> Met multiple guys this year
> None of them enjoy gentle femdom
Are submissive men just a meme or am I getting really unlucky?
> Met multiple guys this year
> None of them enjoy gentle femdom
Are submissive men just a meme or am I getting really unlucky?
Other urls found in this thread:
Men are naturally dominant and women are naturally submissive
If you're actually a woman looking for that kind of man, my reccomendaiton would be to maybe talk to someone who seems shy as they're more likely to be submissive, as submissiveness requires less work
They exist. But they tend to be gay or bi. Submission is more fun when your partner fills you with cum.
bitch needs to catch my dick
No, dominate women are a meme. You'd melt at the sight of a properly sized phallus.
why are you coming here and asking this knowing that this place is teeming with guys into femdom?
this is literally false, 40% of men are subs not doms.
>40% of men are subs
And like 90% of women are too which I guess makes the sub men tend to be more dominant even though they prefer to be sub? I don't know what to tell you honestly I'm just a guy who's never had a gf anyway
Getting choked like that doesn't seem very gentle
Please for the love of god pick me
I think I'm enjoying more dominating my fuck buddy lately. I'm still more submisive than anything but I guess I'll learn to enjoy dominating more
I'm right here. Please, somebody love me.
I'll love you. I even have a job and basic social skills
Let me guess, you have a penis, too, right?
The virgin text
>no response
>begs too much
>one away from trips, even his post number cucks him
the chad image
>gets response from at with job and social skills
>asks nicely
>one after dubs, which is no big deal
Youve been searching in the wrong places mom
trips becomes ops subby hubby
>makes thread
I hope whatever robot that did this got what he wanted, all the yous in the world.
Damn. He brought a customized coupon. I've been outmatched.
>only go after chads
>wonder why they're not submissive like the ugly losers on your anime forums
I can go dom or sub depending on the woman. But I would only do gentle femdom.
Why do larpers love r9k?
Submissive men aren't a meme but a dom/sub relationship (like any other) takes training and effort on both sides.
An inexperienced male may think he's a sub, but he might not actually be one. He might just be a male who needs help with the basics on EVERYTHING.
t. a non-sub male whose first relationship was with a dom. It failed, of course. Badly.
Please expand on this, dear reddit spacing normie.
Guys that are into femdom are male feminist cuckolds
I don't identify as one and I don't have soiboi fashion, but I might as well be because I worship women
>Are submissive men just a meme or am I getting really unlucky?
Any attempt by a woman to lead the relationship is immediately seen as a shit test where you are expected to reject her advances and to instead take control.
I enjoy gfd. Where do we go from here.
second great thread I have to bump to prevent archival
What aspects of GFD do you bots like in particular?
>taller, more athletic than you
>sometimes possessive, treats you like you belong to her
>teasing (FUCK I'd love to be teased)
>some maternal aspects are very charming
>generally being the assertive one
A shame there's more male subs than dommes.
>Having a woman who actually wants me and doesn't just passively tolerate my existence
>Not having to constantly worry about what she wants from me because she'll just take it
>If she's dominant that likely mean she has actual goals and desires and isn't just a basic bitch
>I'm an social and sexual doormat by nature and any attempt at playing dom would be embarrassing
Yes please
No, please
Yeah I'm gonna need that discord tag.
>Are submissive men just a meme or am I getting really unlucky?
Maybe you're looking in the wrong place. I mean, they are a minority but they're not entirely nonexistent.
Also, it can take a while for a guy to see you as "safe".
a better question is where do you find women that don't want to be submissive or dominant but rather equal partners? pretty sure they don't exist lol
If you're into a fetish you have to advertise it beforehand so that their fans come to you. If you get into relationships and then reveal your fetishes then it's a very slim chance it'll match from a purely statistical perspective.
It's higher than that. Most men are kinda beta/follower types who submit to their gfs/wives. But almost no woman is dominant, so they resent their submissive betabuxx husbands.
>this is literally false, 40% of men are subs not doms.
Not really. They might have submissive fantasies, but that's just a flavor of porn. Men can jerk off to anything, including being told to take out the trash. Try getting them to do that in real life, you'll see how far that "subbmissiveness" goes.
I'm right fucking here.
>talk to someone who seems shy as they're more likely to be submissive
Very shy guy here, not true for me. I am extremely dom in bed but super nice and all that everywhere else. I have known a couple friends just like this too. I guess you can tell by what kind of shy someone is though (at least I can) like confident shy or scared shy.
It didn't help you were fat as fuck.
There's a lot of social pressure to just take the lead in a sexual encounter as a guy even if you'd enjoy submitting. Maybe you're looking for a true fetishist or something but you could probably get a lot of guys into it if you asked.
What country do you live in? Plenty of subs on this board
giving the thread another bump in case more interesting posts come in. good night, robots
Strong and assertive, but still friendly and understanding. Not too much in either extreme where they would be a bitch or a complete doormat. Someone with their own wants and desires.
Men have standards and nobody wants to be submissive to a landwhale
Oh you are probably new around here
Welcome little one~
For real tho, you'll find like 90 orbiters just from this thread asking you to be their mommy gf
Okay you can calm your shit now m8
I second this
And my comment IS original
>Also, it can take a while for a guy to see you as "safe".
No one in their right mind would let their guard down just like that and be mocked
Never thought of it like that.. very good point
No it isn't. there are more straight submissive men, then there are gay and bi men in total combined.
>her being the reliable and calming one in the relationship
>her being patient with you as she provides guidance
>her appreciating what I do for her
Yeah it's obvious that these are the very things that I lack irl.
have you tried not going for low IQ neurotypicals?
I enjoy gentle femdom because I am highly analytical and am always contemplating a million ways each situation could go. This results in a lot of anxiety which makes temporarily handing over control to another a comforting change.
For the unwashed masses of unthinking, unfeeling,
gfd is basically about the guy being smaller and taking on what would be traditionally considered the feminine role and the girl being bigger and taking on the masculine role? So it's like role reversal?
I like gentle femdom to a degree. I enjoy being taken care of, since I didn't have much physical interaction until my late teens, but once she starts with the teasing its irritating, and I have to refrain from slapping the bitch.
>For the unwashed masses of unthinking, unfeeling,
He aint wrong though. gfd and general femdom stuff is unironically the intelligent man's fetish. Of course there are smart men into being dom as well though.
>He aint wrong though. gfd and general femdom stuff is unironically the intelligent man's fetish.
Well obviously. You can't train a stupid guy to fetch your slippers.
Not exactly anxiety but I just think so much it's exhausting, especially when usually after I make the decision, it turns out they already have an opinion and it would have been much more efficient if they just did what they wanted in the first place. I don't crave gentle femdom but I'm quite fine with it. Instead I want an equal the most.
I'd worship a landwhale if she loved me desu
you are just being unlucky friend
>no luck
a lot of guys I've meet are the most submissive creatures
just keep looking, don't give up friend
God I wish that were me
dubs checked
post more like this please
oregano commento
Since i am clumsy as fuck and kind of a brainlet and too cute looking, quiet/shy and i can't be dominant because it doesn't fit me so yeah im into femdom
Not a meme, i'm proof.
>cute looking
We'll have to judge that boi
Your not female. Fuck off. I love femdom. No girl I've met would dominate me.
seriously i hate you.
I really really want to feel a girl mount me like a dog and rape me with a strap on. But I'll die without it ever happening.
I would say the opposite is true, most shy guys are dominant in bed
>tfw no gf to lovingly verbally abuse me
>tfw no gf to force me to eat her out
>tfw no gf to hold me down and ride me until I cum and continue riding afterword disregarding my pleas for her to stop because she's not getting off until she gets off
These are all probably more enjoyable in fantasy than in practice.
Why do you think that? What if the girl insists on being dominant?
>tfw ywn have a bf who is submissive in the bedroom AND in daily life
someone has to answer this fucking question
You don't actually want that
I actually want that.
well im here and im qt but you won't want me
How would that play out in your mind?
They arent a meme but they're way less likely to be out and about or to approach you themself. They're also kind of retarded when it comes to getting hints so you really have to force it
Easiest way is to use a place like this desu
But you're an internet boy who probably lives in another country.
And you're probably white. If you're Indian my interest is piqued because I have a fetish.
Wait but that's me
I'm absolutely submissive to my partner 100% of the time, and only to my partner
yea im white and im in america. well i hope you find what you want
>Met several women this year
>3 were domme
>none were into me
Should I kill myself, this isnt worth living.
I want someone who I can feel comfortable with pouring my love into and acting cute/romantic/playful with and she enjoys this and the knowledge that I love her so much that it slightly embarrasses her but amuses her still.
Thus culminates in the beautiful act of teasing.
On her assertiveness I like the "smart" type of kuudere: the kind who is slightly aloof, always thinking, and has her assertive nature stem from logic.
It humbles me and makes me respect her so much, and I want to be one who can please her and meet her logical standards.
But of course, that is anime grade stuff.
I like gentle femdom because assertiveness in women I respect and I want to be someone of a similar level, to appease myself and her.
This also applies to stuff like student/teacher relationships, but for this and the former I do enjoy it both ways.
Oh and I really really really want to be princess carried.
I'm 6'2, 190lbs and I'd kill to have any girl gentle femdom me.
A reverse-traditional relationship where I'm the head of the household and earn more money (if not the sole breadwinner). He does whatever I say and lets me do anything I want to his body (beating, scarring, pegging) because he is mine. We also do regular relationship things like dates, talking for hours, cuddling, and watching movies.
Being submissive in daily life would pertain to his personality. A bit of a pushover, quiet around others, not having many friends, anxious about how people see him, etc. But also as dedicated to me as I him.
If this is for real you give me hope.
Holy shit you give me hope also, that sounds like my fantasy relationship. I'd wanna make such a good home for my partner to come home to, and I'd be so happy to let her beat me and cut me. I'm also as loyal as a dog and my life becomes her property pretty much
C-could we exchange contact or something?
I still feel this way about starting anything with anyone online.
But you sound cute and deserving of a domme to (mis)treat you well. Best wishes.
Good luck to you too I suppose. You've got a better chance than I do
>beating, scarring, pegging
Honestly the guys that are into gfd are not usually great options to begin with. Just find one open to it instead and do your best to get him into it.
Quick question, how do I find some kind of dominant gf while not sounding desperate?
play it cool. remember you don't NEED a gf. ever. don't make it look like that. just put yourself out there as a nice guy who also just so happens to be in to being dominated. it's much easier to do not irl since you don't have to deal with face to face interaction.
side note lads, i started making gfd threads on soc a while back and now people just make them on their own, so they're usually around now. feel free to hit them up and maybe dilute the normie concentration there.
>lending them his dick and getting paid 70000 yen for it
god i wish that were me
god i wish that were orogina
The /soc/ threads are fucking awful. I ran through them a few times. They're morphing more hard femdom, and accruing /soc/ background dick-pic radiation.
I love femdom. It's a top tier fetish.
yeah i tried initially to get people to run out guys that posted gross dick pics/body pics but they just can't keep it up. luckily the nasty findoms usually get ran out before they can start.