How hard did Stacy reject you?
she told me to never talk to her ever again
How hard did Stacy reject you?
refused to answer me, then messaged me later lying that she was a lesbian. She had a bf 2 months later and never talked to me ever again.
Said yes to me because she was flustered, didn't speak to me ever again, then got a friend to tell me it wasn't a thing a day later.
She said she rather marry her dealer than to even touch me.
Never replied. And we never spoke again.
At least she actually replies to you fuckers. No girl has EVER returned my messages.
>one laughed and said "hahaha, no way".
>one pointed at me and said "I would never date someone like HIM" without provocation
>one told me that no girl would want to be with me, and then got really hurt when I said I wasn't interested in her anyway
>last one (muh oneitis) told me she "wish she could see me that way" because we got along so well and that we could remain friends
>she stoped talking to me soon after anyway
My life is a meme, lads
Why dont you just kill them?
They are obviously causing you suffering
I never got rejected, never in my life I don't know what being rejected is about.
Because I never asked a girl out, you guys at least had someone to ask for and the courage to do it. You are all brave :)
>dated me for like a few months
>ghosted me out of fucking nowhere
>I broke up with her, sorta, just so that I could say it was definitively over, but we hadn't talked in months at that point
>she never responded
Isn't even the worst one, just the most recent.
>falling for stacy
>gathering the courage to ask her out
it's pitiful how deluded you must be to tell yourself you have a chance.
Had a chance with a literal 9/10 Stacy. Perfect ass, pretty face. I'm socially avoidant and recovering from panic disorder.
She invited me to her dorm room, I got scared convinced that I would act awkward and blow my charade, she never hit me up again then banged my friend a few weeks later.
>tfw robots lust over stacys and complain about girls wanting chad
Had a chance with her, but she would only agree to it if she could fuck Chad during our relationship. Her words, and she specifically named him (former friend of mine I had a massive falling out with over ANOTHER girl).
She is married to him with racemixed kids now so I guess both him and I got the short
>We became best friends a couple months later
I am in the friend zone but hey, at least she still talks to me.
Literally every girl is a stacy though, not every guy is a chad
>this is their rationalization
Maybe because the only girls you notice are stacy tier
This is a very good point. Before summerfags came, Stacy was not actually the counterpart of Chad. She was just any girl we couldn't get, or at the very edge of the definition someone popular with guys (which, mind you, is every biological female on the planet regardless).
You get it
You don't. Get off my fucking board chad
>she fucking made a disgust face and walked away
>i just fucking asked her name for fucks sake
Literally crushed my soul
The time I met the girl from the blank space video.. I threw myself at her and she started screaming about how she doesn't date losers and she's sick of guys thinking they have a chance with her and then I saw her boyfriend and he is an Aryan 10/10
>or at the very edge of the definition someone popular with guys
I was never popular with any guy
>meet grill online who seems pretty dumb but I have no friends so idc
>says she's asexual but polyamorous
>i don't give a fuck, not interested in sex anyway
>become good friends
>have sex
>she is very experienced
>ends up telling me she's fucked 26 other guys
>"none of this makes sense, you said you were asexual???"
>"well I only have sex with people I love"
>apparently she loves everyone she meets
>apparently I wasn't as disinterested in sex as I thought
>goes on for a while, I buy her a fuckton of things and have progressively worse sex maybe once a month
>it starts to burn when I pee
>she says she can't talk to me anymore because she met a guy she wants to be exclusive with after saying she loves me for 6 months
>I was never popular with the type of guy I wanted to be popular with
Fixed that for you, whore.
i just asked her to go get some lunch sometime and i was expecting either a harsh no or a timid yes but i think i got something worse
she said "why"
what the fuck do you say to that? lemme stick my penis inside of you
I helped Chad with summer school and he promised me he would hook me up with one of the Stacys he hangs out with.
>one day come home to a text
>its chad
>"yeah dude we need to talk lets meet up at the diner"
>go to diner
>chad is there waiting, already ordered for me
>sit down
>chad looks me in the eye
>"well i asked around about you and uh, im not gonna lie dude they didnt say good things"
>not surprised, was not popular anyway
>ask him what exactly did they say
>chad begins to list all the women he talked to, 9/10 stacy's, 9/10 beckys, 8/10 quiet shy girls, etc. and what they all thought of me
>"hes a weirdo"
>"he might be a serial killer"
>"i heard hes a heroin addict"
>"i dont wanna go anywhere near that kid"
>chad saw that i got very sad as he read out these texts about me
>offers to rent a hotel room with me, buy some coke and hire some prostitutes
>but i declined because i was way too sad to do anything
That fucked me up for a few months
I recorded a fight in 11th grade and Stacey told me if I sent her the video she'd give me her number
I declined LMFAO wtf am I gonna do with a number of a girl who probably won't reply. all the guys were taken the fuck back. thirsty jackasses
Damn. That's fucked up, i'm sorry user
I never understood the "get a girl's number" meme
Like, you're going to call this person you don't know very well and have nothing in common with and do what, exactly? Not to mention that I get extremely anxious when I have to make a phone call. I don't know how to have a conversation by text, either.
I will try to keep it short
>meet 9/10 stacy online (she looks and acts a lot like Nino)
>she's super intelligent and mature
>suffers the same struggles (depression, difficulties in finding real interest on others, etc)
>she lives in a different city/state that i do, travel multiple times to meet her, spending every dime i had
>on the third travel we finally have our first and only kiss as she says she loves me
>didn't have more money to travel for a couple of months
>meanwhile she starts a serious relationship with another dude and dont have the courage to tell me
>found out
>she doesnt know what to say, neither do i so we drifted apart
My heart still hurts to this very day
If you arrange a meeting with the person it usually works out better when done properly. There are a few types of places you can meet up at depending on the person
>coffee shop: this is strictly conversational and used to get to know someone better; usually pretty quick, she decides if she likes you or not and then when the answer is no because you're a robot who can't lead a conversation, you never talk again
>restaurant: like above, but longer. If you cook you can talk about the food and that might help you open up to the person enough to get comfortable talking about other things. If not, it's just longer and more expensive than coffee shop
>movies: go watch dumb normie capeshit and pretend to enjoy it so she doesn't realize how depressing you are until she is more attached to you. Less conversational, maybe easier to set up since most people aren't comfortable going to theaters alone, but also something people do with friends more often than the above so Stacy has probably got someone she wants to see the new 50 Shades with
There are other common things but what I like is an environment you can interact in more. My go-to if i don't know someone is aquariums, because they're fuckin neat and I get to see cool fish so idgaf how the date goes, you can talk about things other than "hi I'm X and I do Y but hate my life and wish I could do Z" as well since, as stated, the environment is more interactive. Most people don't go to aquariums often either, so they'll probably say yes if you're paying.
One time I arranged to meet at an aquarium but it was closed when we got there and Toys R Us was nearby, a highly interactive environment where you can browse and shitpost for hours. They also have chairs that you can sit down in and talk if you both interact well.
So tl;dr: find somewhere you would actually like to go and can talk about, but that is uncommon to go to alone, even if it seems off the wall. Lead conversations, have disposable income.
That is surprisingly in depth, thanks user. So it's normal do go on a date with someone you don't really know very well yet? I feel like that would make me extremely nervous. I always hoped that I could begin a relationship with someone I already liked, like in the movies, but I guess that's the kind of thinking that makes you die a virgin.
Anyway, I just need need to learn some date spots since I never leave my house, get a car and a license, get money... And then actually convince someone to go on a date with me, which sounds kind of impossible. And get an actual personality so she won't get bored and think I'm a loser during the date. Sounds easy.
Don't ask to do anything too secluded like camping/hiking/whatever the fuck the first time because that seems rapey. At the end of whatever you planned you should have a basic idea of her interests hobbies, a lot of younger girls don't have interests or hobbies so what I would do is say something like "well, I like photography/cooking/camping/etc, would you like to try it with me some time?" All that aside, you won't have too much to talk about prior to receiving contact information, but after spending some time in an interactive environment like I described you probably know the person enough to converse with them, or if not you should move on.
You can find example questions to ask online. I was looking at them on my phone once when I thought a date wasn't looking and she had a lot of social anxiety as well so she just thought it was cute, so try to prepare some basic questions to ask beforehand if the conversation stops entirely, but in the moment you will probably forget them and it's ok to google some shit. Most of what you find will be very impersonal questions that seem put together by a robot, so put the questions in your own words. If you are seen looking this shit up, don't freeze up and act like a retard about it, just laugh and say you get nervous around cute girls or something and then show her the questions and you can answer them together.
Lastly, if you want a date with someone, know their hobbies and interests as I said before, as that is vital to setting up dates with someone. If you have no shared interests but get along well with the person, that is fine. Nobody actually likes women, men sacrifice their time and enjoyment to fall asleep with their arm around someone who just said "I love you" and then wake up with her brightly-lit eyes looking back into theirs because that's a million times better than any sex. Do not change yourself for a woman, but offer to take part in the things she likes.
Her best friend started laughing clutching her stomach. Stacy gave some excuse about not wanting a boyfriend but I could see she was holding back laughter.
She said I was too young for her when she found out I was 2 years younger. Broke me in a million ways and I've never been the same.
Wow. Impressive willpower user.
It happens but if you start off with one type of relationship and try to shift it to something else, that's much more difficult than starting off where you both consider something romantic possibly.
You are pretty hard on yourself here, and I can understand it; I also don't have a car or license, or know the area I currently live in though, and I still make it work. Three years ago I was in a mental hospital for attempted suicide and extreme social anxiety that made it nearly impossible to leave my house, but life's a bitch and will force you to do things in the most difficult ways when you have no options left. Are you going to let life fuck you and be a victim of your circumstances, or are you going to get your shit together and decide your own route? Everyone tells themselves "as of tomorrow everything changes" or "when I wake up I'll be a changed man", but if you want to change tomorrow you have to change today user, don't wait for tomorrow your whole life.
Back in middle school got real close with a Stacy and we used to talk a lot. Being the autismo I am I listened to a normie friend and told her I had a crush on her. She got this creeped out look and we never spoke again. I can't believe it's been probably over a decade at this point and I still remember her facial expression like it was yesterday.
I'm very happy that things have gotten better for you user. I have told the "man, I gotta get my shit together while there is still time" thing to myself before, but I honestly, even if I can get past my fixable issues (social anxiety, logistical stuff, etc) it just doesn't sound realistic to imagine someone wanting to be with me. I'm ugly inside and out, never got any kind of positive female attention, and honestly have nothing to offer to a woman. Idk user, I sometimes think some of us just weren't meant to be with other people. I would say I have already given up, but the reality is that there wasn't ever anything to give up in the first place.
>So... do you like me?
>I mean... kinda, I just don't really want to.
still haven't recovered
she wasn't a stacy. she was and will probably remain one of the nicest and most genuine people i'll ever know.
This one hurt. I'd hug you if I could user
I love this pocket monster in particular
holy shit, that is serious advice. thanks nigga
Describe yourself user, specifically focus on your positive aspects because I am sure you have some, but you can include negatives as well.
You're right that some people will never be able to be with other people, but you also have to realize that everyone has bad qualities. If you let them limit you and never try then you fail from the start; if you push past those boundaries then you might fall and hurt for a bit, but when you get back up you have a new limit. Do you really want to be in the same place, in the same situation, shitposting in the same threads on Jow Forums in even a year from now?
I meant to include in that post:
Anyone reading this will probably be too nervous to do too much, but most robots are pretty smart and hyperaware of their surroundings, so maybe not - actually listen to what she says. Women hate that they tell Chad the same thing 5 times, and they love it when you remember something seemingly inconsequential 6 months down the line. Reading this may make you try to remember everything and inadvertently fuck everything else up, so I'd recommend going on practice dates with fat desperate women you have no interest in a few times before even approaching women you like. If you go on practice dates, do something to make it stressful, i.e., coffee shop or something where it's all "getting to know you" bullshit. You only learn from challenging yourself.
>Describe yourself user, specifically focus on your positive aspects because I am sure you have some, but you can include negatives as well.
Honestly, I can't think up of many qualities. I don't think things like "I'm loyal" or "I'm a good person" can be considered qualities, since those are just the bare minimum of moral character that is expected of people. Other than that I'm kinda smart and can be funny, though my humor sense is kinda niche (girls think the holocaust is funny, right?). Negatives are too many to list really, so I will just say that I'm a guy with no motivation to do anything, with no social skills, no charisma, no real interests or hobbies, who only goes out to go to class, where he doesn't talk with anyone and is barely even noticed, and spends most of his time rotting away in his room or shitposting on Jow Forums. Physically, people seem to think I am unattractive (except my mom, who says I'm handsome). I would say I'm probably a 3/10 looks wise. I don't enjoy anything anymore and have nothing to live for, and plan to kill myself once my parents are gone, since they are all I have left anyway.
Sounds like someone a worthwhile girl would want to be with?
If you tell a holocaust joke or two some girls will laugh, just don't make it every joke and don't do it till you think they'll probably be ok with it.
As for appearance, if you have a few niche things then a lot of grills will like it, I don't look great but I have blue eyes and long eyelashes, plus my eyebrows look like I had them done professionally apparently, and women maybe subconsciously want to pass that to their children so I am pretty popular with non-white women, do ok with white women but not as well.
I have been awake long enough that I'm seeing spiders that are not there out of the corners of my eyes so I am all out of advice for now user, there's not much that I can say that I haven't already. I will leave you with this however:
I have noticed in my own experience that the people I get along with best, both romantically and in friendship, are the people I have the least in common with. This isn't because of how I or they are, but because I am more interested in people with differing opinions and accordingly can have deeper conversations with them. Few people are genuine with each other, and so when you are you build a greater connection than people will generally experience more than a handful of times in their life, and your own genuineness will inspire them to reciprocate. It doesn't matter who or how you are as a person, if you can do or say things most people wouldn't be comfortable with, they will view you much higher than they would otherwise, even if you are as terrible as you think.
When people say "just be yourself" this is what they're saying very poorly. I originally recommended going somewhere you want to go by yourself with someone, and I say this because you will be more comfortable their. They no longer matter and are secondary to your enjoyment. Because of this, you'll act in a manner you otherwise would not, and in doing so they will probably see whatever good qualities you fail to see as they express themselves.
I never bothered with Stacey's I've always known they were out of my reach
As cliche as it sounds, you have more in common with the people around you than you are different, and in acting naturally that becomes apparent to both parties. As soon as this is accomplished, you will likely have a mutual understanding and probably fondness for each other, and if you're not extremely autistic then the way I described will probably be faster than if you just meet for coffee or a movie like some dumb normie and waited for the 'one' where everything clicked into place.
In your first post you said you'd go get a car and license and whatever the fuck else but since then each post has been progressively more depressed. I don't know if something has changed through the duration of these posts or if your mood is declining, or if maybe you're just revealing more about yourself, but nothing I've described is difficult. You can easily do all of the above even with how you describe yourself, and if a date doesn't go well (and the first few probably won't) then that's fine, it simply means you can do it and that, by improving yourself, you can probably improve the outcome.
As an actual last thing, there are things in your life you can control and things in your life that you cannot (also called spheres of influence and concern, you should look it up and read more about it). Most people stress themselves out over things in both spheres, but that is not effective. Seperate the issues you can and cannot control, and if you can't, do not worry about it because you're wasting time and making things worse. If you can, that's great - fix it, and then you have nothing to worry about. Doing this will help you in all aspects of life, even if you do choose to sudoku after your parents.
Have a good night user, I hope things work out for you.