post what you did today right fucking now you dumb fucks or do something interesting this board is dismal right now even pol is more interesting than you
Post what you did today right fucking now you dumb fucks or do something interesting this board is dismal right now...
i slept a lot today, I'm pretty depressed, I typed on r9k a lot, thought about doing other things but didn't thinking about sui, less than 2 hours till friday, the time is just passing like nothing. I even shitpost about bbc because I have no dignity left anymore.
do you know what this feels like? I bet homeless manlets feel worse.
I woke up and my mind was pushing me towards sui and my heart was pounding, i'm just too far gone, no woman wants a guy like me, Idk why I was born.
I'm going to watch netflix or something, i'm in such inner turmoil idk what to do
I went to work
I wrote code
It hurt my head
I felt stupid
I left work
I ate a peach
I watched my country get sexually assaulted by Croatia shitposted on /int / after.
I tried studying but I couldn't even read one page so in short I wasted my day
Went through drive through to try to get the qt cashiers number but i choked
Next time right
Need pick up lines
>Wake up at 6:30
>Start painting gig at 8
>Boss has me running errands all day
>Stop at Burger King
>Cut tape and wash brushes for 2 hours
>Go home, take a shit
>Go longboarding
>Skate a mile on the trail searching a for hill I thought I saw. No such luck. Skate a mile back.
>Skate a different hill on the trail. Super steep. People are asking me if I'm seriously going to do it.
>Skate it five times.
>Skin my arm and ass
>Go home
>Get stoned with my dad
>Play Persona 4
Today was chill.
I actually went to work instead of pretending I went to work.
>"hey I am interested in you can we go out sometime? Give me your number we do something
Fucking easy m8
Grind at my summer class. I have an exam tomorrow. I spent 5 hours studying.
go to work. look like I'm doing work for 9 hours. come home. too tired to enjoy my free time. going to bed soon. kill me
Ate breakfast at my fuck buddy's house, just fries and cheese fingers and nuggets leftovers and a carrot-apple juice
Went to uni
Went to the psychopatological studies club wich I enjoy pretty much. I'm exited about reading about depression-anxiety coomorbility. And we talkes about the critics against the DSM-V, and other approaches to mental illnesses
Studied and did a test. Did my part of a group work
At the final class we just talked about homosexuality and it finished early
Now I finished eating my comfy meal and I'll go walk my doggo and study more for tomorrow's presentation
I'll call my fuck buddy later and browse Jow Forums more before sleeping
I really like my uni's library but I was too busy to be there for pleasure, tomorrow I will have more time, also have sex if my period doesn't come yet
I went to get a haircut in the afternoon then went to Subway on the way back. I walked through the park on the way home, it was a sunny day. Drank a cup of coffee at home, then spent the rest of the day watching anime.
How much for a haircut ?
10 euro. I get it cut every 6-8 weeks.
Well it's Friday afternoon down under and I haven't fapped in 4 days and woke up with morning wood. Had a coffee and watched some anime in my backlog, I've got a lot of catching up to do.
Felt fucking depressed
Played vidya
Eat dinner
Played vidya
A lot of my days are like this.
Went to work (dad will disown me if I dont)
Step mom had granddaughters over
They annoyed me, especially about whether or not I liked this other girl
Helped my dad get ready to go on a fishing trip
Ate chicken nuggies
Played vidya
Currently taking a shower and going through Jow Forums (as always)
ayy dubs tho
>Watched dragon ball super
>contemplated killing myself
>dreaded going to my job tomorrow
what kind of code did you write?