How does user feel about coon tunes?

How does user feel about coon tunes?

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Everybody was raving about that album so I listened to the whole thing and only liked 2 songs in it. The rest sounded like filler trash.

It's good and your being meaniglessly dismissive and rude about it .

I like the album but it had no lines that made have the stank face.
DUCKWORTH is my favorite one on the album.

I used to listen to rap until I realized I'm a pasty nerd virgin who can't relate to any of the lyrics

I don't even know what you're talking about or who is on the cover.

Kendrick Lamar is garbage honestly. people only like him because he has a smidge more depth than all other rappers

DAMN. was so overrated.
I like his other albums tho

Man, maybe it's just me getting older but I feel like since 2015 or so rap music has devolved into absolutely nothing but bragging

Absolute garbage. When someone listens to it I instantly think they're a prick.

Kendrick Lamar won a fucking Pulitzer prize for this trash album. Just cuz this coon added a little bit of depth to his music the SJWs gave him an award that went to classics like The Grapes of Wrath and To Kill a Mockingbird.

I only like Kanye West and Stevie Wonders.

>To Kill a Mockingbird
hurrr maybe darkies are people who deserve to not be lynched????? literal trash

The Grapes of Wrath was elitist trash.
t. Okie

I liked black music when it was music, i.e. the blues and rock n roll. this is just noise

He won the prize for music, which is separate from the literature prizes
Of course, he was the first non-classical composer to win in decades, but


Robert Leroy Johnson, James Reese Europe, and Chuck Berry are the most influential figures in American music. Not a genre is untouched by their influence.

DUCKWORTH fucking floored me. Best tack on the album. I like the rest of damn as well, To Pimp a Butterfly wad excellent, but Good Kid; M.A.A.D. City is still my favorite Kendrick album.

>Kendrick Lamar won a fucking Pulitzer prize

Mainstream normie awards are meaningless. They have lost their clout and authority for a huge percentage of the population.

Obama won the fucking Nobel Peace Prize and proceeded to bomb 7 countries (air/drone strikes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen) while race riots broke out under his term as president and the murder rate almost literally doubled in his hometown of Chicago.

I still can't get over that shit. I was a big believer in the pride and prestige of certain awards and that shit was a massive red pill

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So if he is a smidge better, and all rappers are trash, that would make him the best

if I take 10 shits (this metaphor has nothing to do with black peoples skin color) and one is the least stinky, does that make that one worthwhile outside of the context of those ten stinky shits?

Extremely overrated album, TPAB was MUCH more well produced, original and deep as far as rap goes. There is a consistent theme and a good ending. I actually enjoyed listening to his poetic style and not just the usual auto tune shit. DAMN. was just popular because of one hit and millennials latching onto it to impress their black friends.

If you have to touch 1 of 10 shits (if you HAD to listen to 1 of 10 rappers), then it would be worthwhile because the other 9 are awful whereas Kendrick is decent but horribly overrated, especially on his worst songs just cause they are catchy

yep, that's if you HAD to, though. no one is forced to listen to rap

True, I was just presenting a scenario.
>tfw you are forced to because your job plays radio on loudspeakers
>*****be humble hold up little*****
>leave work knowing the lyrics to the top 40 billboard
>think about flipping out one day

i am not a big fan of black people in general (we should have picked our own cotton, they should have been shipped back to africa after slavery, hitler was right and world would be better if nazis won ww2 etc.), but i do like the more low-view count underground shit and local scenes like memphis and atlanta. they have a unique style and culture which i admire a lot from a distance. i would never admit to my friends i listen to shit like this though

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>no one is forced to listen to rap

Not true. A lot of workplaces play music

With a few exceptions like Chuck Berry and Boney M they tend to be shit

A nigger won a prize for his bullshit nigger tunes? lmao western society is done.

sorry you can't like this shit and "not be a big fan of black people". impossible. what the fuck lmao

i can't hate niggers but like their music/dance/food?


nah im just fuckin around. I get it. a sort of detached enjoyment. liking something sort of in a vacuum. that's chill