll pick up some knowledge on how to do it. The videos are entertaining and the indformation you get are too.
The Trump one is entertaining

Maybe we can speculate though. Fortnite and whatnot are popular right now but you need an eccentric personality that appeals to kids and they are generally watching their favorite youtuber that was well-established already and switched over from CoD. I am thinking of stuff that maybe ironic teens would like and share with their Twitter friends.

Patrician taste, dear friend.

Ironic weeb then

His channel is dying retard
Last year he would het a million views within a day, now he barely breaks 1 million in 1 day unless he does things people are subscribed for.

Thank you for those videos. I will have to look through them and study. Seems as if your first guy already has a decent amount of views and the video has only been up for one day.

It's pretty easily honestly, make clickbait thumbnails and titles for things that appeal to little kids (ex. Fortnite). Also yell and act like you have ADHD every video so it doesn't get boring for kids

He is dying and still makes that much. Imagine how much you can save up and invest from his short run.

They are all the same guy and he makes pretty good video's. If you want to make it big you will have to choose what kind of audience you want. Our pal EmpLemon has created his audience by making YouTube poops for a long time but after that needing to switch content because the genre was dying. Alot of YouTubers need to make that switch and not all of them succeed. JacksFilms was gonna end up in the gutter a few years back but now he is at his peak amd is still growing.

Just play whatever you want, record it, do some WACKY commentary, make a clickbait title and thumbnail, and release videos consistently (3-4 per week)

I'm not saying that him dying changes the ammount of money he makes, what I'm saying is that the type of video's he makes are dying and if you start making video's like that you won't grow since that video genre is dying.

I guess I can just do what suggested and adapt. I only used him as an example in the OP because damn that's a shitload of cash. It just shows how lucrative it can be if you make the right videos, find the right audience, and adapt at the right time for the right things.

Im the same person buddy just trying to help you out here

Any of you nibbas care to watch a livestream of a real MMA event that I'll be commentating on in Sacramento California?

I'm thinking of promoting it on Jow Forums but not sure which board is best, probably sp

Ah gotcha, thanks. Is there any place you know of where I can learn some decent editing and effect skills on free software that won't rape my computer? I'm talking like some of the zooms and stuff people do or the distortions of videos and pictures.

Hm, I'm guessing /sp/ would be a good place to promote it, maybe /b/ if you want a bunch of trolls to watch it. Either way, you get views if they care enough to troll you with it. You using Twitch or something?

Post this on Sports boards if you get banned. Well shit.

Sadly no, I want to do YouTube too but I don't know how to edit. You can record something and learn how to edit that little recording on your own since you'll have to learn a few things on your own.

JewTube and I'll see if it catches on, I'm doing a pre-stream at the gym next wednesday June 27th around 8/9PM and the actual event will be July 7th around 5/6PM

Ah I see, good luck user. I'm not too much into MMA but I hope you succeed. I guess the key is to not give up and learn from any mistakes if you don't get a ton of views at first, maybe ask your audience for some feedback to improve and grow.

I suppose. I had some decent ideas that are too late to use now in the past but I was limited by my general laziness and lack of video editing skills. I guess my best bet would be to take an uneventful weekend and use it to make something, not matter how shitty and just improve on that after months of newer ideas.

That is basically how great YouTubers are born. Good luck bro.

Thanks user. Good luck to you as well.

Just make fortnite vids lol

Fortnite is dying, look for new games.

coming from someone with a mildly successful channel it's about throwing shit at the wall until something sticks and then you just keep throwing that kind of shit, only problem is the first stage can take years and if you don't keep throwing then nothing will stick. If you want a following on youtube then you have to start making videos and at no point stop making videos, don't wait until you are good to start, you get good from making videos so they get better over time.

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How do you know when that shit will stop sticking and when to move onto another longterm trend? There are many Minecraft YouTubers today stuggling to pull a couple thousand views that were empires back in 2013.

Also, what is it you do? What constitutes mildly successful?

>Fortnite is dying
Give it a couple more months before it starts dying, normalfags are still loving it. Wait until the other Battle Royale like BF comes out.

well trend seeking is bullshit and soul-sucking, it's much better to have a loyal audience which you seek on growing, I make DIY videos and have 1.1k subs

just posting to say I agree with this

it sounds idealistic and lame but honestly you gotta make videos u got even the tiniest little bit of passion for. even just a little. trend following is gonna have u slitting your wrists faster than you can say "ouch"

That's pretty cool; it's definitely nice to have something that probably won't go away because it's less pop culture oriented. The reason people follow trends however is because the views and money come with it, and it's hard not to go after that kind of stuff with your own spin if you're already that kind of YouTuber. The early adopters of a trend right as it's rising up seem to be rewarded the most in that area.

the problem with trend seeking is that it most benefits those who already have an audience, even if you're the first person on a hot new trend, if you have 0 subs then the odds of your videos getting traction is basically nill.

This is true, although there were YouTubers that started in 2016 trend seeking and they ended up building up their stuff to a reasonable level in mid 2018. Might be a grind but I suppose you can get to that level if your content is whitty and whimsical enough with the edits.

it's about production quality, networking, timing and luck with big ass emphasis on luck

This is also true. I've seen people shilliing on YouTubeHaiku or whatever subreddit that their video is slightly relevant in and that seems to help a couple of YouTubers.

shilling is only useful at the VERY beginning unless you're shilling to bigger youtubers and that's what I was talking about with networking. reddit can be useful for large channel growth if you get to the front page but most of the time it's not good for more than a thousand views or so and that's if you're lucky. plus views from Reddit very rarely translate into subs.

OP here, just realized my old channel from 2 years ago has 2000+ views on the highest viewed video, so that's something. Just need to remember my old account password and email. Don't really think advertising has been enabled and it's stupid half a minute joke videos, and there are only like 3 videos, so idk.

I suppose. I've seen some people start their growth on Reddit and then others share their vids and they get their subscribers elsewhere. Fairly certain that's what Gus Johnson did; last I can remember he did a collab with Idubbbz.

2000 views is more than most people get, remember that you can only monetize with 400+ watch hours in the last 12 months and 1000+ subs

Isn't that only restrictions from old YouTube? I thought they lifted that.

Also my channel has 20 subs, not sure how many would actively watch anything new I put out but I guess I wouldn't really have to stress too hard to surpass that number.

the first 100 subs are the hardest as you have to work for each and every view and sub, though 20 shouldn't be that hard to crack. no they recently added it, back in February in response to the adpocolypse, though that was a typo, it's 4000 watch hours, not 400

Do you need to have gained 1000 subs in the last 12 months, or is it 1000 subs in total?

1000 total oregino

So if someone gets 1000 subs in total and the accumulates 4000 watch hours in the span of a year, and then they dip below those watch hours later but retain above 1000, will they be demonetized again? Or is the monetization permanently "unlocked?"

I tried to get a following on soundcloud and realized that social media success isn't really about content.

How far did you go? What did you learn about soundcloud that was better than content? This is interesting because it takes away the video aspect so it doesn't really matter how "hot" you are or anything like that.

I don't know but I believe it's a hard threshold, that if you pass it once then you're home free. thing is if you dipped below that it's unlikely you'd be making much/any money anyway

was your music actually any good? link your SoundCloud?

What kind of music did you upload to Soundcloud?

>$500k a year is "upper middle class"
Your brain on capitalism.

Attached: cringe.png (885x890, 797K)

classes aren't really a thing in the US as they do in Europe, it's all rough nebulous speak.

I'd say it crosses the threshold into upper class I suppose.

>Cringe from someone who uses a smug anime girl

Upperclass isn't defined by how much money you have. You can be a billionaire and you'll never be upperclass because you were not born into old money.

Generally in America people will consider you upperclass if you have a certain amount of money.