Tfw black and make 80k

>tfw black and make 80k
>take in alternative and hipster white chicks and wine and dine them routinely
>lift to maintain this
Am I cancer for this?

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As long as you're having fun don't give a fuck if you're cancer in someone elses eyes, enjoy the money and the hipster chicks.

>alternative and hipster
I mean it's not like you're taking anything that will really be missed. All yours I say.

No, you are a based black man. Thank you for exposing the traitors in our midst.

Yes but what if they just lie to their future white bfs

this is the only worthwhile response to read tbhfamalam

do u fuck them OP? honestly you don't clarify. just says wine and dine.

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Do you get cucked by thug black men?

>live a good life with a designated purpose and enough self discipline to maintain said life
>am I bad for this?
I'd say most of Jow Forums should be jealous. Except for the melanin part, I'm dubious that anyone here would want that.

Everything is documented. There are usually pictures. Some of them are even so brazen as to be seen in public together.

No user I haven't yet.

It's sad knowing that everything in this post is a lie

What do you uniquely mean by thiis?

Not really? You're only irritating people who don't like racemixing. It's not like you're breaking laws.

No but you don't belong on this board since you're a normal fag GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOARD

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nah you made it.

blacks who are middle-class and up have it on easy mode, congrats dude.

blacks in general have it on easy mode and in reality OP is just another diversity hire. I guarantee wherever he works its like almost no white men.

Is diversity hire just code for "black guy with job that I don't like"?

Where does it say "easy mode" on this pic?
Can you show me please?

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you posted this on Jow Forums as well, why are you so desperate for attention?

>"professional" black man who bangs white women because he is TOTALLY not insecure or anything
You aren't cancer you are just a loser. Like Carlton. That's probably what everyone calls you behind your back too.

LMFAO I'm not even op but you sound flustered as fuck