Would you go out with a girl who was 100% repulsed by sex? Why or why not?
She'd cuddle with you and do all the other things couples do with you except for sexual stuff. Asking for a friend.
Would you date an asexual fembot?
As long as she would hold me and tell me everything will be ok, yes
Honestly don't care much about sex
Cuddles are important though
faggot fembot here so you probably don't care about what I think, but personally yeah I totally would. I love cuddling and romance more than sex so it wouldn't bother me at all.
Hey are you the friend
I wish asexual low libido guys exist. Too bad they are like one in a million.
Yes. But I would want her to try it with me just once at some point so I could lose my virginity, would try to do it as quickly as possible if she is actually disgusted with it. If we could cuddle and act like a couple I would be the happiest man on earth anyway tho.
she definitely would do that and she'd help you improve as a person!
>cuddles are important
I see you're a man of culture
I like girls too, your opinion is equally important to me user.
asl NOW
I dont care if youre asexual, sex makes things messy anyway. Lost#2786 hit me up
does me inserting my incredibly hard 8" dick into her butt count as sex?
Of course I would, user. I only want hugs and cuddles anyway
is this omegle
I hope you find a qt grey asexual bf one day user
what if she was ok with you having sex with other people instead?
is that you in the pic?
Yes that is me
please hold me then
>what if she was ok with you having sex with other people instead?
I'm not him but is this common in relationships with one ace person? I feel like I'd be scared of my partner developing feelings for other people, knowing how much people associate sex with love and all.
I thought we weren't supposed to post picsof ourselves here. The police is on its way user.
I don't know if it's common but personally I'd be fine with it, as long as my partner is happy
No, I've found that Woman that don't like a lot of sex are also boring in other parts of life. Never want to do anything fun/risky/edgy.
do you think I could convince her that it's tantric anal yoga and deeply spiritual and not sexual at all?
We arent supposed to do a lot of things but we cant let silly rules get in the way
I wouldn't, because I want to have tons of sex with the girl I like. Cuddling is good and all but honestly it's just half of intimacy recipe. Good sex with your partner is the other half.
My gf honestly always wants to have sex with me; it feels very nice to feel wanted so much.
>negress can't follow simple rules
what a surprise
what? I thought they were a guy
n word gtfo
I am a guy. I dont know why people keep misgendering me
you look a bit androgynous, like a very masculine woman
Please officers I just wanted an asexual gf
>Would you go out with a girl who was 100% repulsed by sex?
No, unfortunately sex is the main reason why I'd want a gf. I know that sounds incredibly shallow and shitty but I prefer being left alone most of the time while women generally want to interact very often.
To be fair, you have what I thought were long dreadlocks and very nice eyebrows.
no, I don't think you could
I think that's just your opinion user, being asexual doesn't mean you're necessarily boring
Ive heard that before
Not dreadlocks just braids but I do agree, eyebrows are my best feature. Very proud of them.
I already have that with every woman who was repulsed by the idea of sex with me. Why would I want that?
damn bitch you should be proud, wish I had eyebrows as thick as yours.
I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet desu. Maybe black people are invulnerable to the banhammer.
Say it with me T H I C C
Well Im also half Italian
Would you buy a car that doesn't turn on?
It can't be fixed, and you still have to pay to own it it
You can still do all the other car things
Like sit in it, and look at it
Or would you rather buy a car that fulfills the point of being a car
this is literally the ideal girl
lmao at this nigga bitch i would rob a fucking bank if given the chance but your dumbass thinks that just because i dont wanna fuck i'm boring. kys cunt or give me your address so i can fuck you up myself