How does this image make you virgin incels feel?

How does this image make you virgin incels feel?

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confused as to what the point of this thread is

That's just the female equivalent of the suicidal >tfw no gf fags here

The Kate Spade one is pretty disgusting. She blames the trauma the daughter will go through on her husband. Take some accountability you degenerate whore.

This is the great paradox. Women have their SMV front loaded while male SMV actually peaks around late 30s.

A 20 something non chad male has not much to offer a roast. But the same is true fir a used up 30 yo whore. Meanwhile a 40 yo boomer can go fuck 19 year old Thai whores once he acquires money.

I feel like those lesbos who killed 6 mutts are fucking based

you mean, the fun part of my life still about to come? based

I don't really "feel" a certain way.
It makes me believe that generally speaking women should probably focus on nurturing their offspring and men should focus on building a foundation for themselves that probably at this time in history doesn't include women or a mate.

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where are all the lonely 30yo guys

surely there has to be a lot of them

Fuck yeah justice.

Women have life on giga hyper ultra easy mode ages 17 - 27:

For men it's 27 onward thus making this a pseudo stable equilibrium

It's happening. We always said so many men are checking out due to intense loneliness at a young age this is women reaping what they sow, they're too old for Chad now. MGTOW is working.

In the gyms, in the net, playing games, in hobbies, asleep in bed and getting ready for work, banging escorts and planning trips to thailand to bang whores.

You know.

>Virtue signaling racist dyke desperate to play down how lesbians have been proven to be objectively the worst mothers on earth and also a genetic dead end who is never to be knocked up by accident or design.

>"This has nothing to do with you," the note reads in part, according to sources. "Don't feel guilty. Ask your dad."

Jesus fucking Christ, even in death she can't let her child have a positive father figure, she needs to blame him + tell her daughter she blames him. Ruining their relationship in the process which would otherwise get stronger after a death like that.

Sensationalized. 70% of all suicides in the US is still white men alone. That leaves 30% for not just all other races of men, but also all races of women.

that karen cross article is great, you should all read it if you wanna enjoy roastie tears. it's so good that I think it's almost fake

Nah those dykes are based. Remember, they also killed 2 dykes along with those mutts.

>tragedy struck in June last year, when she bumped into a former long term boyfriend.
Is this unironically what's considered a tragedy for a stacy?

Two of these are the same story. This is very uncommon to happen

K..well...have fun with that lezanon.
I'm sure people here are giving you the big thumbs up.

we're right here

media doesn't give a shit about men

>women would rather kill themselves than be with you
Harsh, but also expected

>"lol bro men become more attractive as they age"
>get to your 30's
>now you're balding
>getting fatter
>all of the women that are worthwhile at all already got married a long time ago, not that they would want you if you were single
Who came with this dumb meme? A unattractive male will only have any value to women if he is making mad dosh, and the reality is that a lot of us won't make money and will just die alone as a result

Not that guy but I'm pretty sure men aren't rated by looks once they get older they're rated by the amount of cash and social status they obtain that's why fat old guys get hot young sluts

If you are young and aren't getting laid and also aren't building a foundation for yourself you should probably just kill yourself like the girls in the OP

Extreme cherry picked outliers most woman are happier today than any other time in history .