Hi guys!

Hi guys!

I'm new to Jow Forums and I was wondering what some good boards are. I don't want to go to B because I always heard that that's the dark side of the internet, and I'd rather not risk it.

Oh also, what memes should I know so I can browse Jow Forums productively?

And one last question, is there a way to register an account here? I know you can post anonymously but I'd prefer having a recognizable username.

Thanks in advance! :)

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Nice b8 m8 I rate kill yourself

Paranormal is totally
The most interesting and fact based board

/d/ has really good and heartfelt conversations

Hi! I'm the OP of this thread.

I really appreciate your advice, however I'm a devout Catholic and my parents don't let me read satanic things.

Is there any other good board?

You just threw out any hope to make this believable

/kys/ user-kun

Wait, does kys mean kill yourself? That's a very mean thing to say to someone, suicide isn't a joke. (If it means something else I'm very sorry but like I said I'm new to memes)

/h/ is all about praising the lord

It means keep yourself safe :)

OMG that's just cartoon porn why did you lie to me

(Sorry for the double post I don't know how to reply to multiple people)
Ohhh thank you. Sorry if I offended you

Go to Jow Forums and be more manly

It's okay, I'm sorry for giving you the impression I was trying to be rude ^-^ the internet can be a very scary place you know

I'm sorry to say this, but Jow Forums isn't the place for you. You seem like an innocent person, so take this as an advise: don't even try Jow Forums, it isn't for you (especially this board)

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I'm a girl silly!

It's obvious bait dumbass

Umm, what does "bait" mean?

X isnt always satanic. Its about 1% satanic

Anything paranormal is satanic. Good souls go to heaven

"Bait" is when someone pretends to be/do something that they know will trigger others into responding to them.

How old are you OP, if you're under 18 you're not supposed to be here