/LDG/ lucid dreaming general

/LDG/ - lucid dreaming general

the ultimate escapism

>today's message

>can't remember your dreams?

Had a good dream last night? post yours ITT

>reality checks
very useful right when you go to bed this makes false awakenings
which are very common very likely to become lucid dreams
can be good other times but will be slow to make progress otherwise
at least from what i have experienced


>When are the REM cycles?
although cycles -> CAN VARY

Attached: 1529610102130.gif (540x400, 1.08M)

Other urls found in this thread:


i said this because from my experience it only works for false awakening and if you really want to be mindful of your dreams write them down and start to notice patterns or meditate

that sucks dude so i guess you can't do anything in your dream but you could maybe prepare before by dream jounraling to make your dreams clearer so they don't overload so fast
how long are your dreams and how vivid?

that sucks man theres nothing i can do but ask questions
do you dream journal?
how is your dream recall?
are your dreams long or vivid?

if you still want my discord it's
if anyone else wants to ask questions feel free

thanks for the encouragement dude i always need it but if i were you i wouldn't mess with supplements not because they're bad but if you like lucid dreaming it would be really bad for you to become dependent on them for lucid dreaming and for some people it can be their only source of happiness meaning they become addicted and it is just hell for them so i would just lucid dream without it but if you really want to know i think it's DMT that helps lucid dreams


should /LDG/ have a discord server?

There is a group chat (not a server yet, since is still quite small) between 4 people that has been going on for about a week now. Good stuff gets posted there, when we start chatting at 10 pm PST each day. I find it more motivating when in a group with people you get to know, that will care about your progress.

yeah that's one of the problems with discord servers is that they can get big but i have a hard time focusing on one person and it can diminish their progress and i have a hard time juggling that so the only reason i would make a discord is to maybe post links to the /LDG/ threads and for people to find me and DM me so i CAN 1 on 1 help out with Lucid dreaming

Alright, fair enough.

Someone in the group had good results with this hypnosis, but only after doing it after waking up during the night.


This was posted on reddit the other day and seems like it could be important. 2 people reported extending their lucid dreams from a few minutes to 20+ minutes, by talking throughout the dream.


>hypnosis worked only after waking up in the middle of the night
seems like WBTB to me maybe the hypnosis kept him occupied rather than the content of the video being a direct result although i wouldn't know if it wokrs than by all means do it guided meditation works really well IMO also if you have anymore sources im going to add that Reddit link into the stability paste in the OP it will help a ton thanks post more tips and techniques if you can

If you're interested in escapism, I joined a big lucid dreaming server the other week and read someone talking about their "wonderland", a perfect land they created with their imagination skills, which is 500 times more realistic than 4k graphics and way more enjoyable than lucid dreams, which they could do every night. This is something common in the tulpa community. They can go their anytime, so seems like the best method for escapism to me.

oh shit man i messed with tulpas n stuff i almost made one but i realized that my entire life was going to be pretty fucked if i had one so i kind of sort of ignored it until it died it was in the early stages of development but whatever and when i would listen to a few songs i would get this almost cuddly feeling all down my neck and back before i destroyed it but otherwise the whole better than 4k graphics thing is 100% true and even happens with lucid dreams because there is nothing to perceive rather things are already pre determined in the dream so it doesn't take energy to figure out the color or shape and focuses on vividness of it instead

I think you can have a wonderland without having a tulpa.

One of my favourite lucid dreaming guides is this:


Once you get decent at lucid dreaming it can be worth getting into the supplements suggested in Advanced Lucid Dreaming The Power of Supplements, which can be found easily with google

i fucking love guides if you have any other guides pls post but im usually anti supplement not because they're bad but robots tend to have no other escape from the pain and it could lead to abuse which i would hate to be the cause of but back ont wonderlands

i heard you can go to your wonderland anytime during the day is this true?
do you have a wonderland?

I linked a few good dream control ones in one of the threads the other week.

I believe it's true that you can go to your wonderland anytime. I don't have one at the moment. My visualization skills are quite poor at this stage, I can only keep a fuzzy image up for a few seconds before it fades. Gonna keep practicing though. Any tips?

make sure you are not trying to hard it could defeat the purpose let things work out naturally and hey if you fall asleep congrats you're well rested no downside so make dure you don't force things

also a little rant since i only get replies to /LDG/ at 2:00 in the morning i have to post really late at night and i cant schedule time to do WBTB so i have actually and extremely difficult time lucid dreaming because ironically i have to host /LDG/ at 2:00 in the morning otherwise i won't get many replies meaning i won't reach out to enough people i wish so badly i could fix this how does /R9Gay/ do it they pile on so many threads right after the others archive it's insane they host em mid day too

Thanks for the tip.

Have you considered making threads on /x/ too? Threads last way longer there and people are more experienced and interested there.

oh yeah i think i tried it once but it didnt work out so well maybe got 5-6 replies but i made these threads specific to Jow Forums because they seem like they needed something to make life better and i was hoping i could help

That's nice of you. Every now and again on /x/ you get someone really knowledgeable about the subject sharing good advice.

This was posted on reddit a few hours ago. Looks like that talking to stabilize thing is important. reddit.com/r/LucidDreaming/comments/8sy42x/thank_you_whoever_figured_out_how_to_stabilize_a/

thanks man any useful links im always willing to include into the OP pastes but do you frequent Jow Forums lucid dreaming or any other related sub Reddits i need more sources for my OP and i need reliable ones for both questions and techniques

I visit there every now and again, not much good stuff gets posted though. That talking thing seems like a real gem though. Dreamviews seems like the best community or at least it used to be. This could be worth trying: dreamviews.com/attaining-lucidity/148056-omnilucidity-constant-rc-tech-lucid-100%-time.html

oh yeah dream veiws is fucking legendary i totally forgot about them they have amazing stuff and techniques thanks for the reminder also what do you think my OP could improve on if you have an opinion on it?

im not sure if its appropiate to post about my experiences here, but i need to tell people about them. whenever i lucid dream, the setting always seems to be a war. I cant control it for a bit but occasionally i can just stop the action, as if it paused, and i can mess with everything in the enviorment. is it normal to have short spurts of being able to control dreams?

>short spurts of control
i know exactly what you mean like everything pauses even sound and all motion stops like a picture and you move things around and then unpause right? or am i imagining it wrong point is you're not pausing and unpausing but maybe switching prospective to something else your unpaused self can't see

Hey guys this might be hard to explain but I'm gonna try my best

I'm so good at lucid dreaming, I've been doing it for more the a decade now, and I am 20. I spend a lot of my time trolling on Facebook and shit, I'm really obsessed with goofing on people.

I feel like I have gotten to a point in Lucid where I'm becoming smarter than myself. I am literally going lucid, setting up a dream for myself to then experienice and then I literally troll myself In my dreams by giving myself a nightmare on purpose while in a lucid dream. Like It's fucking insane I literally have caught myself doing it it's like another personality that only exists while I'm in this state, it's like another layer. Sistine it isn't a nightmare it's like just something bizarre but not like bizarre as a normal dream would new because i can go lucid in those dreams. Is like insane shit that I can't do anything in. And most of them are not only the same, but recurring almost every night. For almost a month if I actually remember the dream, it is me being forced to fuck this girl I know irl And fun inside like some weird breeding scenario then get executed and wake up.

Idk man it's hard to explain

I think it's good, the only thing I'd change is adding something on mindfulness/all day awareness, as it's one of the most important things to improve dream vividness, length and lucidity.


>second personality
considering the goofing aroound you metnioned i know how you feel like some kind of inside joke but with yourself do you personify your own personality onto your idols or other people to use as an interaction peice in your head because you may have accidentally made a tulpa
glad you posted a few links for it also how do you get your lucid dreams what techniques do you use

I've had around 40-50 lucid dreams since I've been interested in it on and off over the past few years and 8-10 this month. I use meditation, mindfulness, dream journaling, affirmations, WBTB (but only recently started doing it properly, for 30 minutes+ like this graph suggests) and have just started trying hypnosis.

Attached: WBTB.png (416x300, 10K)

I've started to have weird dream experiences that may have been caused by anxiety, depression or LSD use.

I get nightmares of a strange kind. It feels like being in sleep paralysis in a dream. I never remember the dream, just feeling of being trapped, unable to move, doomed for eternity, then wake up and sometimes have INTENSE anxiety. Just recently I have been paying more attention to the dreams... I had a dream where I tried to smoke a cig but was constantly getting paralyzed.
I dont know what the hell is happening, is this just paralysis ? It does not feel that way...

>borrows image
nothing personal
but seriously thanks man
>fucking constant paralysis dreams
truthfully drugs are bad stop that's all there is to it your paralyzed because it's fucking you up man