Choose a super power!

what super power would you choose guys?

Lift 1000x your own body weight.

Run faster than the speed of sound.

Gain the ability to fly. Wings optional.

Does not apply to clothing.

>Size Manipulation.
Grow up to 10x your body size or shrink to the size of an ant.

>Underwater Mastery.
You can breath underwater and speak to aquatic life.

>Mind Reading.
Hear People's thoughts.

Manipulate and create fire with your mind.

Become an exact copy of any animal you've ever touched. Includes other humans.

>Weather Manipulation.
Control the weather with your mind.

>Time Travel.
Can travel to any point in time along your lifespan.

Live forever, or at least until the earth dies if that's your thing. Fuck floating in space forever.

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Underwater mastery.I would explore oceans and seas.

time travel
anytime i fuck up i can just try again until i get it right

flight and invisibility

Time travel, obviously. Through that, I could achieve the mind control power by playing my life like a skyrim rpg, and if possibly do even more, like create a device to fly or breathe underwater without much else, or turn invisible. Ez mode desu. I'd become a literal sage bc so much knowledge from my own lifespan.


weather manipulation would be cool as fuck. Invisibility as well

Time travel desu

Time travel or strength

Fun fact:user roll pents

Time travel is immortality. There is no time in a vacuum, there's spacetime and the speed of light is the barometer. If you can theoretically move faster than light, you can travel to the past. But that's impossible since nothing with mass can attrain the speed of light, much less surpass it.

If by some supernatural way you could bend the laws of physics and time travel, then you would be effectively immortal and close to omnipotent, since you could alter the timeline you are on at the time, at will.

Time travel to constantly fix shit I fucked up or mind reading, because I'm insecure as fuck and have hard time trusting people, not knowing whether they're telling truth or not, not knowing what did they mean by what they said.

You can't do any of the things people want with strength unless if you're also extremely durable, so no.
Flight is kinda useless and also bugs, so no.
Invisibility is worthless because of thermal imaging, so no.
Becoming aquaman is ghey, so no.
Hearing people's thoughts has some interesting uses, but it's not very powerful.
Controlling fire doesn't get you anywhere.
Time travel isn't fun unless if I'm also atleast amortal to absorb as much knowledge, and also not just limited to my lifespan.
Immortality doesn't seem like I could use it in any extremely powerful way, other than just not dying. Think of how characters in Marvel like wolverine or deadpool aren't the most powerful, even when they literally can't die most of the time. Being super durable isn't potent in the sense that I'm not above the ability of the average human.
Weather manipulation would be on of the most generally powerful on this list, summoning hurricanes and giant columns of lightning to clear fields, but you still can die.
Shapeshifting would make social engineering or stealing money a breeze, but once again you're stuck if someone just shoots you.
Size manipulation is only going to be helpful if you're shrinking, like fitting through small places and even evading bullets, but it's once again not very powerful.
Speed(assuming it comes with the necessary reaction time, information processing, and resistance to gforces and such) would be the best. You could eat whatever you want in ridiculous quantities and just run it off, it's effectively short range teleportation, you could dodge bullets and battle even hundreds of people at a time, you could absorb so much information extremely fast, you could also generate insane forces when moving at relatively substantial percentages of lightspeed, and the metabolism necessary to maintain such speed would make you heal much faster and age much slower.Speed is almost always the best power you can give someone.

Youre absolutely retarded
all of the powers can be achieved by technology but youll die before the technology gets there.
The only real option is immortality.
Time travel gets an honourable mention since its a form of immortality if you keep looping your life and its also something thats probably impossible.

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Shut up, nerd.


Flight sounds the most fun, I'd want angel wings on my back. Sounds like the best, even if theres more practical powers on there

I would pick Time Travel, then go back in time to get the other powers then return to the present.

mind reading especially if it works for recordings or videos

Pyrokinesis. Aside from throwing fireballs, I can think of some other cool things to do with it.
>make a wall of fire so hot it evaporates bullets before they get through
>contain house fires, forest fires, maybe even lava flows
>keep my (or others') temperature at 37 degrees at all times so the body doesn't have to expend energy on it
>cauterize major bleeding
>blast through bedrock and find precious minerals

Since immortality has an opt-out, I go for that. I don't wanna be an old fuck.

>supervillain shows up that is made of fire, fire related, also has pyrokinesis, etc.
>your fire attacks are useless because he has fire resist
>conversely, water based villain shows up
>critical hit on you
Why I never would go with a purely elemental based power or build.

flight, pyrokinesis, and immortality are the only acceptable answers and honestly immortality allows me to achieve other superpowers through future technology.

If I'm the one who already has the powers, then I've got the most ridiculous edge on my competition. Simply existing longer so I can have what everyone else has is fucking stupid. Even if technology makes some of the versions of those, they'll never be genetically integrated to the degree that they would be as a superpower, so I'm still an edge up. You can't "loop" your life because you would still remain the same physical age even if you go back in time. In terms of both practicality and a straight up fight, speed wins.

Since you can also manipulate fire, I take that as the possibility of being able to remove/absorb fire as well. So it would be a competition to see who could extinguish who first.

Water/fire matchup isn't unwinnable either, but it would suck if you fucked up and managed to boil yourself alive.

what about the water presure ?

fire evaporates water my dude

Shapeshift. You pretty much gain any powers animals have (Flight from birds/bugs, water shit from fish), you can become something like a tardigrade for long life if you manage to find one. You also could become an ant or other bugs to have free shrinking.

absolute brainlet. These things dont respect the laws of physics so you just travel in time but keep your body.

I choose weather manipulation and whoever chose pyro can be my sidekick. Even without him I am the strongest, but I like the idea and he fits with the elements theme.

But not enough to survive eating this trillion volt lightning blast to the face, eh?

Can't outrun an earthquake. You'd literally mangle yourself to death by running away from my lightning bolts should I chose to have everything move really fast.


Since I don't know where you are, I flood your general vicinity and you drown.

>Size manipulation
10x the size, 10x the voltage

>Mind reading
You aren't a threat, you're just stupid. It's obvious who's stronger

>sidekick is cool

>Shape shift
>can only turn into animals and not into anything useful

>time travel
Whatever retard who chose this is going to kill himself attempting to go faster than the speed of light. It's not possible even if you have the means to attempt it

>he unironically chose infinite hell
Nothing but pity, you win

I would choose pyrokenisis Ireland o I don't have to carry a lighter everywhere
Plus fucking street magic plus bring cool as shit

If you did choose immortality would you be able to
> feel pain
> retain your memory
> would you be indestructible or would you end up being a pathetic harmless microbe

I want to be able to make women cum by simple skin contact

Like i just touch her hand or shoulder and she starts contracting., but not always, i have to want to do it

I choose mind reading because it's the one that gives you the most pop without having to reveal to anyone that you have the power.

You could literally ladder up to wealth and power and have people just chalk it up to your "intuition" and "wisdom" and "courageous hunches" and shit.

The other powers draw too much attention to themselves. You end up being dissected by the CIA.

I choose Immortality.
I want to watch everything I know and love die.

Time travel is objectively the most OP super-power.

mind reading for sure, although it would probably make me want to kms myself heating what people truly think of me

>there's no time in a vacuum, there's spacetime
don't ever post again

Can I choose to kill myself? Is that a viable super power?

Probably time travel so I can only live through the best parts. But I guess it would depend on if I can change my actions in the past and thereby change the past. If not, then mind reading for sure as then I wouldn't have social anxiety.

he's right you tard

Being "faster than the speed of sound" means I can also be faster than light and just tear through things with a single punch. Sounds fun to me.

Pyrokinesis, I would train so I'd be good enough to burn places from hundreds of miles away and just start fires all over the world until everything turns to ash.

also hot cocoa on demand

It depends, are other people getting superpowers? If so it'd have to be time travel or invisibility

if i'm the only one with super powers, probably shapeshifting, it'd be the most fun thing to use that would be somewhat useful and unless you get caught, won't be something that would grab much attention. Also depends on how it works, If you can only shape shift into things that have existed, you don't wanna start a new life as someone's twin in the chance that you get recognized. but you could get some looks and in years time you could use their shapeshifts because they have aged.

Also if you can age while shape shifted and keep an appearance for a long time would you age as your old self or age as the shape shift, and could you age gaming and have pseudo immortality by shifting into younger bodies over and over? i have autism

Mind reading. So I can know what it feels like to think :(

im an alabama nigger and i want to be free
hell to the n double a c p
I dont drink

>I choose weather manipulation and whoever chose pyro can be my sidekick.
Partner in a not gay way and we have a deal.

>age gaming
i mean game aging, weow

You retarded or sumthin?

I'd rather have a Stand

i dont cuss
i want to ride on the front of the bus

My sidekick

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Shapeshift is probably the most broken ability you have. You're playing feral druid with infinite forms. You basically unlock every other choice with this.
>someone attacks me
>Shapeshift into bear to wreck his shit
>he runs away
>Shapeshift into cheetah to catch him
>shit hits the fan
>Shapeshift into ant and wait for the storm to pass.
Assassinate someone as a snake, go anywhere you want as an albatross, survive a shipwreck as an orca,...
This is just animals by the way, the human part is also pretty damn overpowered.

immortality if it doesnt include aging
second choice shapeshift

Immortality easily.

I actually had this choice and I picked autism... Fuck...

>You basically unlock every other choice with this.
Which animal controls the weather?

>Become an exact copy of any animal you've ever touched. Includes other humans.
>ever touched

you do realize you have to actually get to these animals right? it's not impossible but that would be the biggest bitch of a part - especially aquatic animals, maybe with terrestrial animals you can land on them as a fly but you're still going to have to find them and touch them without dying and master them

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Go to zoo. Stick hand through bars and touch the animal. Really isn't that hard. Touched everything from elephants to stingrays that way

if they've let you "stick your hand through the bars" and touch any dangerous predatory animal you weren't at a zoo, you were at some crackhead's house with wild animals trapped in cages

Whatever I enjoyed it, and the cafetria had potent crack

strength just so i could detroit smash those niggers in detroit

To finally kill myself

I'd rather to Coke

I will take the Opposite

If OP were to be a faggot and say, retcon shapeshifting so you could only change into any 5 animals at once, but you wouldn't have to touch them, what would your build be?

>Coastal Taipan
>Siberian Tiger
>Nile Crocodile
>Peregrine Falcon
>Mako Shark

So I can masturbate as a cute girl and maybe fly in the sky as a eagle.

>Choose time travel

>Know when to buy and sell bitcoins and stock
>Win every lottery till I can live the super neet's comfy life

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Mind reading, except im probably too much of an autist to actually use it to manipulate people.

Either mind reading so I can finally fucking be able to handle social situations without hyper autism, since normies basically expect you to be a mind reader, or time travel so I can undo all of my past mistakes.
Plus, with both of these, I could set myself up to live a rich comfy NEET life with an IRL waifu.

Why size manipulation, of course.

>pick time travel
>go back in time and tell myself to not pick time travel

>see pic
>get asked what super power do you want
i want the power to get blowjobs on demand from anyone i want, starting with the bitch in the OP

I would love too cum

shapeshift, then I also get the water and flight powers since I've touched a few birds and fish.

In a "You'll never die a natural death" or a "You can't be killed" sense?