Anyone here killed any animals before? What about your own pets? How did it make you feel?

Anyone here killed any animals before? What about your own pets? How did it make you feel?

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I killed a bug.Does it count?

No but i have spent $2k in vet bills in the last few months for my 10 and 8 year old dogs

I fell for the dog meme

Life was so less stressful without dogs, no wonder my parents never wanted any when I was growing up.

It sucks because I could have bought a new pc this year but oh well.

100% never getting dogs again after these 2 pass away

Nah I'm talking about real shit. I killed a couple dogs for killing my livestock. But I feel regret mostly.

now imagine someone who is 1000 bigger than you stops you, because you're in his way

Hello Psychopath user, nice to meet you

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Better than dogs.Insects have not soul

I fell for the husky meme and she always escapes and destroys everything. She has destroyed games, consoles anything. It's a huge liability. I fucked up so hard and nobody will take her. Even for free. My parents have almost killed her several times. This isn't gonna end well.

Also. I cant help but feel bad for people when they get their first dogs. They (like I once did) have no idea what they getting themselves into

I am attached to my 2 dogs since having them since they were a few weeks old , but god damn it is like having toddlers that never grow up and you are Iocked to them for 15~ years

Not really but when I was like 10 my kitten got run over by my dad's car. I didn't cry but everytime I remember it I feel sad.

Psychopaths don't feel regret wtf?

Axing my neighbor's dog. Felt so fucking great. I was probably 12-14 years old, and i remember having this huge boner

Really bad meme to fall for there

Huskies need like 3-4 hours of daily outdoor movement and sightseeing to until they are at senior age or they just fuck your shit up to expend that energy

Was the husky your first dog? Really terrible idea if it was....

What breeds did you get?

Yeah it was my first dog. What's worse is I have don't have time to spend with her since my parents made me get a job.

Lmao getting a Husky for your first dog is like going straight to the hardest mode of a game you have never played before.

I got a chow chow for my first dog and I think I lucked out because he grew up very docile and friendly. I heard they are infamous for being ridiculously unpredictable and aggresive for no reason.

What do you expect, these faggots see funny husky videos and think their own will be like that all the time. I wouldn't be surprised if he got shiba inu as next dog.

Me and my neighbour took a hamster and injected gasoline in it because we thougth it might explode

>first dog
>west highland terrier
>breed traits; independent, small, not a lapdog, not good for kids

Mine fits the breed perfectly, she does her own thing, has no need for attention, never complains, only time she wants something is to eat food or be let outside, other than that she likes being in her own part of the house, doesnt like long walks, just prefers to stroll around the block

Good thing I did not get one of those meme dogs that are large, social, energetic, and need tons of attention.

She is also cheap to feed, 1 whole roast chicken from the store lasts her 4 days. I just chuck in some veggies for fibre and shes gucci

I deserve to be made fun of but things kind of took a turn for the worst. I don't watch husky videos or anything but I was hoping I would luck out. I got all the worst traits I feel like.

Wat happened did it die straight away or live.

>get a parrot (a small lovebird)
>mom gets jealous
>she gets a fucking macaw a month later
>big parrot rips the head of the small bird when im out
>mom simply opened the lovebirds cage because she tought they wanted to play
what the fuck guys

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Yeah I especially hate the people who get a dog breed like a status symbol

Some examples

>the generic trashy people who buy a pit-bull
>the generic guy whose life revolves around normalfag internet memes that buy a shiba inu
>that generic soiboi who buys German Shepherd / Husky / Malumute

>that guy who limited himself to pick a dog from the streets and actually knows what he is doing
never happened

I killed a rabbit that had been hit by a car. It was suffering so I put it out of it's misery. Made me feel like a monster.

It lived and we killed it with a tree branch bc it sufferd

I got a lab and it's a fucking disaster. she's the sweetest thing ever but she has a ton of energy and the house smells like day old piss constantly because I can't figure out how to get her to piss and shit outside. she'll literally wait until we go back inside to piss and shit in her favourite spot.

I shot a dog and was aiming for the head. I missed the head but hit it somewhere. Those screams are blood chilling. I found it and popped it in the head. Blood was pouring from its mouth before I finished it off. I felt like a monster but it had to be killed. I still feel sad and angry at the same time.

I had a dog that no matter how much you beat it it didn't care. It knew not to piss in the house but just did not give a fuck.

You fucked up somewhere

You have to get them to associate pissing and shitting with being outside in the fresh air as puppies. Once they have that learned they will never piss or shit inside unless you ignore them and dont let them out

My dogs literally bolt to the back door to be let outside the moment they need to piss or shit, if I dont see them run they will come up to me and jump on me to tell me to let them out

I feed live rats to my ball python. I feel sorta guilty but only because I make myself feel something. It's very easy to ignore the life of the rodent and become desensitized. It really drives home the cycle of live and makes more grateful for my steaks and tendies.

Lol mice and rats literally killed hundreds of millions of people with horrifying painful deaths of bloody vomitting and bloody shitting themselves to death

There is literally zero reason to care about the life of a mice or rat, they are plague spreading cunts

i had a hamster for like 2 weeks when i was ~5. it died because i threw it up towards the ceiling and back multiple times. i thought i was giving the hamster a fun time

When I was a kid I used to shoot toads with my BB gun and I deeply regret it. I always felt bad but then I did it again the next day, over and over.

Women are retarded and irresponsible. I would never allow one to care for my pets.

One time my snake wouldn't eat it's mice and so I through them into the wilderness to let nature do it's work. Felt pretty bad :(

They would have died within a day or so and the snake was not eating during winter.

So do black people and Jews but i would still feel bad if i killed one. Empathy is not based on the practical it is based on realizing that it would suck to be me.

Not all dogs are like that. Some really don't give a fuck. Consider yourself lucky, not a dog whisperer

They don't do it on purpose you braindead retard, any more so than a child with the chicken pox deliberately spreads it to the other kids in his class. It just happens.

Not saying you shouldn't kill them, you should because they're pests, but feeling the way you do about them is silly. They don't try to harm you they just want food and a place to nest same as any other critter.

my cat died yesterday but he was in so much pain i was almost considering if there were any at home euthanasia techniques i could use that wasn't just blunt trauma, drowning, or cutting his neck.
i woke up and found him already cold and rigor mortis had set in
i couldn't even get his eyelids closed
terrible idk if i do want pets again after getting these two cats that are 18 years old it basically is just enough time for me to actually care about them and then they leave
life is so much easier when you have nothing to care about

I didn't really care that much, but I felt bad knowing their lives were a total waste. Like buying a cheeseburger and letting it decompose.

Well if it makes you feel better nothing really goes to waste. A snake, owl, fox, cat, hawk, etc. probably got them. And if not then flies, ants, and worms got them. And even if they didn't, microbes and fungi would eat them.

I hit a large raccoon while driving in the middle of the night on an empty 4 lane road, I pulled over and my car's radiator was fucked up and leaking coolant from the bottom. I found the creature, it was mangled and delirious, and trying to crawl away despite countless broken bones. It growled at me at first, I was trying to help it crawl off the road...eventually it stopped growling and died shortly after. First time I ever killed something so I was pretty sad.

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You're fucked up in the head mate

yeah that was my thought process for throwing them out there. better than the garbage for sure.

I once smashed one in a bag with a heavy brick for the same reason. I felt bad so i bought a hamster cage with some food for the next rejected visitor. I had one a a smelly one stay for almost 3 weeks. I learned my lesson and very rarely feed my snake during winter.

Don't reply to the LARPers please.

>tfw I poured salt on a snail once as a kid
if you are reading this don't do it user

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On vacation in the Philippines once when I was like 8 there was this cat under a car. I had a metal pipe/beam thing and I kept hitting it in the face and it did nothing but recoil and stare at me. Eventually I did it more and it fell over and started to twitch. At the time I didn't feel anything (it felt kind of good) but now I feel terrible

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>exist at age of 8
>mum tells me that a mouse is lurking in the house and suggests I catch it
>Tell her I will catch the mouse in exchange for Doritos and mars chocolate milk
>she accepts my bounty
>I was really fat so she put me on a diet
>the Doritos themselves were all the motivation I needed
>hatch a plan
>camp in corridor, tried to shoot mouse with BB gun
>can't hit it, mouse does not return after two tries.
>new plan
>Acquire plastic bowel
>sit on coach watching TV on the lowest volume setting
>mouse arrives looking for my crumbs
>spring into action and catch it in bowel
>mouse tries to escape through the part you use to pour water out
>I freak out and apply more pressure
>instead I snapped it back
>bounty was dead or alive so I still get my consumables

I felt bad for killing the mouse, but food was worth it.

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I was around 7-8 when i was playing with my pet mouse/hamster i dont remember what kind of rodent it was but whatever i was playing with it in my room alone and i accidentally squeezed it too hard and its eyes started popping out. I thought it looked funny so i did it a few more times until i realised that it was dead. I just got scared as fuck about my parents finding out and punishing me . This feeling somehow made me cry so i was able to convince my parents that it was an accident. I got relieved when they didnt punish me and beleived me, so i got over it pretty quickly.


Bowl! Nigga, it's called a bowl! You've triggered my autism now. Bowel is the intestine, that place that processes your shit.

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my dog will only pee or poo outside in the mornings for some reason. other than that her bathroom has become the dining room and she wont go outside even if we do the "Waiting for them to crouch indoors" trick

>I felt bad for killing the mouse, but food was worth it.
>i dont feel good at reaping away a life from a small plague mammal, but a bag of doritos was worth it
>i killed a rat and i felt good because i got paid some doritos
kill yourself you fat fuck

I killed a rat. Didn't want to do it and felt sorry for it the whole time I did it.

I hunt. I've killed several deer and it makes me feel like a caveman. I love it.

I killed my goldfish. She was pregnant I found out because I kept squeezing her and the eggs were coming out so I tried to squeeze them back in. The next day, I found her dead. I felt really guilty and I played stupid acting like I didnt know what happened to my parents. But I knew that I killed her. Its still a fucked up thought to me this day.

Ever missed your shot by a little and cause it to suffer? What's your favorite technique for disembowelment

Okay fuck it, storytime boyos

>be me
>step dad just died, me and my mother have moved in with my grandparents
>depression has gotten worse because of said death
>mom and my grandparents decide to try to find things to occupy my mind
>grandfather hates the squirrels that fuck with his bird feeder
>tells me that I can use my pellet gun to shoot the squirrels, and for each one I kill, he'll give me $5
>try this
>terrible shot with the scope
>decide to trap them instead
>discover I'm really good at trapping the squirrels
>making money hand over fist, catching the squirrels feels satisfying
>me and my grandfather take many nice trips about a mile away to let them free
>a problem arises, they keep coming back
>my grandmother is a bit of a colder woman
>tells me to tell her when I trap my next batch of squirrels
>set the trap
>next day catch 2 squirrels in the trap
>tell grandmother
>she gives me $10
>then she takes the cage to a large rain barrel they have in the backyard
>the drops the cage in the bucket with the squirrels inside
>"thanks for helping us out user, now we can finally get rid of these squirrels"
>I'm completely mortified
>never trap squirrels again
>mom is still pissed at my grandmother for it 7 years later

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I know this feel. I spent around $2k on a my old Chihuahua that I took from home when I moved out. Had to put him down soon after anyways.

Why not just get an English bulldog?

>chill as fuck
>lazy as fuck, doesn't need moderate activity to keep it entertained
>chunky rolls everywhere

Only downside is the health problems and they drool, but honestly who gets a dog and doesn't expect to be paying an absurd amount of money to keep it alive?

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I've missed a lot but never made such a bad shot that I failed to recover the animal. Skinning and gutting is pretty straightforward especially since we have a specially designed skinning rack and table for it.

>chunky rolls
They're fun to play with aren't they?

>Consider yourself lucky,
It's not luck.

I've even got strays to shit correctly, granted I get them as puppies.

No, and I don't think I'd do it in real life, but something about it is weirdly erotic/enticing.

Imagine a kitty or puppy, lost and wandering around, crying. You're out walking, the young animal spots you, and comes to you (afraid), looking for someone. And you just punt the fucker straight in the face like a football, it flies off, lands 30 feet away and breaks its fucking neck.

I killed a gecko with a machete for fun and a wounded pigeon with a rock smashing it's head into a bloody pulp for curiosity

I killed a bird with a sword once it was rough

Ive only killed chickinz and they tasted yummo

Geckos are awesome. Not cool man.

I was a kid with a machete in my hand who founded a gecko, what I was supposed to do?

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Never killed anything larger than a rabbit. Maybe it sounds cheesy, but for me the feeling is a mix of melancholy, respect, gratefulness and a dose indifference to violence (how else can you motivate yourself to kill).
Killed some hens over the years that were too sick to walk (not going to take them to a vet). I felt sad for losing them, because they would usually have been around for a decade or more, so we'd be close. Never regrets though.
And I butcher the young roosters every year because they taste nice and you can't have too many of them in the coop. I don't like doing it, but I can live with it. One time I had a nest of 8 chicks, all roosters. Felt like shit to kill them all, because they were beautiful and sweet in their own way. And it meant that all the energy of the mother hen had been wasted too. Nobody wants to adopt roosters unfortunately, and understandably.
Occasionally I catch a fish and bbq it.
Butchered some rabbits that my neighbour had bred, and made some great stews with them.
Killed lots of mice and rats in the traps. Sometimes regret it, because they are really fascinating creatures. I do feel bad when a shrew walks into one, though that rarely happens. Last month a great tit died in a trap, and it made me feel like shit because I should have been more careful hiding the trap. And it was probably getting food for its young, so those were doomed too after its death.

How do i get my dog to go shit and piss outside? Pls

My dog dug up 4 baby rabits a few years back. Their eyes werent even open yet and he mangled them pretty badly, they were still alive though. It took me awhile to decide to put them out of their misery.
I rarely cry but that that shit killed me inside. What else can you do?

i grew up on a farm , as a child/teen i've killed chickens, dogs, a cat, and kill and butcher a pig. the pig was the hardest, 3 other guys where holding it down while i put the metal spike in its heart, i missed because i was shaking and didnt want to do it and i hit the lung. it took me 3 stabs to end the pig i raised. my dad could have done it, he was supposed to but he made me do it, he said it would make me a man,it did in some ways, so 2 years later when i turned 16 i left home and i havent been back to that abandoned shithole of misery since, even dying he was a cunt spouting curses on his deathbed. i'lll see you in hell

I've had to put down like 50 different animals, most of which werent even mine.
Dont ever let anyone IRL know that you own guns.

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>What else can you do?
Kill your dog to restore the karmic balance

I trained my dog to but she stopped caring and just went when she wanted to

I shot my own dog for killing all of my chickens and I feel like shit

I have seen this story before on /an/

Shoot yourself to restore the karmic balance