Would you date a smoker (cigarettes)? Why or why not?

Would you date a smoker (cigarettes)? Why or why not?

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Absolutely not, or in the very rare case I would do she'd have to have gotten addicted in some non-whorish way, like if she did it to cope with uni stress or something. But probably not either way

Yeah because I smoke too, and it would be nice to spend time with someone who doesnt treat it like its some big deal.

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I would but I don't understand how cigarettes work.

I quit smoking.

just laugh at my pathetic life

>white end filled with tobacco
>orange end filters the crud
>smoke goes into the lungs

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So you just suck on a cigarette and then what.

Not cigarettes. No

Same. In fact, I'd rather date a smoker. I don't want to have to cover up the smell of cigs every time I'm with her. Plus it'd be nice to share a smoke with someone I care about.

you exhale it

Congrats on quitting, man! I'm sure it must not have been easy.

Okay and how does the smoke goes into your lungs it just stays into my mouth for me.

No, but id date one who vapes

Alright, say she asks you out or something, you say no, and then she decides to quit smoking so that you'd give her a chance. Would that be cool with you?

(I'm just asking because I'm planning on asking someone out and I would be willing to quit if she didn't like it)

Breathe it in. Dont just puff it like a cigar, it needs to go into your lungs.

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You suck the smoke into your mouth, remove the cigarette, then inhale air so that the smoke can go to your lungs at the same time.

My throat is clogged with phlegm I hate smoking, been smoking 8 years

I will try this thank you

went on a date with a girl recently and she started smoking. disgusting

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I would
Would she date me?

I smoked for about 5 years and then quit. If I had to pick, I'd rather date a non smoker (health issues down the line, you smell like shit, financial drain if you smoke a lot etc) but it probably wouldn't be a deal breaker if we got along in all other areas. If we were dating long term, I'd definitely try to pressure her to quit though

Because smoking would keep me from crying.

>I would do she'd have to have gotten addicted in some non-whorish way,
you are a horribly broken individual

do you have a bust of elliot rogers above your monitor?

It still kinda depends, but say based solely on her smoke addiction then I'd probably say yes, as she's shown that she can overcome the addiction and on top of that do it for me. I'm a guy though, a girl might find that you're clingy if you promise her you'll stop smoking for her and would deep down probably prefer if you shut her off whenever she tries to tell you it's bad, or in the better case, never tell her you're doing it for yourself, just act nonchalant and tell her that you quit 'cause you felt it was time to stop. Don't say nothing more than that and then you'll reach a "cool" status in her mind

Would you date somebody who started smoking at 13 and maybe just maaaaybe went into alcohol coma? I wouldn't either if it was male/female, fuckboy/whore, and no I don't even know what that mgtow thing people talk about here is

I did, and now whenever I smell smoke, I think of her. It helped me quit.

Even if you don't mind the smell of smoke, I can assure you that most people can smell it from a distance, and it will negatively impact your professional life (then again we're on r9k so who the hell here has a profession). It's unhealthy, and she will definitely age faster. She might be cute now, but she'll look 40 when she's 30, so don't intend on sticking around.

depends on how much she smokes.
if she smokes 1-2 times a day then it's fine and i'm totally ok with it. but if it is an entire pack or 2 packs, then no.

two packs

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fuck off, i can''t believe i lost to this

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Everyone starts off with 1-2 a day and almost everyone keeps going higher and higher until they get to a pack a day. It's an addiction and you gradually need a bigger fix
t. former smoker with a ton of smoker friends

I smoke and dated three girls who smoked.
Dated a girl who didnt smoke, non fucking stop whining about the smell.

i used to smoke in the past and i promised myself that i would never smoke more than 2 cigs a day, and it kinda worked. although i don't smoke it anymore because i just lost interest. smoking by itself gets kinda lonely, wish i had someone to share a cigar while bullshitting a bit about life

Remove yourself from this board, faggot

How are you this fucking stupid? You don't know what inhaling is?

i'm rolling on the floor right now.

What did he even say to trigger you

You get cancer my dude

>doesn't inhale cigars