Brooke here! Trips get my tits

Brooke here! Trips get my tits

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>wears whore clothes
>claims to be a virgin


What to see dik

do people actually find these thot faces attractive?

I'm a loser and would actually reject this person.

She can wear whatever she wants. Fuck off

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If dubs you leave this site forever

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Timestamp first

reroll, good night roasite

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Hey did you guys hear about this?? A study done by the University of Chicago recently showed that white women are born with melanin receptors on in their mouths and in their vaginas. This means that white women are biologically designed to be serviced by Nubian kings. How are you little dicked white bois going to cope with this?

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Stop posting brooke
You look like a common thot, how you're still a virgin baffles me (given you aren't a liar which you probably are)


She's not even white, she's like a third nigger.

hello brookeey do i get tits?

clearly the surperior poster get this first try robots

Trips and you stop shilling yourself here

>obviously breaking the rules with every thread you make
>the mods do nothing
>endless white knight cucks defending this whore who parades herself for attention
Good job Jow Forums! You make this board even worse!

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You shitlords can't recognize an obvious larp

fucking leave this site you stupid whore

this isn't even brooke's trip code you dummies

you betas still trying??? lmaooOoOo
brooke was SNAGGED by us spicbots, dont bother if you arent at LEAST bilingual

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brooke is banned lol this isnt her

>knowing her trip code
Fuck off orbiter and take your slut with you

C'mon now. Don't be a whore.

damn thats some thiccness

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Poor brooke

She thinks she's an ""incel""

>She thinks she's an ""incel""
my penis doesnt care what she thinks

got em, easy task for an experienced robot

Post em then probot

I don't even want to see that mutt's nudes she's unironically disgusting
Cringe + saged

>tfw you're just being mean

>she's unironically disgusting
Is it roast flaps?

I-I've missed you Brooke. Please answer my calls :(

brooke is a thicc goddess

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Who's brooke?
not an original question

>she's arching her back to mark her ass look 60% bigger than what it really it
Whatever keeps you sleeping at night buddy

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>t. Brooke the roastie herself

I just wanted to see some ass, chief. Implying that I'm a hole was just uncalled for

This is not brooke. This is someone who keeps pretending to be her. Brooke would never send a photo of her boobs to anyone. Please stop pretending to be her. unless someone has those trip codes it is not her.

jealous roastcunt lol

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>implying I am or would ever want to be a woman
Good one, now off my board

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That is brook. I've even spoken to her on vc.

Me too. She cammed with a lot of dudes

no one wants your tits you monkey looking nigger.

I added her on discord when drunk and never said anything

whoa what a chad

How does he do it? The absolute madman

if I get trips you leave right fucking now and you go to a latin mass as soon as possible

bitch look like timmy thick

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rerollan because fuck you thot

you know what fuck it, roll.