Feminisation of Western Males

Isn't it so wonderful? How all of the traditionally brutish parts of males are being conditioned out of society? How young boys can express themselves and their emotions without stigma? That males are more effeminate than ever before and it's increasingly being normalised? It's way better than before when males were so crass and unempathetic.

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I want to cuddle that anime

Expectations on masculinity still exist dude. But of course warrior culture begins to weeded out of a society in peace. It's also a sign of a civilization's decline. You're witnessing the "weak men" that come from the "good times" identified by the conservative's cyclic model of history.

The whole trap and cuckold meme needs to die already. The fact it is still going is basically meme necromancy at this point.

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>be like american memes with built-in planned obsolescence

Nope, this is a sign of an uplifted society. Masculinity is bad and harmful for society (and especially for the males that exhibit those behaviours.)

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Saika on the front page!

Protip: "uplifted" societies get besieged to the dark ages rather quickly because their standing army is terrible.

hh-Hachi MAN

>young boys can express themselves and their emotions without stigma
Except they still can't and feminization of men is actually bad

When I see a trap CEO or a trap in any high level company position (that got there through merit not a PR stunt/Diversity hire) I'll consider the merits of ignoring female traits.

As it stands men make an extra 0.20c or thereabouts because of their masculine traits thay push them further. Taking girl drugs and a girl mindset is literally the "nice guy" taken to an extreme. If r9k has taught you anything it is that nice guys finish last.

Don't be silly user. Some low iq brutes thousands of miles away stand no chance against a cute nerdy boys controlling a drone while wearing thigh highs.

>Boys can express their emotion without stigma

>not understanding the value of stoicism
How does it feel to have a double digit iq? Sure its extreme isn't good but it's the most important thing for being able to actually get shit done.

No, not really. People like that are just crazy pedos.

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yeah i wanna seehow some manly arab gets to challenge the basedboys that have nuclear weapons

Rome thought the same thing about savage barbarians.

Not really, when feminity has been as distorted as it has been its harmful

Arabs arent the only threat their is many savage mexicans invading our country

>spamming Columbian necktie forums
>expecting some sort of real-world result
Are these people retarded?

They created an internet tranny cult. Do you doubt for even a second that they aren't

>internet tranny cult
Sounds gay

yesss you are right

nukes are totally comparable to ancient rome

do you know what an invasion is? this is on of the bigger straemans ive seen

Well they are still here, how would a feminized society fix this problem?

can you stop changing topics?

>yesss you are right
>nukes are totally comparable to ancient rome
If you don't see the similarities I'm not wasting any more posts convincing you of the obvious.

In a nutshell. Out of all the people here, they have the most pitiful lives.

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Everyone in this thread is more than likely a trap nigger and is cancer to society and should be euthanized. Fall of the west began with women now it's men. Society will eventually be inoperable due to it's incredibly high progressive values over traditionalism where women and men were successful in their produce. Finally we have a more advanced and equal society that we can finally say that we have faggots snuggling kissing and fucking. For what? Happiness? In that case comes old age realizing that sex does not fulfill anything, and if not sex, then love, which unfortunately extents the torments of man, and in this instance, over time, deprecates the foundation of what makes men and women separate and unique in society and for society.

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shouldn't have wasted posts from the begining if you knew you are retarded


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Mexicans arent a threat lol, they will soon become feminized too

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>Isn't it so wonderful? How all of the traditionally brutish parts of males are being conditioned out of society?

No they aren't. Those qualities are exactly what girls look for and exactly why the 80/20 rule exists. Girls flock to Chad to get away from effeminate fags like you. As a result you lower yourself to sodomy by settling for the inferior orifice.

Also this

It's weird they all act like they're friends when they have probably never met each other in real life and don't even realize how impersonal their interactions are.

And they're all proud of shitposting like it's some sort of accomplishment. How devoid of achievement are their lives?

>there are people on here who honestly believes they can fight ideas with spam
It's like they have no idea how things work on chans. Spam just means we will hate what ever you're spamming.

Nice try aero, how about you go back to your fucking discord server of circlejerking?

I am politely in disagreement.

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Do you even M.A.D bruh

That femboy ruined the whole anime for me. I couldn't watch it anymore after protag becomes a fucking queer and fawns over that homo

One day its gonna blow over just like how furries and mlp did. I wonder how fucked its gonna feel to have been memed into a freak who mutilated their dick once this trend is over.

I wish cattiness was a bit less normal but overall I agree. Effeminacy does not have to be confused with a weak will.

I want a yukimura of my own irl

>no maid bf
y live?

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The furries and mlp freaks never disappeared though, they just left these boards.

>How young boys can express themselves and their emotions without stigma?
>Masculinity is bad and harmful for society (and especially for the males that exhibit those behaviours.)
So being masculine is not a way to express yourself? Hypocritical brainlet.

this is the future of the human species

A rainbow stocking stomping on the human face forever.

>All this shitty Jow Forums tier knowledge of history
>Hurr gud times weak men
Kill yourselves

Not for (((all)))

We need less warrior culture and more paranoid culture. I.e less imbeciles claiming that military action and draconian laws that prohibit personal freedom are good, and more conspiracy theorists who are sniffing every fart and secret pertaining to the elites and are willing to murder them in bloody revolution if necessary.

It's more a destructive and reactive masculinity than a constructive patriarchal one.

It's d'awww-esome! :3 UwU

Awwww, isn't it the best?!? :3 I can act cutesy and stuff when I would be beat up if I was born in my grandpa's time :x

Romans didn't have drones. :3

Blacks, Latinos and Asians are more likely to be gay than whites tho

country saaaaaage
take me home
to the board
i belong

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Almost gayer, West /lgbt/
Rainbow ridge mountains, Gay frog river
Life is young there, younger than the trees
Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze

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Country SAAAAAGE, take me home
To the BOARD I belong
West /lgbt/
Gayer mamma, take me home

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>Lionizing exploitive people who make billions while workers can barely afford to feed themselves
A trap CEO would be the first trap I would hate

>tfw 2D gives you false expectations

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Being stoic fucked me up, its got nothing to do with IQ. I still have trouble being comfortable displaying emotions to others.

Nothing changed, dummy. High class men used to wear high heels, wigs, makeup, and frilly everything. Most of women's fashion has been originally for men.

t. normie triggered by rugged individuals not conforming to his expectations

Good point. OwO


origano mix

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Yeah but what if u like guys that aren't super feminine?
Maybe I should just DIE.

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More and more males are embracing their feminine side. More and more are realizing that being "rugged" isn't so appealing at all.

They are being rugged, in their own way :-)

The ideal society has cutebois, fembois, and girls (male) at the top of the social hierarchy. :3

Truly, what a nightmare timeline we inhabit.

Instead of being rugged, they now enjoy being fugged :D

Empathy is weakness.

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Well, it's important to uphold the femanine and masculine. You should have both aspects incorporated into yourself.

can't you just masturbate without making a thread about your fetish?

this is Jow Forums, so no

Fuck you all I like being a boy. A cute B O Y.

You have no idea how warfare works lmao

to be fair, the reason we're having so much trouble with the "peasant with an AK" of legend is that flooding places with nerve gas is frowned upon

The problem is lewd traps
If it's just a cute boy like Saika that's fine.

Masculinity embodies honour and truthfulness. Unlike how subhuman trap fags like to pretend masculinity advocates showing emotions in a dignified and respectful way instead of being a snivelling faggot. Femininity embodies slyness deceit crushing of dreams sloth and lust. It is the creature that destroys society.

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I swear to god these motherfucker mods aren't doing their fucking jobs

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We tried that in Nam and it also didn't work.
Nukes aren't the be all end all, and you can not win a war EVER with only air superiority.
You have no idea how warfare works or how to win. Feminized men are literally less likely to be effective warriors than masculine women, whether their job is infantry or UAV operator.
You're not tough, a military of 'femboys' would be steamrolled even with tech. superiority (which you don't even have) lmao

making fun of people for being ugly merely incentivizes better surgical techniques, which then incentivizes using them

you're relying on the thing you're leaning on being like stone, but it's more like tightly-packed gravel

Femboys embody the complacency and incompetence of females and therefore would be unable to operate it. It's the same way America has failed to crush the Taliban ISIS and Nam despite their attempts.

>Isn't it so wonderful? How all of the traditionally brutish parts of males are being conditioned out of society?
Except that's wrong. Feminine men aren't the ones reproducing.
>boys can express themselves and their emotions without stigma?
This is also wrong. Try being open with your feelings towards any girl and watch how quickly she'll gtfo and ghost you for life.

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I'm pretty lightweight, so I don't need a stone to lean on
unlike your fat ass

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Look man, i don't care what you do, i just want a cute feminine trap to suck my cock as a little whore and then keep going with my life

don't southeast asians typically have lower test levels than europeans
also, wasn't the line about that something like "bombing the outhouse while sparing the factory"
I don't think you know what you're talking about

>This is also wrong. Try being open with your feelings towards any girl and watch how quickly she'll gtfo and ghost you for life.
Why would you bother with girls when you're already cute yourself? Find a nice boy who'll treat you right.