Sexbot gf

I'm going to do it Jow Forums.
I'm going to buy her and then I'm going to marry her. I don't care what my parents say anymore.

believe it or not I don't really have problems getting a GF (average looks) I just want someone that doesn't talk back, something to dress up and show around without having the arguments. So a doll would be perfect for me.

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Just look, have you ever seen something so wonderful?

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Shes hot OP, got anymore form her?

How are you going to walk her down the ales?

I'll bump your thread op with dolls

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doll bump 1

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How does it feel to know she will never smile?

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Not too bad because she'll never frown either.

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Would definitely recommend it, cuddling whenever you feel like it is the best part about owning one.

I am happy for you, user

PS: I am not original

Just do it who cares

but its not a gf, its just elaborate masturbation
which is fine, but it won't fill the gaping emotional hole in your chest

How can you even say no

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Shes an angel, I don't think I would let her go.

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cause that one looks like a child

are you sure you're not just doing this because your a pedo?

>looks like a child.
Honky you blind.

found the pedo


>tfw want a cute, green eyed goth sex doll
>tfw all of them look like small asian children

>cute, green eyed goth sex doll
Please let us know when you find this

>If she doesn't look like an old hag shes a child.
Get some taste or get lost.

Stop trying to normalize paedophilia

you should strongly consider suicide
You're a detriment and a danger to society and the shame of your family

>Stop trying to normalize pedophilia
Holy shit you are retarded Jow Forums.

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What if you want just for cuddling and stimulating empathy and not for any sexual reasons. Is this weird or should I just go for the adult one. (the only reason I contemplate the smaller one is because it's cheaper)

Get an adult one like pic related so you have more to cuddle. Kind of like how those body pillows are so big so you have more to hug.

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hey buddy

you're the one who wants to fuck a silicone replicate of an 8yr old

>adult one
sure buddy it really looks 'adult'

>sure buddy it really looks 'adult'

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I bet you attend tween beauty pageants

Roasties don't smile either, they just whine and nag like the old cunt bags that they are you delusional normalfag.

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Imagine being this insecure about your masculinity and fetishes.

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I bet you don't even have enough brain power to leave the house. You clearly don't have enough to figure out the difference between an asian adult and an asian child.

Isn't it ironic how angry someone can be about their natural instincts to the point of forbidding everyone around them the right to be attracted to a fertile-appearing female because they're stuck with some old used pump'n'dumped whore?
Eat my shit and die, normalfag.

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Can the sexbots cry?

wow, yeah i'm gonna leave now cause i'm clearly in the wrong place

don't forget to kill yourselves you pedo fucks

Thew new ones yes, they can even fight back

bye whore
go tie your tits and flaps in a knot

How does it feel knowing that you won't ever change anyone opinion with your mindless whining and babbling?
How does it feel to be THIS insecure about yourself and everything that you do?
>literally seething

I know I'm not a pedophile so I have nothing to fear, and as a result, you do not scare me.
Kill yourself, normalfag.

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God bless, user. I'm going to get one too, as soon as I have the money.
2d women are the excrement of Satan

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Well she will never leave , steal, or cheat on you or even ask you for money. I really can't see a down side

So get a different model, the larger ones are more expensive but they make them up to 6 feet tall and with any cupsize you want

Do you have anymore pics of her? I've ran out.

Unfortunately I don't. I believe she is a Realdoll though.

Thats ok, if and when I get her I will spend weeks just taking pictures of her.
I even got a honeymoon for us planned out in the Hermitage bay in Antigua

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pale skin was always the best

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user just get a mail order bride if you're that desperate. You are literally talking about marrying a literal object

>marrying a literal gold digger

Behold the solution for the incel problem

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They are getting more lifelike and affordable.

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If she's got tits and some hips she's not in pedophile territory any more.
Learn what a word means be for you use it, American.

Yeah i don't know what he got pedo from. The doll is VERY full figured.

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As an actual pedo, she's way too mature for me.
Are there any child models out there?

I'm not sure I don't look because those kind are illegal in my country. I'm sure you'll find some though. If worst comes to worst you can just make your own molds for the doll.