So a thread about rieko just got deleted, and the anti-r9gay threads usually get deleted aswell. Are the mods protecting the discord trap blackmailers?
So a thread about rieko just got deleted, and the anti-r9gay threads usually get deleted aswell...
What's a matter fren?
Shameless bump
Also is Jow Forums being slow for anyone else
All this is doing is inviting more newfags and more poltards here. Aero would not be a thing if you idiots didnt hype reiko up so much. Even better, if you used your brains youd realize you got played by Reiko and he got everything he wanted in the end
>hype reiko up so much
Didn't he bully someone to death
>tee hee I know this didn't happen but I'm going to pretend like it did
gj on becoming the jews, you cheesedick fuck
I actually think it did happen. Why would someone make it up?
reiko was actually a plot to make trapposting tolerable by making anti-trap posting even more fucking annoying than it was
Stop it with that meme
Shuaibys suicide had nothing to do with reiko, it was even explained and investigated within hours of it being posted.
I don't think you can get more intolerable than trap posting but that's just my opinion
your opinion belongs back on twitter, norm
Do you have any evidence what the suicide was over I'd like to see it
I heard that the nigga just didn't wanna work so he blew him brains off lmaoo
Why are you defending trap posting fren
>I heard that the nigga just didn't wanna work so he blew him brains off lmaoo
I'll be honest I'm not convinced
why are you defending twitterlords who think that, because this place started generating value, they can move the fuck in, take over, and force out all the oldfags
that's pretty indefensible, imho
also nice psyops tactics
>why are you defending
putting me on the defensive while simultaneously pushing it out of the overton window. very cunning. normie cunt, take your headgames back to your own shitty site
Honesty me neither but it's what I heard, he didn't want to be another wagecuck slaving away at normie culture
I never mentioned "twitterlords" or anything like that. Why do you defend trap posting
His mother was trying to force him to work, and hed be kicked out if he didnt, plus some other drama with some roastie, eventually he killed himself and streamed it. I never got to see it live, but i was there for the aftermath and the investigation.
>why are you defending your site
why are you trying to cut its nuts off
No head games all I want is the truth. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything
Sounds like a lie. Why would someone lie about his suicide
also fuck your womanspeak
with my dick down your throat ma'am
That sounds more believable. Do you have any proof?
Not the question I asked. I font know what you mean by "cutting it's nuts off"
I said why now how, big difference
Don't *
>Tfw brainlet
how can you defend these nuts. what kind of sick monster would defend me dragging my pink saggy balls across your forehead creases. this is so far beyond the pale that I can't even. I just can't. literally defending the musky aroma and strands of nad hair that I leave on your scalp after your nightly teabagging
it's 2018
You're trying to be funny Arnt you
Id have to go back throigh the archives but I remeber there being numbered threads for the Shuaiby suicide
OK I'll have a look aswell
what the fuck kind of faggot word-judo shitheel tries to pull a move like "why are you defending"
I don't report to you, you cocksucker, I don't answer to you, and I sure as shit don't need to justify, to you, why it is that I'm defending something that's been around since two thousand goddamn four
>I don't report to you, you cocksucker, I don't answer to you, and I sure as shit don't need to justify, to you, why it is that I'm defending something that's been around since two thousand goddamn four
Do you do things for no reason?
Also the fact that you don't give straight awnsers is really telling
when someone says that the PS Vita is the handheld to own, you don't ask him why he's defending fucking playstation, because you're not an autist
the only reason to ask someone why they're "defending" something is to frame them as being on the defensive and the thing they're talking about as being something that shouldn't be defended
in other words, it's nasty-snatch word games for neurotypical cunts
No he definitely is defending it. I said it was intolerable he told me to go away, if he didn't care or didn't like trap posting he would of ignored me
why are you defending anti-trap Jow Forumsfags
I'm real mad Reiko uses that avatar since it's the one I use for some shitposty social media
Because there is a very real possibility that trap posting lead to someone's death
are you the mentally ill fundiefag
an esoteric nazi-satanist Jow Forums discord cult murdered a jew and you're not saying shit about it
spare me the high-minded weepy grandstanding
I didn't know anything about that. I am as against them as I am against rieko (if the rumers are true)
if you're the mentally ill fundiefag, go back to your clique and your nine million different moral intuitions that all point in different directions and stop trying to force your dick down our throats
except you know they're not
you're doing this awful faggy stern-concerned-outsider routine when you know for a fucking fact that they're not, and it's fucking insufferable
I don't know either way why do you think I do?
because there's literally no reason to behave the way you do if that's the case
if that were the case, you'd shut the fuck up and lurk
you wouldn't try to string the FUD out as long as possible while presenting yourself as a fucking Concerned Netizen like you're doing
there's shilling going on but it's not the fucking traps doing it
Lol take your meds
>if that were the case, you'd shut the fuck up and lurk
You get more awnsers if you actually ask questions thsts the whole point of this thread
fuck off faggot, back to lgbt with you
nice rebuttal, tryhard carelet
look at mister fucking I'm-not-invested-in-the-internet with his agonizing over whether an extra adjective makes him look autistic
get bent
the point of this thread is to help the Jow Forums campaign going
the last one was probably deleted because site management considers targeting individuals to be raids
gb2/pol/, brainlet
Lol run outta Spiro or something faggot?
lol, I'm laughing at you, bro
that's why I tirelessly reply to every post and help run a freelance volunteer uncompensated PR campaign against gay porn on the incel subforum of an anonymous anime/hentai imageboard
you know, for the lulz
>the point of this thread is to help the Jow Forums campaign going
I haven't implied that Rirko is guilty of anything I'm just after some hard evidence I just want to know what's going on
I'm going to give you some free advice user. There's this little button that allows you to hide threads you don't like. You're welcome
too bad you can't take your own advice, faggot
I get to hide this dogshit thread where you use a bunch of community manager faggotry to try and steer the board but when it comes time to hide trap threads suddenly your fucking thumbs don't work
fuck that
why the hell people keep talking about reiko ?
because they need a way to personalize the trap thing
it's retarded to fight a meme, they need a person
He might of trolled someone to death and was never punished for it. I'm trying to gather evidence to see if he really did it because you can't just forget something like that
I do hide threads tho. IDGAF about whatever fotm trap is shtting up the board, I'm just giving you some wisdom for the next spergout
well why hate traps ? because they spam this board ?
you know who does shit like that
drama sites
you know who you'll never go after, because you're a fucking pussy
drama sites
you perform Epic Internet Justice against the rainbow of dogshit that sprang up from the chris chan stalking scene, maybe I'll buy this ridiculous white knight act you're putting on
i have talked whit reiko and he seems like a good guy
Why don't people obsess over me? I know I don't talk to anyone outside of Jow Forums but I'm cute and diabolical.
>drama sites
What are these
Why do you want me to go after Chris chan stalkers but not rieko. Feels like your trying to divert me
Calling it: it's gonna turn out that Shuaiby offed himself because the 'farm went after him, and then it's gonna get quietly memory-holed.
Did he ever talk about promoting the trap lifestyle?
Oh shit, not promoting the trap lifestyle! That's socially irresponsible, and does not respect Youtube Community Guidelines! I'll tell you what: you should go on hormones, put on a skirt, and let me fuck you in the ass. I am 100% promoting that, right now, because I think you should do it. Because you are a helpless and innocent victim, you have no choice but to bend to my Svengali-like will. Go forth and let me pee in your butt.
Ive talked to him too and he doesnt
Hes a very sarcastic person and you can tell he just really like shitposting
Don't belive you're him tbqh
fucking lol at Jow Forums trying to be concerned internet parents when their platform is "take super male vitality and pick fights with niggers"
fucking call me when trap culture gets a guy to run over a fat bitch
The fact your getting so mad about this is very interesting
like this is all he said to me about traps
He sounds nice can I have his discord I'd like to talk to him
he's hiding under a new name
can we just let that faggot die
Thanks fren it's late where I am so I'm going to bed if anyone else has anymore information I'd really appreciate if you dump it here thanks and good nite
>Yeah, like, I'm sort of a troll? You know, if you get mad, it's your own fault? Like, why would you get mad if it weren't true?
I'm glad to see that you've reached the "trying to shit-test the entire world" stage of your transition. You're practically a woman already!
reiko#3333 he is in do not disturb mode so it might take a while until he responds.
>giving these sneakass brokedick fags anything
this is some calling the cops because you heard pirated metallica out your neighbor's garage then writing UMG a check for $0.95 faggotry
It's case sensitive
Hey I'm PRETTY NICE USUALLY if you get me one on one
hey reiko, do u know any cute boys or traps that live in melbourne? hook me up buddy
Friendly reminder of 3 things
>Discord screenshots can easily be taken out of context or faked
>Jow Forums greentexts are not evidence of anything
>There was never ANY evidence (even faked evidence) of Reiko being involved with Shuaiby
Also, if you actually gave a shit about the board there would be operations dedicated to purging interracial faggots, reddit incels, pol newfags (NOT right leaning people), etc etc
if you need me to put the shit on any niggers, just ask
I'm bloodswine#3340
ADD me I can actually maybe set you up cause I do know a few
reiko LOOK out
sounds like someone needs to meet the swine
You add me man I can't ADD people my discord is bugged
No, because they delete trap spam now too.
why bump this terrible thread
Bump just to spite this poster
(((M*ds))) have been moving r9gay threads lately. r9gay is containment and it'll just leak into other threads if deleted, why don't you heterofags understand this? The mods don't touch trap shill threads trying to get bots to take HRT but ban a general containing most of the gay stuff. Instead of attacking r9gay which has nothing to do with Reiko, go after all the trap spam
BUMP, origaasbva asvjsjsbx h
You mad whiteboy? LOL shut the fuck up cringe loser you're not even relevant who the fuck are you lol?
You're not Reiko. Fuck off bro.
If Reiko is doing all of this to secretly kill off all degenerate traps then he is pretty based
This, nothing of value is being lost