My girlfriend is off to an artsy college, she is kinda dweeby, Nerdy, plump, and has thick glasses...

My girlfriend is off to an artsy college, she is kinda dweeby, Nerdy, plump, and has thick glasses. I believe in her Fidelity, but at the same time every relationship I have had was lost to distance. she will be an entire state away.

What can I do to calm myself?

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kekkk this reads like some garbage romance book

Before and after one semester at a liberal arts college

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Just break up with her, you're already insecure about this. You have some emotional baggage you need to sort out.

Before and after one semester at a liberal arts college 2

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She got hotter.

she will be forever changed, OP

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maybe you'll get lucky and she will only "discover" that she is "actually" a lesbian

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>art school
Sounds like a girl just waiting for Chad to swoop in to tell her how interesting and cute she is boosting her self confidence before she drops to her knees to suck his dick
This could have been avoided if you ever made her feel special instead of being the door prize boyfriend every girl can get

or simply dress like a boy for no reason at all

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All she did was cut her hair (and her "sjw" haircut doesn't even have shaved sides or unnatural dye)

no plz.
Checked. And no dude we have been together for 3 years. This ain't happening.

Post pics of tits and ass here that'll help trust me

art school was a mistake

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I don't think she'll cheat, but don't expect this thing to last.
Also what college is it if you don't mind me saying?

>girl is dressing more conservatively after her "transformation"

Google "turkey dropped."

Are there chads in an Art College?
I don't take random pictures of her. but Maybe I will when she gets off work.

>And no dude we have been together for 3 years. This ain't happening.
Are you going to be able to get over your trepidation? Because otherwise your insecurity is going to ruin your relationship as your paranoia leaks out.

You can't do anything to calm yourself down. She will fuck someone within a week guaranteed.

She will meet a group of different people, one of them will have a thing for her. Her friends will edge her on, and convince her to hook up with the guy if she doesn't do it on her own. It will be all under the idea of breaking free from previous attachments, and liberating herself.

She will grow to resent you quickly, as something preventing her from blossoming and finding herself, as well as stopping her from having all the fun her girl friends are having.

Of all the girls with boyfriends I knew I'm uni, not a single one remained faithful by the end of the first years and the majority had broken up

Left looks like shes auditioning for BLACKED

I knew someone who had a long distance relationship that lasted more than a year, but the guy ignored them when they came to see them the last time? It was really sad. I hope your LDR lasts but I feel like it won't, I just want a happy story once, desu....

get a side gf, and when you "hold hands" with the side gf think of your main gf/

Listen dude. Listen up bro. You need to get this.
She's gonna fuck dudes. She's gonna fuck A LOT of dudes.

there are lots of bisexual chads. they will invite her to smoke pot and then try to fuck. they will offer to "draw" her.

>Are there chads in an Art College?
user there are Chads in every sub culture, they don't all look alike but the result is always the same

"art college helped me express my true self"

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You've been completely brainwashed lad. At least go on a shooting spree before you end it all.

I don't but unfortunately I don't really know myself.. I think It is in Virginia? or West Virginia. Shit hold on lemme look through our messages.
Yo, she knows and she ain't happy. She thinks it is lack of trust.
She doesn't drink or smoke weed so, it would be hard to just get with her... I hope.
Same homie.

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>liberal arts college
Would you rather she go to a state university and join Theta Delta Omega?

Stop making him paranoid dumb niggers

What school user? If it's near me I'll keep on eye on her for you, make sure she doesn't go to any crazy parties and just has some nice relaxing get togethers with a close friend

look how much more artistic she looks

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piss off you bloody bastard.

>Yo, she knows and she ain't happy. She thinks it is lack of trust.
Yeah of course she does mate. I'm telling you that you need to figure this stuff out on your own, your relationship won't be able to last if every thing she does has you questioning the situation.

Hey now, I'm not the one promoting a BLACKED girl as something that should be desired, you're so deeply brainwashed that you promote the agenda you claim to be against

You need to go with her or she will cheat on you.
Thats the way of the world man, Im so sorry that it is and it sucks to type this
but you need to go with her
then again - why would you date someone who would cheat on you in the first place? Well they all will. So we as men just have to deal with that fact and pick whichever girl is cool with swallowing

>Jow Forums

>Would you rather she go to a state university and join Theta Delta Omega?
Good point. At an art college she's less likely to cheat on OP with a stereotypical chad. Instead she is going to become a lesbian and break up with him after cheating on him with other women for a week.

I'm not the guy posting the pictures. If you see a pale girl with light hair and eyes and immediately think blacked then you're beyond gone.

>tfw I'm attending a liberal arts college
Alright, I fuckin get it. I'm probably gonna drop out soon and go to trade school anyways if my transfer application gets denied.

Hey I'm on your side here, I'll keep her away from the frat parties and we can just get a bite to eat, read poetry to each other, maybe a glass of wine to compliment the meal, nice wholesome things you know

Just become a lawyer like every other liberal arts fag.

You hang around niggers? because she is a nigger.

>Doesn't drink or smoke
She will
Just trying to show the truth. Breaking up now is better for both. He doesn't have to be paranoid, and she gets to explore herself sexually and experiment with life.

she won't. We don't now. Why would she start? Stress of work? oh no.

Because her Newfound friends will convince her to.

The fact she doesn't drink will make it so much worse, because she doesn't have as much experience controlling herself. She will be a prime target.

I guess I will politely ask her not to then. Is that controlling?

I am doomed.

>using demeaning language to refer to his girlfriend
She's definitely going to cuck you

>I believe in her Fidelity

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Its her own choice, I suggest you two talk about how you really feel if its a real relationship, to make sure you two are the same page, hopefully it will be friendly and no resentment? Best of luck user. I'm scared someone will say its "Beta" or "pathetic" of me to suggest it, but I just everyone to be friendly I guess. its me projecting

This is a fucking waste of a human

ok then, she is black.
I just hope she opts to leave me instead of cheating. it wont hurt as much I don't think.

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>My girlfriend is off to an artsy college

she is going to turn in to a feminist sjw piece of shit and join the black lives matter group to increase her oppression points.

We both hate modern Feminists, SJWs, and The BLM faggots.

TALK TO HER!! Communication makes relationships work, I know i WILL be called a beta for this, or maybe tell her how you really think. I knew a couple who posted on their social media that they were both having mental health issues but they were still together and still going strong,

thats a fucking tumblr gif.

Asking her not to will just be ammunition. Honestly there isn't anything you can do.

You give her free reign, she will go all in. You tell her not to, she will resent you and do it anyway.

What she does really depends on how much she values the relationship, and how lonely she feels. You will quickly become the separate and routine part of her life. Like calling her mother

>Stop making him paranoid dumb niggers

no bullshit here my friend dated a girl who when to art school and not only did she cut her hair but she cheated on him with a nigger. 100% true story no bullshit.

Dude you are in Jow Forums no judge I am here because I am scared to lose the love of my life. Thank you for Replying.
I got it From FunnyJunk.
Ok. You are probably right.
We are both niggers, so I am not afraid of being blacked... just left behind man.

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>going to a liberal college without OP
I hate to say this bruh, but that's not your gf anymore

don't underestimate the brainwashing that happens in art schools. they are going to shove the kool aid down her throat.

>We are both niggers

okay my apologies for using that word then. I just hated the fact that some blacks don't care if the girl is taken and they have no respect for relationships.

The term Nigger only offends the people deserving of the word. To me it just means 1 of three things when I use it. A male of any color. A black person. A fucking degenerate Fuck who needs to change his way of thinking. W

Oh, this OP I am just picking her black ass up from work. I will be home in a bit.

>The term Nigger only offends the people deserving of the word. m


My current long term gf lives an ocean away from me at university, we're doing fine. It all depends on who you are and who she is, long distance isn't for everyone, but isn't the death sentence that your average idiot instagram addict pretends it is.

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You can calm yourself by accepting that your relationship is over and calling it off yourself, knowing that you took the dignified option as opposed to finding out what we have all experienced... Or living with the suspicion.

>She doesn't drink or smoke weed.

She will, and believe me, as an inexperienced drinker/smoker this will only act as a further catalyst to the inevitable. Stop rationalising it as a positive and face the music.

>I believe in her fidelity.

Maybe when she has you around and is in your environment, but trust me: with a new social group and a 'liberating' environment women especially become completely different people. From the male perspective at least, IMHO they're shallow trend followers desperately seeking validation. And there's far more validation and sexual gratification to be found cheating on you than being loyal.

Pic related (and original). Grew it in my halls under a 30w CFL with Ona Pro Gel in the room (UK university).

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I was in a similar situation OP but not every long distance relationship turns out the same way. The most important thing you have to understand is that you have to trust her. If no trust exists within your relationship then why bother. I understand that youre worried and I personally gave up with my LDR but if youre sure about her and trust her then it should be worth it. If you will have doubts no matter what you need to re evaluate your relationship and decide if she's the one or not. If you fully trust her and she cheats that's on her, you will have done what's right and have no regrets. I believe in you OP, good luck.

>If you fully trust her and she cheats that's on her, you will have done what's right and have no regrets.

You'll regret not taking our advice friendo. Your 'trust' has absolutely no bearing on her behaviour.

It WILL happen. Accept it now or be a cuck.

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Not only does he exist, Art Chad is one of the more obnoxious kinds of Chad there is. Much like the Humanities Chad, he's good looking, extroverted, "sensible", "alternative", "wild", "progressive"(all of which are huge traps for dumb young girls who think they are "experimenting"), might be caught talking about feminism (really though deep down he just wants to pump and dump like ol' regular sports Chad), AND at the same time he makes chicks impressed with his artistic skills. You can't beat a guy who is charming, good looking AND is a classical guitar virtuoso. I'm sorry, OP.

Fuck, I hate Art Chad so much. We should have some kind of infographic detailing the different kinds of Chad and their habits for reference.

>t. kissless virgin Philosophy student