/thg/ - Thot Hate General

How has getting fit changed your perspective of tinder thots? Do you take it seriously?

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show me pics of her

Is the "secret" that she is jailbait?

what did you send

Pardon the phoneposting

>how has getting fit changed my perspective
My favorite hobby is to actively ignore them. I'm casually flirty and friendly, but never take it further than that and play dumb when they start to press further. It's revenge for all of my below-average niggas who get ignored by them

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No because I'm not a bitter incel

>My favorite hobby is to actively ignore them.

Once I get Jow Forums I'm so excited to do this.

That's a complete 180

Thank you for your service, user

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Shes still a tranny tho

>I'm not a bitter incel
You may not be an incel, but you're obviously bitter

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This was the absolute kicker. She wanted me to pay for a pair of shoes because she sent nudes. The """""nudes""""" btw was a fucking video of her straight up taking a SHIT in her shower drain. Like straight up shit coming out of her asshole directly into her shower drain. Absolutely unacceptable.

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has the brain of a chesnut

>I already talk to enough hot niggas
imagine being white and saying this

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nah she just ended up having an STD and offered me a taco bell gift card when I said I didn't wanna go over and fuck her. as if that sweetened the deal at all

What? Why would she even have such a video?

Was it herpes?

also this girl snapped me asking to come over to my place and watch a movie. told her i'm not into hookups and she spergged out. conventionally attractive women are not good at handling rejection

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why does everyone on this board use tinder

>haha dood so many girls text me wanting to come over XD

what a humblebrag i hope it increases your self esteem

probably because most people on this board are capable of getting matches

why not?

This is actually hilarious

Should have said:
>Anything? Well there are these shoes I really want.

>probably because most people on this board are capable of getting matches

ahahahaha ohohohoohohoh ahahahahahah

>conventionally attractive women are not good at handling rejection
That's what makes it so fun.

she sent me a snap of her fingering herself in the shower trying to be hot. at the end of the snap though, a bloody (literally bloody) log came out of her ass.

And she did this for shoes?

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yes. sad day bros. the absolute state of tinder thots.

>using reddit buzzword of the week

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t. raging roastie

been getting lots of matches and man females are legit fucking BOOOOORING.
don't even wanna fuck them half the time.

>implying it's difficult

That sounds too fake to be true.

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how come most guys don't have much success on tinder but guys on Jow Forums have tons? and guys on Jow Forums have 2-3x the number of sexual partners most guys have in their entire lives by age 20 or so

are the two things related?

I know, I fucking WISH it was fake. she's legitimately insane.

Share the fucking video, user. Some of us like that shit.

I'll ask her if she saved it. If she did, I'll post it here

>literal dead bodies get more pussy than you

Speak for yourself incel. It's fake anyway

Lurk more

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Dark day. Dark day indeed.

This one case may be fake, but there's still necro chicks out there fucking dead corpses while (You) will never even see a vagina.

>Jow Forums - Fitness

>while (You) will never even see a vagina.
Again, speak for yourself incel

You should her you'll buy her the shoes if she does it again

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lmao it was probably a nasty uterine wall chunk - she was on her period brah. makes sense cos gorls get real horny on the rag too

Am I the only one who doesn't want to hang sluts. I want a wife.

btw the only ones who will actually show interest in your conversation: 99% they are the ones with the real problems (alcoholism, drugs, etc)

>shower drain shit video on snap
>Doesn't have a screen recorder application since snap can't identify apps running at the launcher level
>Using iOS

Yup, you're fag alright.

Is this girl 13? I refuse to believe an adult female typed this.

>unironic usage of "incel"
Roastpost: triggered edition

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Well post it cunt wtf?

She seems cute. Like a gyaru chick from those animes i watch

she was fingering her ass and the caption was "lol butts are weird" and the chunk of brown shit came out of her ass - i'm assuming it was shit

based, I already do this but with chubby 4/10 girls, and if they beg enough I'll fuck them doggy, but only if they call me daddy and degrade themselves.

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I'm probably one of the ugliest dudes on this board and have 100 matches with average and below average girls. It really isn't hard to find a date if you actually try

kek, underrated.

>using iOS
it's android faggot. i used the smartselect to screenshot the convo - everything you said was wrong

So why would you not record the video? AZ screen recorder exists for a reason.

Married a Mormon girl. 100% virgin, loves babies, let's me lift, makes good food (bulkan on funeral potatoes), basically perfect.

it played once and expired, how was i supposed to know ahead of time i'd see a shit video?

>ugliest dudes on this board and have 100 matches
Logically false, I am on this board and only have 99 matches with average and below average girls

>100 matches with average and below average girls.
Ugly girls are easy though. And if she's average in her photos, I promise you she's 30lbs heavier and 8 years older irl.

Uh because she's a thot sending you random snaps. Let that bitch roll and edit out anything not worthwhile.


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What did she mean by this?

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Is it me, or does tinder get drastically easier once you graduate college?

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>implying i need to save every nude i get

Wait til you're in your late 20's/early 30's. Every single mom within 200 miles will try to hook you with sex. Don't fall for it though, they basically want a babysitter and passive income so they can "go hoeing" again

Guys help
My oneitis said that she wasn't looking for a relationship even though we fooled around and stuff. I can't get over her guys.

I miss how she smells like bergamot. I've been sleeping with the blanket that captured her scent, and all of the feelings came back.

What do I do?

Lmao how big is her dick

thirsty for dick

this is made me actually sad, shes not gunna be a contributing member of society with this trash brain

Get mad, lift and leave her behind. She doesn't need saving.

throw the blanket out


ty, will wash the blanket
Have a nice weekend lads

>What did she mean by this?
Still gotta fuck some others fggt

Tell her how you feel. If she still isn't interested, you have no choice but to get over her. Throw the blanket out and spend as much time with friends as possible

fucking idiot

based unsoiled chad

It's worth taking a risk for something you really want m8, but if you take that risk and it doesn't pan out, then you have to move past it. Shit sucks, but that's life.

>implying matches mean anything
You think they don’t play the numbers game too?


Women were a mistake

>work at restaurant near campus so other college students work there
>couple of qts ask me to go drink with them after my shift ends
>haven’t heard from them
I work with one of them tomorrow. I’m just gonna act like nothing happened, is that the right thing to do?

people lie online

cant wife a thot

>lets you lift


please leave

Tell her youll play with her clit and finger-blast her if she sucks every sperm cell out of your body.

This course holds the best risk/reward ratio.

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You can still get STDs from oral...

just by saying "lets me lift" anyone can tell how much of a pussy and a cuck you are
your perfect girl is probably a 4/10, retard

You're a good man user

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