>doing nofap and thinking about trying to seduce my mom into masturbating with me again.
I gotta fuckin snap out of this
Doing nofap and thinking about trying to seduce my mom into masturbating with me again
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Maybe die it down a little and make her a braphog instead.
>that but with a big sloppy MILFdick
VR when
I'm 5 days into nofap/noporn. I'm doing alright but it's really hard to forget about all my porn induced fantasies. Part of the reason I'm stopping is because I'm more interested in 2d than 3d and I was getting close to loli shit and that isn't natural.
I am feeling mentally very well but I keep thinking 'what's the point, I'll be single for a while, might as well masturbate'. I keep telling myself that my potential future 3d waifu would appreciate me being pure.
You mean youve done that act with her before or thought about doing it with her
>trying to seduce my mom into masturbating with me again
Why do you fags put dicks on everything
Porn is literally degeneracy at the purest form
Been on nofap and noporn 3 years strong user. You, too, can do it!
That's how I used to feel, but now I just feel there's no point in jerking off when you're single either since sex is much better anyway.
No I've never done it with her, but when I'm on nofap I have an intense desire to.
Do you mean that you have masturbated with your mom before and want to do it again or do you mean that you have thought about masturbating with your mom before and are thinking about it again
>tfw user thinks your eternal torment is hilarious
Just thinking about it again. I've masturbated next to her, but she didn't know (or at least I don't think she did)
>Been on no fap for entire life
>it's easy cause never done it before
I found an irl cheat code
Oh she's knows exactly what she do
Based mummo
>she spreads her cheeks and takes a massive shit while jerking off right there in the kitchen
>you ask her why and she's like "I needed to shit lol"
VR fucking hwen
And here, ladies and gentlemen, we have an excellent case study in degeneracy. Observe carefully. This is what porn can do to a man.
is she like the pic ??
chubby milf ...you got pic
Man. I don't know why, but that OP pic is fucking hot as hell.
She does look a fair bit like her, ass and all (though her ass is a bit smaller, but still amazing and thick). Reminds me of when I used to peek on her when she'd come out of the shower naked. No pics though.
Jerk off to your heart's content and work out, join the air Force and bmt will give you an easy 2 month start
Should I start NoFap ? I've been jerking it to scat,granny and ssbbw again lads
w-which video is that user ?
Yeah I don't know what it is about mutual masturbation but it just sounds really fucking nice.
>trying to seduce my mom into masturbating with me again
What happened the first time?
quite originally this exact post
ladies and gents my ass
who the fuck are you talking to, this is an airplane bathroom
I tried that with my mom and we laugh about it now. Go for it, she won't be as mad as you think.
Greentext story pls
Did you guys actually do it? How did you even bring something like that up?
Easy: 90% of what you see in porn is fake and staged. Even the names of the videos are done to attract attention.
Its all fake and RL is much more grim.
It's pretty great. And with your partner helping to pick out the porn, it gets even better. You learn a lot about each other's sexual interests. Makes the whole thing better.
Picking out porn with your buddie(s) to watch while you all jack off (no homo) is lots of fun too.
I once had a gf climb under my desk and suck me off while I looked at porn manga. Probably the best sexual experience of my whole life. Never got to do it again since it was a spur of the moment thing that was her idea and she thought I was just browsing the internet and not looking at porn and didn't know I'd jumped on the opportunity and opened my favorite doujins are soon as she started sucking.
Maybe someday I'll get a gf with low enough self esteem that she's fine with me saying, "Ok I want you to give my a bj while I look at these cartoons".
Here you go buddy boy.
She doesn't have to have low self esteem. You just have to have an open and honest sexual relationship with her. I ask my wife if I can fuck her tits, she'll probably say yes with a smile. But I guess we just have a healthy relationship.
>seduce my mom into masturbating with me again.
user, wtf is your problem, I could understand if it was a cousin or maybe even sister, but jesus, why mom?
I haven't done it with her before, just fantasized about it before. I just think she's cute and has a great body and I fantasize about her a lot but I could never bring myself to actually fuck her even if she wanted me to, but I do think it would be fun to just get naked and masturbate with her.
why not get a female cousin desu? it will be less taboo
I don't have any, and even if I did it's not as exciting. I like the heavier taboo element to doing it with mom.
to one's personal experience I guess, cuz I would get touchy if a hot girl did that to me desu
elaborate my dear brapfriend?