any of you robotos do any illegal substances if so what an why do you like it?
I just smoke weed because it makes my joints stop hurting an it feels good to feel good again. albeit a short time
any of you robotos do any illegal substances if so what an why do you like it?
I just smoke weed because it makes my joints stop hurting an it feels good to feel good again. albeit a short time
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Fuck off normalfag. Real robots don't do drugs and always respect the law.
I've done DXM, LSD and mushrooms a handful of times.
Mostly good, trippy, fun wacky times honestly.
But LSD is a bit too intense for me and lasts too long.
Music sounds amazing though on LSD and DXM.
I used to smoke weed for years and drink but these days I quit all that shit and just take CBD sometimse to chill, weed gives me too much anxiety fuck that shit.
>Be me
>do ketamine
>literally feel like a fucking robot a few hours afterwards
Anybody tried this stuff?
isnt it like DXM? done it a few times.
also anyone here ever try salvia, mdma or dmt? curious about how those experiences are.
So what does cbd actually feel like? Recommended sources and dosage?
I take a brand called Nuleaf Naturals.
Definitely recommend it. Very chill.
The recommended dosage is 10 drops. I usually take between 5-10. It lasts about 2-4 hours generally. The taste isn't too bad and I find at worst if I take too much I might feel really tired.
I find it way less of a "high" like weed, it just feels like the relaxing part of weed but without the drug part. It's more subtle but also less anxiety causing
Name it and I've done it, with a few exceptions like MDMA. I do it as a hobby, changing my perception for a bit is entertaining and informal. The ones I keep coming back to are psychedelics and stimulants. I also love the chemical side of it. Learning why/how it works, synthesis, shit like that. AMA I guess, I know a decent bit.
how do you guys even get drugs? Wouldn't that mean you have friends and connections?
>Wouldn't that mean you have friends and connections?
More like used to have friends and connections
Only tried DXM a low dosage. Too nasty and unimpressive. I would say ket is probably like dxm but like x15. Did 4 short lines while sitting at the edge of my bed and didn't even get the chance to lay back down. Almost instantly stopped feeling my body and was falling through this levels or rooms and seeing all these images and symbols. Just coming back I panicked thinking a got stuck there. Felt like a robot walking to mcdonalds afterwards. Overwhelming at high doses enjoyable at low ones.
is there other natural psychedelics besides mushrooms an salvia?
So how do you still acquire them? For the record I have never had friends, connections, or drugs.
I've done pretty much every drug but crack. I fell in love with opiates it cured my depression and anxiety but I fucked my life up with it hardcore dropped dirty for my probation officer and went to county jail for a bit I got out yesterday and I'm on the streets for the night tomorrow I'm getting into a shelter again anyway sorry for the diary
Taking 300mg CBD at a time feels so relaxing it's like a benzo.
Not anymore, did drugs all through HS and only through HS. They're not worth the trouble.
Are you in a legal state? Could you order these online to a non legal state? Prices?
cbd is legal in all
Many, do your research. Be careful with datura though.
Agreed. I've taken 20+ drops with a friend and holy shit that level of bliss is hard to compare. Honestly similar to valium in a way or a lot of weed. Good shit. Like weed but without the anxiety or paranoia. 10 out of fucking 10.
I live in Canada and luckily it's legal now. Also CBD is different than weed so I doubt they even gave a shit before. lol
Prices? Well, depends on the size of the tincture bottle you get. But ranges from like 38 for a smaller bottle to 100+ for bigger bottles. A bit up there but worth it for sure.
And Amanita muscara.
I've heard Datura is really nasty like DPH.
Damn, that's intense user. Interesting. And yeah I agree, fuck DXM. After some crazy high doses I'm done with that shit.
DMT and Mescaline are good ones. Most of the ones I know of aren't good. Usually lead to bad trips for one reason or another. Morning glory seeds, is one of those. You should google for some, and use erowid's trip vault to see if it's any good.
First opiate? How did you get hooked?
Want to try pills, but too expensive. Might do H
Instead, but scared to get addicted.
I've done amp, meth, MDMA, modafinil, cocaine
codeine, percs, hydros, xans, kpins, ativan, GHB, phenibut, tianeptine
weed, DPH, DXM, shrooms, LSD, DMT
Now I'm really just into an upper + downer mix for sex, and occasional MDMA+Psychs for bonding and self-reflection
I kind of want to try salvia, ketamine, and maybe someday heroin
How's your self control? If it's horrible or moderate, then avoid opiates. It's incredibly euphoric and will keep you coming back if you don't know how to tell yourself no. If you do end up doing it, avoid telling other people. You'll become even more of a robot.
not really, everythings on the darknet, has been for years. your only excuse is being too much of a brainlet to understand cryptos or too much of a pussy to practice personal opsec
what is MDMA and DMT like?
I've done LSD and shrooms but I've considered those too.
Same ket user here. For mdma I kind like it when is a bit cut. Don't know if was caffeine or another stimulant, but felt more clear headed. It did definitely, test positive for mdma though.
Have tried more pure crystal stuff, but was too fucked up nodding out with plesure at the beginning. I like to be more active running around high fiving random people.
As for dmt have tried at lower doses, but a bit scared to take it further.
I started popping Percocet and smoking blunts and it was super chill then I got into it oxy and morphine than when the pills got expensive my friend knew a heroin dealer (black tar I live in AZ) and it went from smoking it to shooting grams a day but I'm done with that shit 5 months clean and a month off my suboxone.
A word of warning alot of heroin is acually laced with fentanyl and junkies or dropping left an do right.
Go get narcan from a pharmacy.
Get friend and show him how to use the narcan and always ALWAYS do a test shot you can ways do more but you can't do less .
And again be careful heroin is a silent demon you never know how much it's got you till it's to late
>As for dmt have tried at lower doses, but a bit scared to take it further.
Break on through to the other side.
well, more like overlooked due to a loophole, but yea you can get it without any hassle to all 50.
With drugs moderate I would say. I have quit weed for weeks or months, but end up coming back to it.
Now just do a dab or two a day, with a couple of days of break sometimes.
I wanna try hallucinogens (LSD, DMT, Shrooms, etc) but I've never tried drugs before.
>I have quit weed for weeks or months, but end up coming back to i
I relate to this so much. Whenever I quit weed for like 1-4 months I always get bored and depressed and go back to it.
So how much heroin with no opiate tolerance would anons say? Planning to just snort.
>cannabis is legalized
>you retards move to other things
>those become legalized
>you retards move to other things
Hipsters, the lot of you.
Weed is one of the easiest drugs to quit. I'd say caffeine is slightly harder. Taking opiates is like playing with fire. If you're in control, it's fine, but it easily gets out of hand.
one time I did LSD during a day of high school during my senior year
so fucking ca$h.
Again I'd say start at a point (.1) like the size of a match head if you don't feel it do another but I'd say around .3 or .4 with no tolerance assuming it's not laced with fentanyl. And please get narcan just in case it might save your life.
Yes but what leads to take week breaks is it also becomes boring too. But then being sober becomes boring and have to come back. Fuck this cycle. Planning to do dmt at the end of summer, and then taking a long break from everything.
You should start off with weed and alcohol. Introduce yourself to altered mind states. Psychedelics are pretty altering. Can be scary if you don't know what you're getting into, and first impressions will lead your future trips.
get a S C A L E. $15 on Amazon
What if only have a point, and know it doesn't have any fent, should I do it in one go? Also no friends, so how easy to narcan yourself in case of emergency? Is it really necessary if one point is literally all I have?
I'm a junkie I ain't got money for that kid shit lol
If all you have is a point and you are sure it's not laced yeah do it all and any pharmacy will sell you narcan nose spray and you can't do it to yourself if you overdose you fall out hard
Oh and to add if you are just using rarely it's not that nessesary but I was shooting grams if it in my darkest point and I've seen friends fall out and I had to narcan thembit sends them straight into withdrawal mode too be careful I don't know you but don't end up like me please
Salvia's weird as fuck, for me at least.
Tried it once, lasts about 10-15 minutes
Super emotional amplified rollercoaster and felt like I was 2 people at once. Like my body was laughing really hard or whatever but a second me was observing the entire scene of me and the people I was with and we both kinda communicated. Rollercoaster of emotions was so extreme that I'm not doing it again
That aside
Mdma, fun as fuck, really stresses my jaw and makes me super nauseous on the come up, once i'm cruizing it's so much better, do no more than once every 3-4 months since I prep a day before, day of consumption and give myself a day to get out of the afterglow and post-effects; that said I consume a very large dose (about 1g and more) per session, really taxes on the body
Lsd, super fun with friends, paranoid when I do it alone unless I stay in my environment with everything I need and love, music is super awesome with it, have a bunch of cheapo rgb led lamps and they make for a great lightshow plus fucc sessions are rainbow like explosions desu
CandyFlipped once (mdma+lsd, low dosage on both) I was super cheerful but also kinda dreamy cheerful, face looked dead though and obviously looked high on something or just really hammered
Weed, after working out at night, helps unwinding, eating a good hearty meal and a nice night of sleep though gives me super crazy anxiety so preferrably use it in cozy settings. Watching a movie
or competitive game/esport is great. Also makes me warm so cuddle when I can
Shrooms, much nicer than lsd, feels its affected less by my current mood and more cloudy feeling, made me very nauseous so never again
Ketamine, tried low dose, effects weren't really there so maybe next time bump up a bit?
Benzos(?), specifically xanax is absolute shit. Klonopin/clonazepam is way way better though and in regular doses runs nice. Attempted suicide by mixing 150mg of clonazepam with whiskey, still here.
Can anyone tell me what 500mg or 600mg of CBD at a time would feel? I plan to do this.
>get told weed is good for anxiety
>smoke it
>immediately feel anxious, paranoid, heart rate increases
>muscles get stiffer and sometimes get headaches
LSD so far is my favorite. You can snap back into reality any time and be fully in control.
Weed is fun, but I'm taking a 1 month break cause I felt like I needed to smoke every night.
I only do Molly at festivals cause otherwise I'd be off my ass. It really makes me want to dance for days, but my friends apparently get really emotional/bubbly.
Tried shrooms twice now, both times were really mediocre. I only took ~.75mg so I think it may have been too low of a dosage.
Yeah no weed can cause panic attacks I have the same issue try a sativa with high cbd
Caused my friend to have a panic attack. If I had a history of anxiety/psychological issues I'd probably stop doing drugs all together. LSD/Weed have been known to cause psychotic breakdowns.
>kid shit
You're saying he should get Narcan in case of overdose, but scales are kid shit? You might know what you're doing, but it's still a great way to reduce harm.
It helps me cope.
I use tramadol because it makes me happy. Even when I'm off it, it has a nice antidepressant effect.
So to everybody saying fucc, drugs and friends...
How the fuck do I find druggie friends that are not:
>or edm yeaah bros
.75 mg would be nothing with shrooms. General rule of thumb: 2 grams is a light trip (but you'll still be tripping for sure), 3.5 grams is a decent trip, 5 grams is where you get visionary, above that and things get indescribable and the flying saucers land. Also, smoke cannabis about an hour after taking shrooms, as this will potentiate the trip immeasurably.
The thing in the bottom left corner under the clothes in your pic. Once you see it.
Yeah it sucks m8 thanks I have been looking into high cbd strains
And yeah that's a good point. For me it's mostly anxiety but it comes and goes.
Most normal people smoke weed, and most weed dealers know other dealers.
Know a weed dealer but he's a nig and scared of acid. Other people that have offered me were also nigs or ghetto spics.
You are right it's a great way to know your doses but I was spending every dime on heroin and always eye balled it not saying I'm that good at eye balling I was very very reckless
I heard 1-1.5g for intro dosage, 1.5-2.5 for a good dose and >3 is for experienced users. Just tried to be safe, but next time I guess I'll drop more.
Also I tried weed during and it sucked. Didn't feel shit.
>that image
Erlenmeyers aren't graduated like that, holy fuck
Fucking 200iq Rick and Morty niggers need to fucking off themselves
I've tried almost everything because /ausculture/ but I regularly
>smoke weed
>take benzos
And around once a month or once every two months I'll either
>take MD
>trip on acid
Yeah, I wouldn't trust them for anything more than weed. If you have any trustworthy friends, ask them if they know anything. Otherwise, the least threatening nigger isn't a bad idea.
I hate k, makes me feel really apathetic
DESU you joked about edm music but that's where all the druggies are. I dont even like it but I go to drop w/friends
Not looking for stuff, already have plenty. Looking for people to enjoy with now.
I guess senpai...
Might just have to roll with edm strangers again this summer.
I'm glad you're better now, at least. Do you have any important advice to give?
I make my own lsd and use it. I also drink a lot and buy blow online. Been into rehab before, but never works. I will be alone always. I have two people i can text whenever i want, but i dont like to because feels fake and they just tolerate me and just reply to be nice. I asked them to hang out and they always avoid it. Ill just keep doing drugs until i die in prob 5 years.
If not larping, how easy is lsd to make?
Not him, but it's moderately hard. You can look up guides online. Here's an info graphic.
darknet drugs are fake, dumb nigger.
how hard is it to make DMT?
Yes do not shoot it it will forever change the game for you you can get addicted to the needle but if you must shoot it here's a list
1. Do not share needles cookers (spoons or in a pinch the bottom of a can) and Cotton's
2. Always ALWAYS do a test shot first to Gage the strength of the heroin
3. Don't use a lighter to cook it just put you dose in a add some clean water distilled and stir it around.
4. Rotate shot sights using the same one over and over causes a collapse .
5. New shot new needle sometimes you can get 4 shot from one needle but by shot 3 I was fishing for my vein . Also don't fish for a vein shit will fuck with it
6. Track marks take forever to go away I still have darl spots where I used to hit.
7. Narcan narcan narcan have a friend with you if possible or even your dealer
8. Absesses suck but you don't need to see a doctor for every one and absses is when you miss a shot. If it's small it will go away anything bigger that a golf ball drain it perferally by a doctor but I've done at home surgery before. not mix with alcohol or benzos that can kill you.
10. Withdrawals suck try to locate suboxone in case you ever get dope sick
Oh and a scale If you want to measure doses.
I'm outside of a Safeway charging my phone I'll be here all night of any opiate questions
I am a recovering addict 10 years of opiate abuse.
Not hard at all. There's tons of techniques online too. You can buy the DMT containing plant on Amazon, and the chemicals from most anywhere. You can use non-toxic ingredients, if you want. Won't be the best yield though.
>a drug thread
>rick and morty image
jeeeeesus fuckng christ just when i thought this board couldn't get more cancerous
That good shit boy.
Pic related
What was your life like at the worst of your addiction? Any stories?
I have many stories I'll give you a quick rundown of me and whatever you want more details on I'll go into detail.
Started with pills benzos and opiates.
Mixed them alot crashed one car in a black out and another time I woke up in a suicide room of a mental hospital.
I've OD once on benzos never touched them again
Still Loving opiates but switched to heroin it was cheaper.
Met a girl deep in my addiction and I go clean for her and moved to WA
Clean for 2 years and we have a little boy.
She goes nuts and her bipolar was at the worst (she didn't use btw)
Relapse and I started going through grams daily.
Stole for places I worked at to support habit.
She finds out and kicks me out.
I was on the streets in WA for a month and caught TB
Find my way to AZ and detox then rehab
Clean for 9 months and was working for a sober living home.
Best friend shows up he's a pisa and we start getting ounces from Mexico.
Relpsed and lost everything and was squating in my darkest friends abandoned apartment.
Decide to go back to rehab and now I'm 5 months clean
Also been to jail a few times.
Now currently homeless
damn what are you doing on my board
Now killing time I need to get my paycheck but can't till tomorrow morning I'm just bumming around
Did everyone go to sleep? Real nigga hours yo
If not I got stories to lul you to sleep
Thanks user. I plan on writing a novel, where at some point my main guy goes through a period of really bad opiate addiction.
I'm the same user that asked about doing one point. Partly plan to have this experience so I can better write this novel.
Any tips you could give me on making this guy a genuine character once he goes through addiction/recovers? Any other stories you would like to share? What did you eat when you were broke or in the streets?
I love your photos user.
Ok we'll watch trainspotting it's spot on.
When you are in deep addiction you just don't care about anything but that next fix. You do anything to get it I've sold everything I've owned from phones TV's and game stations things that help sentimental value turns into that next fix.
Heroin is a pain killer and it kills emotonal pain if the world was ending you wouldn't care it's ignorance in a needle.
Lucky I get food stamps but I waste it on Junk food but I also would steal food if I had nothing. Heroin also makes you not shit I've gone weeks with out shitting and the food rots in your stomach giving you egg burps.
Story time
In Washington I was on the streets my dealer shorted me on a sack but he said he would hook me up. 2 days I was withdrawaling bad vomiting shitting could not sleep restless leg syndrome the whole shebang.
I walked a mile down to a store and stole 3 pounds of poppy seeds to make tea.
Dealer says he will meet me if I give him gas money.
Broke as fuck but play along.
Make the tea while waiting and pop a bunch of immodim
Feel kinda better walk another mile to meet dealer. he got me well and gave me extra for the trouble
We drive to gas station I tell him I'll to inside and throw 20 in the tank.
Got out of car and just walked away leaving him stranded.
Starts yelling at me and I just dip.
Hid out in a bathroom at a near by mc Donald's then shot up .
Feeling better I walk around town over a bridge
If I didn't have a son I would have jumped off of it
Started to rain so i went under the bridge
Fell asleep under a bridge and woke up in withdrawals spent 4 days in a shelter sick as fuck
Not illegal but this shit country stopped producing DPH so i ordered a lot from Amazon.
I'm using it as a sleep aid, works quite well but not sure about long term use effects ( taking 50-75mg daily ).
Usually I use weed to cope with sleeping problems and mental issues but yeah, illegal, expensive
DPH has mild anti depressant effects so thats nice too. I'm tempted to try a deliriant DPH trip but will most likely not do that as all evidence suggests that its unpleasant and dangerous.
Wall of text I'm sorry tips on addicts
Physical features change drastically weight loss happens isolation pale skin just gives up on taking care of him self.
Periods of dope sickness I usually make it 2 days cold turkey then I filp out and steal shit for a fix (stole over 2000 from works family my son's mom.)
Recovery is hard look up Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms or PAWS they come after you get clean and stay for years while not physical it Fucks you mentally depression suicidal thoughts anger confusion memory loss (short term ) and intense craving I had to kick my habit with suboxone it help but it can be addicting and it too has withdrawals
Bumping with a mugshot that might or might not be mine.
I got out yesterday
Besides Cannabis and Hemp, there's nothing I'd consider worth smoking/ingesting
Thanks again user.
Have you ever tried any psychedelics before?
Where do you see your life going?
Also any chance you could give a text now number, discord, or email? Could help you out with something food related as thanks for sharing your story.
It's pretty weird to know that what I mostly look forward to is injecting heroin, but that's just life.
I smoke weed, I've done a fair share of acid, and I did shrooms once. I guess I like it because I've begun to feel as though my life is stale. Drugs allow me to enjoy life. LSD especially never fails to impress me.
Anyone ever hit hash out of a gravity bong? I'm about to do it for the first time today. Gravity bongs always fuck me up bad even when it's shit weed. Am I about to regret my decisions?
Weed because im a normie. I used to do it with friends but now i just do it to cope.
you are going to be unbelievably high
Yeah man I got email it's the only social media I have
tylerlav89 on the Gmail I always check it
Thanks for listening sharing this helps me forgive myself
I have done acid shrooms and dmt before my addiction got out of control I want to do them again to help me with my recovery.
Right now I don't know where my life is going I'm going beg for my job back in the morning get my check and stay at a shelter untill this other shelter gets an open bed.
I want to get stable my own place and full custody of my son. He lives with my mom.
what is your definition of being unbelievably high
I'll try to send you an email soon.
Yes you should definitely try to do a psych again. Helped me with an anxiety disorder big time. Addiction is a disease too. Take care man.