A little rant about the absolute state of this board

A little rant about the absolute state of this board.
Why on earth do normalfags who don't count to be a robot or even anything close (cyborgs) to one participate on these boards?
Why do they feel the need to be part of the "cool Jow Forums meme culture XddDdDd"?
There's other websites they can use that caters to their type. There's probably a subreddit that caters. Yet they feel the need to contaminate the board with their shitty relationship problems and other normalfag business.

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i really hate the daily "tfw x bf" or the "why dont you settle for a x gf" that get so many fucking replies while the quality threads only reach between 1-10 replies.

i hate Jow Forumsfags trying to shit on our sex perversions
i also hate the dumb glib tryhards who reply to everything longer than two sentences with shit like "tl;dr lol"

Well, I can't speak as a normalfag, but reading what normalfags say about us, I think that they actually believe that we want to be like them. They think that we strive to be thoughtless sex-driven idiots so we will either reee at or worship them when they post here.

It don't make no sense, but normies have never been known for their brains.

Fucking exactly mate, fucking normalfags spreading their normalfag shit on this board that's DEDICATED FOR ROBOTS

I don't mind a few, but this board is being filled with them. There's nothing wrong with a few participating ones and giving their views, but now there's too much that's defeating the purpose of this board.

Why do people who clearly can'd deal with PvP always go on PvP servers and forums so they can whine about it? Why do people who don't like chocolate make it their business to find chocolate, get all insulted over it, and then whine about it? Why do atheists seek out religious nutjobs (and vice versa) so they can then whine about them?

Too many people are bitchy little drama queens who just crave attention like the insecure, retarded children they are. Not much you can do about that.

/poltards need to stay in their faggot board

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>the absolute state originally

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buddy, at this point Jow Forums IS reddit
after the whole fiasco with Trump, this site got a huge influx of redditors
at first they stayed in Jow Forums but curiosity got the best of them and now they're spilling over onto
other boards
just go to /v/ if you wanna experience what I'm talking about, board's full of shills, reddit spacing and reddit opinions (retards there will literally get mad at you for pirating games lol)
just look at this redditor with his reddit spacing and reddit opinions
this WHOLE site is full of normies now, it ain't only Jow Forums and they're here to stay. so you either do like /a/ and purge them off our board or accept the fact that normies won yet again

probably because this hasnt been the lonely n33t faggot board in about 5+yrs... it's a fairly well known site and many come here and will do what they want andn some loser relics stuck in the past over muh sekret club are the ones shitting it up with threads like yours op.

head to wizardchan or faggotchan if you dont like how this place has changed and will change again in 5 years.
go be bitter somewhere else

kek at faggots calling double spacing which has been around for decades reddit spacing showing off their underage and lack of knowledge of things.

run along lil tard the adults are laughing at you're wrong info and opinions.

i am not a virgin, but the only ones i have had sex with were three dudes in their 60s. am i robot?

look at the redditor shriek when called out
I've been on this site for 7 years and just recently have seen all these faggots using punctuation, capitalizing the start of sentences and double spacing
and you know what's the icing on the cake? you read those kind of posts and can immediately tell the kind of reddit faggots your kind are

No, not really. That's just you being a major fucking autist assberg. I've never used reddit, never posted one goddamn thing there, and don't even know what the fuck reddit spacing means. What I do is literally normal fucking English, full complete sentences. Maybe that's because I'm an oldfag, and you children can't fucking type right? I dunno. Either way whatever the fuck your complete assperg autist radar thinks it's spotting, isn't there.

maybe they come here to try and get a glimpse of what r9k once was, which wasn't a board filled with incel whining and degeneracy btw

you're the ones who ruined this board, you should've stuck to reddit or pol/b

Using XD ironically is reddit please stop doing it.

look another one
seriously fuck off back to where you came from you normalscum

It's called having an IQ over 80, you literal fucking retard. You really should read something once in a while.

>muh IQ
literally originally reddit

I fucking hate /lgbt/ cunts posting gay shit here. They have their own fucking board, ffs

Porn should be banned from Jow Forums

I know I stopped coming here because of all the trap and bbc spam. It's ridiculous.

Jow Forums used to be a meme producing hot spot, now it has quite literally been cucked by perverts

Just because you consider us normal doesn't mean that anyone else does.

Pretty much this. Drama creates problems that you have to solve and that keeps the bad thoughts away.

Because this board doesn't belong to a certain group of people and it never has. If you're triggered by the people who post here you're free to leave.

>Why on earth do normalfags who don't count to be a robot or even anything close (cyborgs) to one participate on these boards?
Because I find the discussions interesting and I like a lot of the people here.
>Why do they feel the need to be part of the "cool Jow Forums meme culture XddDdDd"?
I don't. I've been rotting here since '07 - I'd be long gone if I couldn't reap worthwhile discussions at least every other day.
>There's other websites they can use that caters to their type.
This one caters to me. I don't have to sign up, the functionality is easy, I like the discussions, I like the commentary, I like the people.
>There's probably a subreddit that caters.
Reddit is for libtards and fucktards.
>Yet they feel the need to contaminate the board with their shitty relationship problems
It's unwise to expect actual help about relationship problems on here (not that I'm guilty of doing this), but the board wasn't created with a purpose. Just because a certain group of like-minded people popularized the recurring themes here does not mean they can claim the board. Just ignore the posts and stop being an oversensitive pussy.

Get the fuck off this board, normalfags

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t. triggeredfag who is free to leave

I might be considered a Stacy by you idiot's standards but here's why I come here...I'm mostly into gentle femdom dynamic but with a really ugly guy. By this I mean specifically that when I was a teenager and growing up there was many books/movies that I saw that made me realize what I was into and awakened these desires. First was probably Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame when I was 8, then at 14 it was reading Phantom of the Opera, then when I was 18 & one of the biggest ones was Lynch's The Elephant Man. Even though I look normal, I mean like completely average in every way like a pasty nerdy tomboy girl basically still relate to these characters especially how they are socially ostracized. That social ostracizing has a HUGE role in why it's taboo and therefore why it's so forbidden/sexy. The idea of a guy who's deformed/ugly & socially isolated and then being the first to connect and communicate with him on a deeper level somewhat reminiscent of The Shape of Water really hits the spot with a lot of 'nurse curse' aspect in there too (seeking out a broken person). It's always been my go to thoughts for erotic fantasizing. Ideally I want there to be love, connection, healing, and reclamation of beauty when we are in a sexual space together; and I also really romanticize being united against the ideals of the majority of society like creating our own private world together. Because fuck normies.

Burv /v/ is a shitshow. I also suspect it's long-term chan users that are spamming off-topic threads out of discontent; I don't know what that's accomplishing other than making the board more chaotic and terrible
With this board all to yourself, it won't satisfy the pits in your soul. You need the bots to feel better about yourself. Scummy little shit

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There's no bots here dummy and never has been. This board is one big larp.

wtf is this blog get the fuck out
or go to Jow Forums Jow Forums or Jow Forums
just fuck out of here

>cool Jow Forums meme culture XddDdDd
It's funny that you call out others for wanting to be part of this "culture." The culture doesn't exist. You're making it up as an excuse to hate people who post things you don't agree with and act like they're outsiders of some kind. Get some self awareness, you fuck

It makes me feel good to see how pathetic you all are.