Anyone else just accepted who we are

Anyone else just accepted who we are
We can't be chads guys
We wouldnt enjoy it like chad does
We couldnt manage it
We cant be normies either
We wouldnt enjoy that normal shit
We cant be
We can be
What are we why we don't enjoy parties why we don't like saying hello to people and being around them and talk with them
Why are we awkward and just don't seem to fit here
Have you noticed everywhere people who look at us and notices how we are different
Its like they smell it or sense it
That we don't enjoy the same things everyone enjoys
Can we ever get a gf?
I mean what would we do with one?
Have sex? And after that? We dont like being around people
She probably would get bored
We probably should died in our childhood or when we were babies
We fooled destiny and now we dont belong
The only thing that would bring us peace is death

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Not fitting in in this insane society is a sign you are healthy 2bh

Loyal and loving women are myths
Jobs dont bring satisfaction
Materialism brings temporary relief
We are all doomed to live alone and waste money on shit to be happy for a little bit

there are jobs that are fulfilling

Which ones? You either slave away to make value for the rich CEOs or you do some kind of work that helps people like EMT or something and why would you want to help people?

This is actually the way I've been thinking for a few months now, and it kinda helps when I'm on a suicide rant at 3 A.M

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It all really depends on what satisfies you and makes you happy
I havent heard of any job that i could possibly love working. What im working towards right now im working towards only to get my parents off my back and get decent cash. I have no passion

>Loyal and loving women are myths
You mean loyal and loving women under 50
>Jobs dont bring satisfaction
My job keeps me occupied enough I don't get tire of my hobbies
>Materialism brings temporary relief
So does sex and being sociable for normalfags
>We are all doomed to live alone and waste money on shit to be happy for a little bit
Yep :) Stop thinking so hard about it and just learn to let loose and enjoy
Yes, for a lil' while now I seem to have become immune to depression. I used to go through a cycle of getting depressed and feeling okay but I've come to recognize when depression is creeping upon me and I can recall how I've overcome it several times already and just shake it off immediately.
In any case, I love you user-kun.

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>just learn to let loose and enjoy
Enjoy what exactly?

>you mean loyal and loving women under 50
Sorry im not into gilfs

The chaos all around you desu.

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Im assuming he means the shit we waste cash on to be happy
Yes it is enjoyable for a bit but that empty feeling in your soul always comes back

Just keep your serotonin levels up bro.

Ah yes
I love watching normies hook up and openly talk about their sexual endeavors
I love watching society fall apart into a culture of degeneracy

Not really that chaotic

Well good 4 you ;)

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Its a little depressing that youre trying to be blue pilled so badly

Then make it chaotic m8.

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On the bright side once we die we get to go to Heaven by the Grace of God who sent his only begotten Son, Jesus, who is the Christ, to die for our sins and He rose on the third day and ascended to Heaven. Seriously, all you have to do is believe that and confess the same with your mouth and Jesus will get you into Heaven.
>mfw watching degenerate normies, catladies and jews roasting in the lake of fire from my comfy NEET palace in Heaven while I eat endless golden fried tendies with bottomless honey mustard sauce

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Is there a job where I would be paid to be a NEET and shitpost all day? that would be pretty fulfilling

>he believes in "pills" that all work on the reference of caring about normalfag social standards

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why is the prospect of a successful career not motivating enough for me?
why am I so content of settling for the bottom feeder life?
why do I have no materialistic desires?
why do I have no desire to engage socially?
why do I lack the drive to "be better than others"?

That is why you should be radio hams

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>I love watching society fall apart into a culture of degeneracy
>tfw watching from a distance as current society becomes the new Sodom and Gomorrah, then destroyed by its own malevolent unwritten actions and customs
Feels good that I'm barely part of it, and bad that it's becoming what it is.

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>why do I lack the drive to "be better than others"?
because there will always be someone better.
>why do I have no desire to engage socially?
Because most social engagements today are shit.
>why do I have no materialistic desires?
Because being heavily into materialism, like so many people out there, is shallow and empty.
>why am I so content of settling for the bottom feeder life?
And your average normalfag life isn't "bottom feeder life"?
>why is the prospect of a successful career not motivating enough for me?
Because very few people give a shit about someone's career unless it's something world-changing, or awe-inspiring.

Try just liking what you like. Being you. Fuck everyone else if they don't like it.

I'm 32 now. I wish I had realized this a lot sooner. I'm pretty happy with my solitude, vidya, weed and cats. And I've got a couple people I can hang out with from time to time.