Post characters that are IiteraIIy you
Post characters that are IiteraIIy you
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when did you realize life is just sadomasochistic bondage
Me but male and not not cute
But im not a furry
y'all have a moment to talk about
simon from cry of fear.
played that game for over 100 hours and sometimes i still play it. such a relatable character
shoulda said mmmmmmmurder, oh well
>no proactivity
>supressed emotions
>nobody likes or dislikes
>height as only noticeable trait
Are a schizoid by any chance? If so would you like to anwser my questions?
I was never diagnosed with any disorder, but was never went after doctors either. The term's definition rings bells, though. I'd answer questions.
>Do you think you have difficulties connecting with people?
>do you laugh? Smile? Cry? Or do you find difficult to do these things
>do you feel kinda tired after expending time with people like you need to take a break?
>do you prefer being alone?
>do you daydream too much or have fantasies?
>do you desire sometimes to go out with friends even if you just want to be around saying nothing?
I don't have a picture of him on hand but Shinji Ikari.
i had intrusive thoughts tell me i was the 3rd child
Holy shit I'm glad I never got into anime as a teenager, I absolutely would have had those too.
>Do you think you have difficulties connecting with people?
Yes, I have a hard time socializing. Conversations are hard to keep going.
>do you laugh? Smile? Cry? Or do you find difficult to do these things
I laugh or smile imagining or remembering things all the time. I wouldn't say I have a hard time with that. I don't laugh about what people normally do, though.
It is very hard for me to cry, partly because I suppress sadness. I didn't cry when my father and grandfather died or when my mom had cancer, because I deal with these emotions by turning into a void machinelike being.
>do you feel kinda tired after expending time with people like you need to take a break?
Yes, even with people I enjoy the company of.
>do you prefer being alone?
Wouldn't say prefer, but I definitely need to be alone. Socializing is tiring too, more so with strangers.
>do you daydream too much or have fantasies?
Yes, intricate ones too. I may also daydream without wanting too, like in classes (frequent) or when someone is saying something.
>do you desire sometimes to go out with friends even if you just want to be around saying nothing?
I do exactly that, but I engage too. People said I'm kind of a "listener".
Closest one I can think of.
you know how people think they're jesus and that's common I wonder if thinking you're shinji, or link from zelda or somethign like that has taken over for manchildren.
Holy shit we need to live like Todd
Is there hentai of her?
>inb4 "of course faggot" there are some characters that don't get good hentai
Just not with money
I'm really sorry but what is his personality? I couldn't figure it out, he seems to be only reacting confused to everything that's happening to him. If you could tell me I'd appreciate it because I love the game I just don't know what he is.
Decent amount of it, yeah. A thread is up on /h/ or was a few days ago.
I don't wanna be a schizoid man, we are fine, we are just introverts that's all. Nothing is wrong with us.
Do you like to wank? Does the idea of sex with someone you are intimate kinda scares you? If you could have sex with a random women or wank, which one do you choose?
I don't know about full-on psychotic breaks like Jerusalem Syndrome but considering how our culture is escapist and only becoming moreso I'd say pretty common.
I was never much into fapping. To the point my intrusive mom was worried I was abnormal when inquiring me if I masturbated, when I was around 13 or so. Tried it, feels good, but I was never addicted to the point of needing it everyday.
I think I'm scared of intimacy, yes. I'm nervous when people look too much into my life and that may get in the way of socializing. I'd choose sex between the two options, though, because fucking seems more fun and hotter than what amounts to an emulating exercise.
Friendly reminder that zoe is reserved for the BLC
The Belicious Last Course
Family, how do you feel about your family? Do you care about mom, dad, brother, cousin, that weird uncle who never got married? If so do you tend to show your feelings to mom and dad or you are distant like for example if they ask how are you? You give one liners like "fine " "good" "here"
Prepare anus
>kills hundreds of robots
>slides around in a power suit
>was a football player
>smokes a cig with one breath
>helping others is priority #1
you have insalaphobia?
Wish I was joking. Except the boy part.
This is literally me hahaha I'm pickle rick!! DAAAAAB
I am distant and don't talk much. My father is dead but he was distant in life, he always felt like an uncle who lived far away.
My sister has her own family now. I don't talk much to her and she complained about me not contacting.
I live with my mom, and talk less than her, keeping as much of my life private as I can. But I play with her imitating myself as a baby or toddler, just as she sometimes pretends to be my young daughter.
I have a paternal family (uncle, cousins) but don't really give a shit about them. Don't get me wrong, they are fine people who treat me well, but I don't see myself keeping contact for much longer after father's death.
Aging, jaded as hell and violent in almost any difficult situation
I relate to this character so much
i can't relate to females even though I feel emasculated
I just want that fucking rose to love me back.
Are you Armenian?
Wow, that wasn't original?
not as as short and have brown hair
We all feel like Karl one in a while
Fuck man, I want to be like John Locke so bad
is that walter sullivan?
This guy right here. It was a little eerie watching this the first time due to just how similar we were.
punpun was just fine that day
i don't remember him being that wide
I wuz a Samurai n' shiet but these whiteys tryna hide history so yeah, Im a samurie
minus the attempted rape
>social anxiety
>hates crowds and tight spaces
>enjoys daydreaming and stargazing
>is a small bi ready to try
what rape? i don't remember that in the story
Its not entirely clear in the book but when he spends the night in one of his old teacher's house and wakes up to said teacher touching him
On the left, except male. On the right would be my nephew. I never know how to deal with him, and I am pretty emotionless and dead eyed.
ohh yeah i rememebr now. i thought you implied holden was doing the raping.
nvm I remembered it wrong. He spent the night at his old teacher's and woke up to him stroking his hair. It was Holden who thought the teacher was making sexual advances.
I need to read that book again
If you forget that he became a pussy magnet I suppose?
may have related to her a little bit more than i like to admit
I'm the definition of smart, nihilistic with a wicked sense of humour itself.