Men who cry are fucking pathetic.
Men who cry are fucking pathetic
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Lol so much for "equality" or whatever women/trannies are striving for. There's so much hypocrisy and double standard bullshit in this fucked up game we called life
hijiak coming with the big guns
Serious question do you guys find it hard to cry? I want to feel emotions too! but I just very rarely end up actually in a burst of tears
Men who are afraid to cry are fucking pussies.
I'll cry if I want (or can) suck my dick faucet
Out of all the things on this chinese wedding sewing website is this really so bad?
>Serious question do you guys find it hard to cry?
Definitely no. The last time I cried was literally 10 minutes ago.
??? Wtf are you even trying to say orig desu
There is never any need to cry. You must be willing to accept all forms of suffering and move on with a cold heart.
That's what it means to be strong
I cried on fathers day as my dad passed away 9 years ago and i went to his grave. I remember like it was just yesterday. Losing someone is hard.
it's been 3-4 years since i cried. sometimes i feel like my tears are clogged because i try and try but they never come out.
wish i could experience another emotion besides anger 24/7
Teach me your ways sensel
Men are the ones that said crying is for women and children. Don't hate the players, hate the creators of the game(men)
men who cry in front of others are pathetic*
exception for funerals
No, it comes from the fact that when a mans eyes are wet women's pussys become dry
wat's ur fav animoo la?
Nice job broadly generalizing billions of people. Us men are all the same eh?
and I should care about your opinion because???????
I find I just randomly cry sometimes. Did it this morning
ive been trying to cry for two years now.
only when I was around a cat one time did I start crying involuntarily. its like the cat made me feel safe or some shit. happened with a bird, too. it was amazing.. those times feel very majestic to me for some reason
I cried in front of my boss and got fired
Because not all women are dykes. Most women want a man, not a sissy babby. Society taught us crying is for women and children.
Billions of men probably believed feeling is for women and children, that's what their fathers taught them.
>Because not all women are dykes. Most women want a man, not a sissy babby.
I know, you were claiming it's men who created this societal norm, but it was women who made it so men have to be emotionless stoic rocks to be worth anything.
I'm serious. A true robot with a heart of steel wouldn't need to cry. Just saying, it is weakness, and displays a lack of emotional control
How do I make myseIf cry?
Nope, men made men that way so they could be better controlled. A broken down, dehumanized man will do whatever (((they))) want him to do. If you stop sucking (((their))) cock for a minute the oxygen will come back to your brain and you can think clearly again.
The last time I cried was when my grandfather died two years ago. Maybe a little later, as I was feeling angry about my work.
I'm not a super stoic manly man. I just have little reason to cry. My life is pretty stress free
So if you think clearly you'll have to live with the fact that no woman will ever want you cause the Jews made them follow their natural biological desires?
OP here, I haven't cried in over five years. It's not that "I try not to", it's that I haven't felt even the slightest urge to cry.
>natural biological desires
You are blue pilled as fuck brother
What do women naturally think of men who cry? Are you saying they aren't naturally repulsed by it? Sounds like you might be the bluepilled one
absolutely supreme tip
Men can see it too. Humans are naturally repulsed by men who cry because it indicates mental weakness.
it depends. its not so cut and dry. its not cry and be seen as feminine or don't cry and be seen as masculine. the fact that you think that's the case shows your immature mindset. i've cried in the presence of a woman before and she wasnt repulsed. crying is just crying. its another release. imo its just like pissing or shitting or sweating. most of the time.
That's what I'm saying, but that other user says it's ((them))
>not recognizing the social impact of your actions
the definition of autism
Have you ever met a woman? Sounds like you haven't.
Fuck off. I tear up constantly watching emotional anime and I've shed a few manly tears in front of other people while drinking very spicy shots of alcohol.
>she wasnt repulsed
So you think
That makes no sense. (((they))) are behind the agenda to feminize men. Telling boys and men that "it's okay to cry" is a crucial part of that agenda.
Yes I have, they hate weak and subpar men
thats not really the point, now is it?
also there was no social impact. it was over the phone, it was one of those hotlines. but I also teared up a bit in front of my female therapist and she was glad it was happening. my point is that only immature men see such a topic as crying as so cut and dry as its either you cry and your feminine or you don't and you're not usually see crying as weak. just my opinion though.
lol. so i know. and even if she did, I dont care. if you change what you want to do for the sake of female validation, now THAT is weak.
Men don't cry. You carry the pain with you all your life, and you get used to it. You hold your pain inside until you get over it. Crying only exists to get the attention of other people so they can help you feel better, and you don't need them.
Top kek mate
Pull the other one
Men who cry I don't have a problem with, so people deal with pain and heartache their own way. Men who seek and depend on people, who act weak and flimsy (ie basedboys or numales) they really grind my gears.
>get over it
You dont always get to be on the top
Sounds like you've only met bimbos. Maybe one day you will meet one. They are few in numbers.
thats not healthy my dude, but do as you want obviously.
>You dont always get to be on the top
Maybe not, but you get used to things. There's no use in crying over things you can't change.
>hotline lady
So they have career and monetary reasons not to mock a crying man. If you cried in front of say, your girlfriend she'd begin plans to leave you right then and there
Nonexistent in number you mean
nope. because our relationship would have a more sophisticated dynamic then a simple "YOU CRY, YOU DEFECTIVE", one. I know I sound like a basedboy rn, but I couldnt care less.
>my relationship will not be like all the other relationships
The only relationship where this would work is where your gf would get off on the pain caused to you during pegging your anus.
No, they definitely exist. They are mostly older and dying out and some of the younger ones have taken to looking like bimbos. But women are still out there, they didn't all get burned at the stake by some powerful men trying to engineer their idea of perfect female.
this made me laugh.
but no. I would never get into a relationship where I'm constantly afraid of making an action that would cause her to want to leave. that's fucking suffering. its like being on a leash. fuck that
That's all relationships though, it's the best you're gonna get
fuck that, dude. its gonna be different.
I've had no proof that it would be different. Based on how women act
My gf likes when I cry because it's like me showing my deepest feelings only to her. So it makes her feel special or something.