ITT Post the most aesthetic female face

>inb4 plastic gook

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Laetitia casta

Attached: b543ae1e868299942b3a4c6d4fb81b60--laetita-casta-exotic-women.jpg (400x610, 36K)

This will get 1/10th the posts of that male aesthetics thread

Jennifer connelly

Attached: a-beautiful-mind-movie-still-jennifer-connelly_1098878-400x305.jpg (400x305, 60K)

she is a plastic mess. look at that nose. that isn't natural. jaw also looks sculpted

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because this board is mostly gay men thats why also incels obsess over male lookmaxxing. whatever that means

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man jaw
qt but is probably ugly hiding facial features with hair

*teleports behind you*

Attached: babooshka5.jpg (600x400, 39K)

slut coke whore who cheats

Attached: jaden.jpg (503x503, 31K)

*Then, gets killed by Finns*

Attached: soviets send females vs finnish.jpg (800x490, 50K)

Attached: cute asian girl.webm (640x480, 2.92M)


kill yourself you weaboo faggot

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nice watermark, faggot
>implying men aren't more aesthetic than women


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Calm down Jaden.

Actual ugly retarded gook

She has the perfect face for facial abuse porn.
typical gook alien fish face

margot robbie
emma stone

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Attached: slav qt-6.jpg (1020x800, 116K)

Do you not realize that when you think and say shit like that, that you've gone a bit too deep into porn? Honestly, that's like something an addict says. Pretty fucked up if you step back and take a look at it.

Why can’t i look like this? T_T

Attached: 8FC4B768-7C8C-4474-8545-44319A818034.jpg (780x440, 39K)

this qT

Attached: Screenshot 2018-06-03 05.23.25.png (904x1170, 1.84M)


Attached: Princess Victoria Luise.jpg (2103x3155, 1.62M)

>plastic gook

(((They))) just had to go and destroy Prussia just so we wouldn't have anymore qt Prussian princesses

Attached: qt-serge marshennikov.jpg (1280x1685, 444K)

Cara a cute.
Queen Delevingne!

Attached: 225.jpg (1726x2472, 3.05M)

Precisely.. partly why I have a thing for polish girls now. :') As close as I will ever get to prussians.

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Jaden there's like 5 giant spiders in your hair.

my future gfs

Attached: 8FAAC90B-BC85-4CF0-83B6-C69528C926C9.jpg (2131x1417, 477K)

Attached: Allison_Reynolds.png (708x687, 397K)

Any chick from the Pomeranian area is gonna be qt, pretty much a guarantee

Attached: maria maria-3.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

>shallowing the bait this hard

>He wants to give his offspring weak jaw genes

Don't breed.

>hurrr durrr it was bait all along!!!!111!!
Yeah sure buddy.

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Attached: yeri.webm (1280x720, 1.1M)


*blacks ur gfs*
Ayo nuthin personnell

dude fuck off with this trans filipino trash not even pretty

Whoever this is

Attached: Screenshot_20180602-124948.jpg (1058x1328, 757K)

if u wouldn't fuck that u gay

Plastic gook
Ugly mentally challenged looking gook
Repulsive dumb ugly gook
Low test shit taste beta male cuck
Don't @ me sweaty ;)

Plastic gook

Based, I don't know what these faggots see in them

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Jow Forums is yellow fever central for autist who buy into race memes this is a known fact

My niggah, this is Yovana Ventura.
She's perfect

Anyone has the insta of that thick arab looking that is posted a lot here ?


Perfect face? Easy.

Attached: IMG_1353.jpg (750x651, 95K)

Whoever this qt girl is, Someone tell me the name

Attached: swoke.jpg (660x883, 55K)

dis hoe is bad af nebro

Attached: youngchad0.jpg (960x1199, 253K)

Attached: chadlites.webm (640x640, 1.36M)

This polish girl at my university is feminine as hell, shes too attractive too be alive



Do you understand what proper facial development entails? A "man jaw" is just correct facial growth.

Im a sucker for doe-eyed girls

Attached: Kathy Simmonds.jpg (1440x1056, 190K)

If you cover the hair it looks like a dude

Then kill her

She went to my highschool

Attached: aPjR3XQ_460s.jpg (460x701, 43K)

looks like female varg

She looks hella ugly

nahh not gonna kill her, but i follow her instagram and damn shes probably one of the most attractive girls ive seen.

no other girls, even super attracitve ones objectively catch my attention like she does to me

c.mon mane i dindu nuffin mane cmon don play me lik dat ma i ain bou da cuh fuggin pus ah bih


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literal goddess

Attached: 1527311720487.jpg (1000x541, 72K)

email me her instagram, to avoid doxxing
to this temporary email address (10minutemail)
[email protected]

they cannot touch her

Attached: cybill-shepherd-taxi-driver1.png (934x507, 610K)

plastic gook trying to be white chick

plastic gook

I just watched that movie a few days ago

she got fatt(er)

plastic gook

Masc as hell

this thread is very disappointing

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Is she a midget or something? Looks like someone downscaled her body 25% but kept the head same size

oof first time i saw her she reminded me of this bitchy jew broad i wanted to hatefuck into the dirt, 10/10

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if she was, problem?

Yeah, midgets are unattractive

well she's not but you're a dumbass for thinking she is

Attached: WRONG.jpg (5000x5000, 589K)

Look at her body, it's tiny
Fuck off you fat nigger

> likes man sized women ....

>Likes womanlets because he is a manlet himself
p o t t e r y

it's not a front on shot you fuckass, you can see the top of her head, learn how perspective works

> implying only short men like average sized or petite women

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is for