How do you cope with blackpill/redpill?

how do you cope with blackpill/redpill?

do you just not leave your house?

Attached: 4 nice men.png (800x1990, 309K)

how can this make you black pilled? lmao nigger just do what the image says and you're good

It makes me want to improve myself and one day have a harem of roasties. I've lost 30kg this year towards my goal of being Chad.

>do you just not leave your house?
yeah pretty much

You we're born a robot and will die a robot. Give up on trying to be a Chad.

What are you trying to say user? You think society will ever accept a robot, that as we know are ugly and spergs.?

I refuse. I want to have children.

People can't fake whole personalities you autistic faggot

>do you just not leave your house?
Yeah, basically.
I'm just waiting to die.

Here the real "redpill" for you faggots:
You will not find your answers from a pill of any kind.

Sorry lad, but you won't. It's not your fault, genetics fucked you hard and left you with some bad genes. Nowadays women only want the best of genes. You can always rape a woman and force her to bare you kids, but I don't recommend.

Ahh so the zionists are after morality itself now. I like nice people, you like nice people. This info-graphic is complete garbage.

I just avoid interacting with women any more than I need to. Don't feel the need to just stay inside, I'll go to the store or go for a walk if I feel like it. Just avoid prolonged interactions with women

>I like nice people, you like nice people
But women on the other hand, do not.

I just drink and fight and push everyone away
I'm putting off suicide until this next adventure concludes

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I just kill myself

Counterpoint : You only "like" them because they're easy to take advantage of and use for your own benefit. Another mean, self-centered person like you is out for himself and his own self-interest, just like you are, and therefore you can't take advantage of him. So it is in your self-interest to encourage "niceness" in others, but not yourself.

>polarizing personalities drive people away
>women like assertive men who aren't pussies
you just now figured this stuff out?
so the blackpill is for retards with no social awareness, got it.

proud of you user. keep going

>have a harem of roasties
and watch as they flee you once they find a better Chad which does exist?

but you're already on Jow Forums, the internet hate machine

The key is to just not be such a bitch, "altrustic" men which are agreeable personality types tend to give more than they get in the hope of reciprocity that will never happen and makes everybody feel awkward.

You need to treat yourself at least as generously as you would treat another person.

>People can't fake whole personalities
thats where youre wrong, kiddo

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Nope I never leave my house. But not because of this, it is because I do not get along with people and everybody hates me. So I just spare myself awkward situations.

no reason to stay inside and feel shit. Go hiking, you don't need to talk to people that much. You can see the beauty of the world and the shifting seasons.