You don't smoke, you don't drink, you don't do drugs, you don't party. Do you even have sex? What are you, religious?

>You don't smoke, you don't drink, you don't do drugs, you don't party. Do you even have sex? What are you, religious?

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well, uh... yeah?

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>you don't smoke
vape*, it's like you never get out...oh

I'm just not a degenerate you stupid cunt

occasionally smoke
drink way too much
have no friends
women hate me
agnostic I guess

>You dont drink
Thats all i do you bitch

No, I'm just empty and boring. Why are you even talking to me, anyway?


Cigarette smoke smells like shit, it gives you cancer and makes your teeth black, makes your voice raspy and shitty. Anyone who smokes is an absolute fucking retard. Smokers are scumbags.

We should suck each other off since me and you are so obviously the same person

Yeah, I love to fuck. :^)

Wait cigarettes make your voice raspy? I have a queer guys voice and I can fix it if I just pick up smoking

At least we'll be the first ones here to have sex

>mfw do all of these but still cant get sex
>not even fat or anything, I'm really doing my best to get a gf

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I'm an ex, an exerciser.

I don't do any of that because my family has a history of crippling addiction. Literally everyone in my family, even counting the extended family, has or had a problem with drugs and alcohol.
I'm just not taking that risk of addiction, no fucking way and nothing will move me.

I do none of those things.
Computers are better.

No I am fucking boring, but I do drink sometimes exept when I got the feels because then I cry

i don't do any of those things and i don't have a religion.
so what i am?

Promised my granddad I wouldn't smoke tobacco.
Don't know where you got that info from, of course I do. Just not too often.
Not my thing, I don't like parties.
That's on a need to know basis, would you like to know?
Not in the slightest. So what do I win?

I dont drink I dont cuss I wanna ride in front of the bus

Well when I was in 3rd grade a girl did show me her vagina

You forgot to mention I don't like music, Stacy. I'm not religious either.
Can you comprehend it, Stacy? Can you comprehend the NOTHINGNESS that constitutes me?

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i spend 50hours a week playing Dota2 and oldschool runescape and WOW though.

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Did all that shit when I was younger now I was to save money and get my own place.
Fuck you.

>You don't smoke,
Smoking is for the poor, dumb, or blacks. Disgusting habit.
>you don't drink,
Water is now clean and doesn't need to be distilled to become fit for consumption, also it's degeneracy.
>you don't do drugs,
I'd only do LSD if offered and in the presence of trusted individuals. You are not one of them.
>you don't party.
Loud music gives me headaches
>Do you even have sex?
>What are you, religious?
Organized religion is a cancer.

What about something that isn't addictive? Like LSD?

>you dont smoke
>you dont drink
>you dont do drugs
>you dont party
>Do you even have sex?
Not until marriage and for procreation as intended.
>What are you, religious?
Yes. Jesus Christ is my lord and savior and i have faith that through his grace even a sinner such as me can find salvation and be excused for my crimes. Although i don't serve him as much as i should and i am starting to feel despair which i know is blasphemous because I have not committed an unforgivable sin but still i have to be honest about my feelings. I feel lost and i need to go to church again. I haven't in months and its clear that it has led me down a dark path. I need to read and hear more scripture so that the truth may set me free.

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>tfw went through a phase of trying to live the normie lifestyle and got over it

The ascetic, healthier lifestyle is genuinely better than being a hedonistic degenerate, and I'm not even religious.

>You don't smoke,
Smoking is for losers that want to look cool and it's a shitty drug
>you don't drink,
I like to drink
>you don't do drugs,
Shooting up heroin is my idea of a fun time
>you don't party.
I don't want to interact with filthy normies, I want to actually have fun
>Do you even have sex?
Sex is not worth the pursuit.

If you're really hell bent on hanging out with me you can hit me up to come to whatever party you want whenever.

Rather not deal with it period. I just don't feel a great need to.

I do not smoke because it is a pointless temporary distraction and destroys my body.
I do not drink because it is a pointless temporary distraction and destroys my body.
I do not do drugs because it is a pointless temporary distraction and destroys my body.
I do not party because it is has pointless conversations with people I barely know and don't care about, and commonly has all of the above mentioned vices.
I plan to use sex only for procreation because it is an emotional and physical pleasure only to be done and shared with the one person you love.
If you have sex with multiple partners and forget about them the next day, you are nothing but an animal and deserve to be treated like one.
You do not have to be religious to see this, although it could help. Now begone, roastie! You are ruining my state of calmness and tranquility.

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>smoking (with the devil)
>drinking (with the devil)
>drugs (with the devil)
>partying (with the devil)
>What are you, religious?
Repent, vile heathen! REPENT!

dont want to after seeing my father smoking and he cant run for his life, he is obese but somehow still alive
dont really like the taste of beer
dont really like to party, went to a couple and they are just shitty memes
dont really want to whore myself out just for xd pleasure
yeah guess im a catholic who doesn't go to church
but i really should go to to socialize more and maybe even meet a catholic qt

Unironically yes, and cigarettes really aren't that bad for you. Only the extreme cases where people smoke like 3 packs a day are the ones they use for propaganda. Also smoking suppresses estrogen

I prefer being religious to being a filthy degenerated whore without value, *sipt on her face*, have a nice day.

Yes bitch, I am religious, and I worship myself, and my body.

>Not in the slightest. So what do I win?
An eternity in hell.

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>smoking is for losers
>does heroin

>Don't do alcohol, smoke, drugs, or caffeine
>The normie gets hostile the second they find out
What's the fuck is their problem?

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occasionally smoke some dude weed lmao
drink like its going out of style
Hate parties unless theres vidya involved
women hate me lol
Fedora tier atheist

I'm a rock
>a rock

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I told one of my teachers in high school I didn't smoke weed or drink and he looked at me dead serious and said "what the fuck is wrong with you?"
I just don't understand

Most people I've met who say they don't drink, smoke, or do anything are prudes. They usually think they're superior because of it.

>Smoking does nothing for me and weed is for niggers
>I'm pretty sure I'm a functioning alcoholic I average about 2 days sober out of the week and that's just when I can't be assed to buy leave and buy more beer
>I'm curious about LSD but I think I'll save it for old age also alcohol is the perfect drug for someone like me I'm not trying to double my money or some shit.
>Being around large crowds of people is emotionally and physically draining for me pretty sure there's some childhood reason for that but I really do love being alone
>I have had 3 sexual partners in my life and masturbate about 7 times a day I haven't had sex in over a decade and that's because I almost ruined my life by getting someone pregnant that I actually really hated
>I don't believe in any kind of afterlife

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Cigarettes are tasty. Alcohol is extremely unpleasant, I can enjoy the flavor and harshness but being drunk does not feel good in any way. Some drugs appeal to me, but I'm not going to go out of my way to acquire them. Parties are dead boring, and a lust trap. I'm a christian!

>destroys liver
Hey prudes!
>destroys lungs
why do you think you are superior
>gets stds
to us
>fucking dies
just because you don't do anything?
in all seriousness most things like that do much more harm than good, although drinking in moderation is fine.

>What are you, religious?

Yes I am. You would be better off reading the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ, like I do, than going to parties.

I know right. It's like a PVP trigger or something

More like you're an asshurt faggot that can't handle the fact that not everyone needs that shit to have fun.

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No, just a socially retarded spergmaster.

This is what I was talking about desu.
>needs that shit to have fun

I do smoke, i should stop though.

Yeah, you're not wrong kek. It's just not the type of people you want to be around. Goes towards the people who destroy themselves with drugs too.

A good cigarette smells and tastes amazing, fuck whatever you say

no im just a NEET loser but i do enjoy smoking cigarettes by myself


I'm a control freak. A control freak of my own mind and actions.

No im just a huge square.

>cigarettes really aren't that bad for you
doeqs nicotine really make people this delusional?

no, Stacy, I just don't have a blurred and delusional image of myself. I'm not trying to be the funny and smart guy who is really depressed on the inside and supposedly drinks because of that :(. I'm not a faggy persona which is desperately trying to sound like they're the protagonist of some post modernist show, I'm user.

> I dont smoke
> I dont drink
> I dont do drugs
> I dont party
> Im not religious
> Have a mentally ill gf that wants me to fuck her and waits for me naked at home when I come back from work.

Idk what people do wrong to not get a gf. I basicly did not want a gf until 20 then wanted one and got one within a year.