Who /dysfunctionalfamily/ here?

Who /dysfunctionalfamily/ here?
>Dad yells at mom, makes her cry
>Ask dad why he always has to do that
>He denies so much as raising his voice
>Yells at me too, makes me cry

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Move out. If you're contemplating between suicide and being homeless it's way better to be homeless

I can't, my mom told me he beats her when I'm at uni sometimes just because nobody else is in the house. Plus he's a filthy rotten jew, and a bipolar hypocrite. I can't leave my mom trapped with him.

Fucking just kick his ass holy shit it's so simple

My brother tried that when he was my age and got thrown on top of a car, now he refuses to come even see us. Not even kidding. My dad disowned my own brother because he tried to resist him

Record it. Submit it to authorities

Get a machete or steak knife or something. If he tries something again you kill him.

grow a thicker skin

Let me predict this thread
>Wow OP, that sounds terrible, you can do this this and that to fix it
>I can't my life is so sad isn't it
Fuck off

>my dad yells at me guys it's emotional abuse and my family is dysfunctional
Why are numales like this?

So besides [insert physical abuse here] how do I save my parent's marriage?

Crying is nice I wish I could do it.

Also just saying, I know full well I'm probably a basedboy, cuck, etc. based on my posts, but my dad is literally a beta manlet and I've tried my best to distance myself from him. He doesn't need to hurt my mommy though

Want real advice?
Talk to mommu and move out with her. Get a job if you have to to support her.

Your mom cried? Tell her kys

You have to save your mom, not the fucking marriage

don't know lad, my parents divorced each other
when i was 8-9 after my father pushed my mom's head into the bathroom wall.
just let those things flow you know, crying because your daddy said hi 2% more louder won't do shit.

kys breh. emotional abuse is real AND so are dysfunctional families. physical abuse isn't the only kind of abuse that matters.

>rape my wife several times a week

based domestic rapist

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I know the feel OP, unfortunately my entire family is dysfunctional too.

>anti-man power hungry (dad's side)grandmother who forced me to wear dresses as a kid and berated my dad growing up choosing to favor his sister and give her everything (got him drunk and forced him to sign away 60k he worked hard for saying it was for a bank account just as one example)
>abusive alcoholic grandmother (mom's side) who beat my mom and starved her for periods growing up
>step dad is a self absorbed narcissistic pillhead and alcoholic who tore down my mom who through all the bullshit managed to come out semi decent before he came along
>mom is depressive about childhood, needs me to coddle and parent her since our roles reversed at an early age, unemployed for 10 years, and has a laundry list of medical issues
>grand dad (dad's side) is miserable and drinks heavily because he was trapped into his marriage by getting my grandmother knocked up due to his catholic values despite being a complete stranger in his own marriage
>my middle sister is a tumblr dyke that can't get past issues with my step dad and is too much of an emotional train wreck with pent up aggression to hold down a job or follow through with positive choices for herself
>oldest sister decided to fall in love with a guy by becoming his mistress and believing he'd make a choice to leave his wife, and continues to stay long after he told he was gonna stay with his wife
>actual dad refused to accept he was depressed about his marriage failing and overall quality of life and be shorthanded by people he obligated himself to care for, which lead to smoking and drinking, which lead to him developing throat and neck cancer and being the 3%ish of people who die from it because he gave up in the end and cursed my grandmother/his mom on his death bed

>Be me, 6 years old, 2004
>Uncle abused me and would slap me
>One day he slams me to the ground
>Drags me to shed and locks me in
>Spend hours crying
>2 hours pass and I had enough, grab a screwdriver and start banging in the door to get his attention
>He finally storms towards the shed, opens the door and yells "FUCKING ST-"
>I stab him with the screwdriver
>He limps towards the phone and calls 999
>Police arrive, Ambulance and parents too
>They all see me cover in blood
>Spend rest of childhood in mental facility and released 2016 on my 18th birthday
Experience fucked me up but I had to

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rip user's uncle

COnsidering every living member of my direct family is an alcoholic my family functions amazingly well.

Its her fault for choosing him

this is your shitty world, just lol at it mortal

This. When life is shit and you do not have a short term solution available, just laugh about it. My dad was extremely abusive and so was my aunt, I just text my sister all day and we make jokes about it to cope. Taking life seriously is a mistake, your life is but a billionth of a fraction of history.

>Father threw open my door
>He has cancer, doing chemo
>Can't even eat because it's esophagea
>Has an IV in his arm
>Yells at me
>Calls me lazy, stupid, a failure, etc.
>Mocks my suicidality and how I tried to kill myself a year or so ago.
>Calls me a coward because of it.
>Tells me to do some laundry, throws a pillow at me, and leaves.
>Comes back a few minutes later.
>Yells at me.
>Hits me
>I try to fight back
>He says that if I make him use his arm, he'll get a blood clot because of the IV and it'll be my fault.
>I just limply hold onto his leg.
>He slams me against my desk with his leg.
>When he's done, he knocks me onto the ground and kicks me one last time.
>I was crying
>I asked him why he hit me
>He said that he didn't hit me.
Now I'm in my car in a grocery store parking lot and I don't know what to do.

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I think your father is going insane. If it's late stage cancer, it's likely in his brain man.

And I realize that's likely not good news either way. I'm just saying... your father is likely going to die soon. And his demented behavior may get worse and worse. My friend's mom had colon cancer, and she got very abusive right at the end.

Well, the other possibly, assuming it hasn't started to destroy his brain, is if he's on morphine or fentanyl for pain. It's also not uncommon for those two drugs, especially the latter, to cause people to act extremely erratic and violent.

>parents always complaining about my existence
>saying I don't help out enough around the house or whatever else
>I work 70 hours a week and they want me to do their dishes
>always threatening me with rent
>won't shut up about the fact that I don't have a girlfriend
>says I'm a bad influence to their kids because I'm so 'lazy'

>move out
>they miss me
>act shocked when I don't miss them back

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