My girlfriend won't let me buy a fleshlight

my girlfriend won't let me buy a fleshlight

she says she will be "jealous" because it's a pussy that isn't hers

>it's nobody else's pussy
>it's a fucking piece of rubber

i don't get to see her everyday (sadly) so that will be for the days i don't see her.

she thinks i'd rather have sex with a toy then her (i would rather stick peepee in to human; feels better)

robots please help me

Attached: 1520121729_Sad pepe.jpg (400x400, 25K)

Your first mistake was even telling her.

>has gf
Actual normalfag. Stop posting

dw she browses Jow Forums with me
its true love

if she has or ever plans to buy a dildo or vibrator be sure to point out the hypocrisy

yeah i shoulda kept quiet


>its true love

Right up until your sexuality is controlled

Then they can put her dildo in his fleshlight to make up for all the sex they're not having, and neither will get jealous.

good idea
the matriarchy wont beat me

>my girlfriend
normalfags are not welcome here

sex doesn't define love (in my opinion)

Um, sex is NOT love on it's own, but boy is it fucking integral. Eh, to each their own. Though if that's the case I'm kinda confused as to why you bothered with this thread

to voice my woes

What are some things you don't "let" her do?

Fair enough. Good luck then friend.

i love you too
you're nice
i will hand you my daughter's virginity

#1 policy is loyalty

if she does something even close to breaking loyalty i give her a lot of shit about it

Call her out on controlling your sexuality. Tell her if she doesnt want you fapping or using toys tgen she must be sexually available 24/7 no questions asked. If she is unwilling to do that then she is being unreasonable

will actually do this, thanks my guy

This no sex toys in the bedroom for gf

>punish the womenfolk

Normalnigger leave.

Buy her a vibrator, not a dildo one, something you can control with your phone. I like it because I don't need to lick her vagina and I can bully her with it at the movies.

Ditch the bitch, don't stick ur dick in crazy or regret it

that actually sounds fun lmao
imma take that bih to incredibles 2 and make her moan in front of the kids

i love her desu
the sex is good and she isnt an asshole*

*this one rule i don't appreciate

you can call me normalfag

never normalnigger

nigger steps across the line
i'm not that gross

Just get a better one lol

She has a dildo/vibrator. Call it.

>ok with being called faggot
>not nigger though thats too far

If you feel too guilty getting one without telling her, tell her why, explain to her that it will not affect what you guys have, and stand your fucking ground.
Unless yer a no good coochie whipped yella belly