How can women actually be attracted to men?

I never understood this. The male body is extremely boring and utilitarian. There is nothing arousing or exciting about it.

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the basic instinct to procreate

also women are whore who will fuck anyone

Physical attraction is very different from being attrated to someone's mind. Some women like a tough guy. Others like a smart/scientist type ya know

Just cut your dick off, you mentally ill faggot.

>not being aroused by this

Attached: 563.png (427x634, 292K)

Is that the ASMR girl on YouTube?

>Believing this.
I'm sorry but Chad is gonna girl your girl 10/10 of the time. Your skinny, pale weak body is nothing compared to Chad's toned, bronze stature. Women don't care for a man's mental ability, that's a man's fever dream.

Can't help it nigga, it's primal
I see a hot guy and instantly want to fuck his brains out

Are you really this much of a brainlet you can't see reality from other peoples perspective. I'm a dude but imagine yourself as a female for a bit. Now imagine a Chad, he towers over you, stares at you and you feel like an object of desire, he can hug you and envelop you feeling protected. His muscles are and fragrance is intoxicantly masculine and strong. The attraction of men is the hard, while women are the soft. A woman looking at another sees a lumpy try hard sloot like herself, maybe she might admire her breats, as both genders have fascination with breasts due to being raised on them as infants. Some of the more bi ones may admire their lips.

they're not

why do you think it's so hard to get laid

I really just like the thought of dick sliding in my vagina. I dont care about face or body desu

No it's because women choose the best and only that. They have unlimited options.

It's almost as if different people are different to you and have different thought processes and different preferences and different desires and different differences


Nope, not really seeing it.

You can lie to us, but don't lie to yourself.

god her nails are perfect. french manicure will always be my favorite on a woman. or nude. idc nails are the most important part of a woman for me

im bi and it might be cause I just jerked off but that's too big.. I don't like it

I agree, too freakishly big

The male body is exciting if you want a dick in your vagina

I've always pondered it. Male bodies are positively disgusting. Women can actually appreciate each other's looks which would imply female bodies aren't just sexually appealing but actually aesthetic.

Post moar oregano post

It boils down to the whole submissive female/dominant male biology. Male bodies (when fit) are sharp, strong, and intimidating, while not as erotic as the female body, the female lusts after it simply because she can be dominated by it.

But, as the saying goes "every female is a little bit bi-curious" is probably due to the fact that the female form is much more aesthetically pleasing, enough so to attract both genders regardless.

a sexy man is different from a sexy woman. Sometimes they're similar (a gentle, simple clean man looks good but so can a rugged, honest one) mostly they're different.

Bottom line is, you can't love someone unless they're a good person. No matter how sexy they are.

>There's nothing arousing about it

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this is my least favourite kind of shit. literally sweaty vomit inducing trolls.

I get the point about love but still. Women frequently discuss female attractiveness and in fact they do notice many of the same features that men do. Men however never discuss other men's bodies unless they're gay. Why?

Women are attracted to status and money

Everything else is irrelevant

They need someone to pay for all their bullshit

Its real simple

blue pill

face is everything to a woman.

gay men are gross, first of all. and we all know the best attractive man for another man is a girly looking one, if you dont prefer girly men when you're gay you're retarded. Beyond that there's personality and inner meaning. Women love beyond the surface level; if a man reminds her of her dad (who she loved) then she'll be attracted to him, no matter what he looks like. That's just one example. I've only gotten with women because of my personality, they appreciate who I am, even though there are "prettier" guys on the surface, they're certainly less pretty than me inside and how I present myself. Fashion sense and how you wear and use your robot body is a big factor. Women like details, they like people. They can be attracted or turned off by someone sexy because of their shitty personality, just like guys.

>if you dont prefer girly men when you're gay you're retarded

says the straight guy

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he's right. most "macho" guys repulse me. I'm bi though. I don't want a soft sappy dude but most macho dudes are just so fucking insecure its such a turn off

your culture is cancer
i don't want cancer

Every submissive person is aroused by the idea of being dominated by a big strong disgusting man who could kill you if they wanted to (why women like bdsm)

I dont wanna make it sound like the attraction is all based on random things you cant control (like the dad thing). All the girls I got close to liked that I was a caring person, who liked to listen (I dont pretend to listen I actually like to), I'm honest when I dislike something or I'm annoyed, and I like to joke around. Tension and worrying about something not working out will lead to failure. Not giving a fuck is one way to make good friends and relationships. But yknow not all people are the same; some are more tired or hurt than others. Don't try to be a hero.

I'm bi and I can love a man, no matter what he looks like. I had serveral crushes on hairy fat men, but because of their personality. Physically, I prefer a girly clean man, or at least a normal looking dude. Anyone who spends time at the gym being buff has issues anyway. Macho muscle men are gross and tend to have shitty personalities so I guess that's win win for me (I'm not missing out on shit).

why 'some' women like bdsm, but true. You're not always aroused by the same thing. and not all people can do it right; some fail so badly at being a sexy disgusting fucking man that can rape you and squash you.. *fans face*