I want to kill her for choosing a spic over me

I want to kill her for choosing a spic over me

I lifted years for her and I'm a tall Aryan male

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Racist loser lmaoooooooooo

My conversation with my dad minutes ago

>user (me) we spoke to your grandparents (parents of my parents) and they said they want you to come to Guangzhou (a city in China (a country in asia)) to live with them so they can make your normal (a normie..) again, what do you think?
>I'm not sure, I'll think about it
>well it doesn't seem like you're getting better, if you're going to be at home most of the time, you might as well try living in china (a country in asia). You can go with your grands (my grandparents) to buy a computer (a device that can be instructed to carry out sequences) once you're there (Guangzhou (a city in China (a country in asia))).
>okay I'll think about it and let you (my parents) know
>you can't keep being like this, just remember that.
Looks like my family's (close relatives) had enough.

sorry user. she looks cute

Death threat? Reported to fbi.

Fucking illegal spic
Reported to ICE

I wish that spic was my bf.

This shit is still going on?

Bruh wtf

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Whoo is this bitch?

how's therapy going user?

Can you tell her she looks better without the sharpie eyebrows?

>being white is your only "redeeming" quality

Honestly this was kind of funny for a while but now I'm starting to think you have serious issues my man

>b-but I'm Aryan
you are also a fucking asshole
And if your only quality is being Aryan then wtf were you expecting

how many times have you made this same exact thread? please consider suicide

c,mon son you're better than that.

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Then kill her.
Not endorsing murder here, I'm telling u to either do it or shut up.
These posts are getting a bit (a small amount) annoying.

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Anyone wanna write a regular expression to hide these threads?

I'm able to do it but not in one expression, I've got like 5 lines in my filter list for this specific spam. Fucker is tenacious but I managed to get him.

Really though mods should do their job and just ban cunts like this.

Wanna post them? I could really use it

Maybe if you had an attitude like the guy she is with you would have a chance you fucking nancy boy. Instead you are on Jow Forums sucking yourself off and saying your the best poop and others poops are gross.

Among the most prominent things he always includes are choosing a spic/over me, lifted for years, and tall Aryan male. Like he's literally always used Aryan male. So pick one (or more if you want to be extra safe) and then just cover all bases by doing the most likely combos. Like this should get most of them

>a * Aryan male

But you can add variations of the others as well.

>just change your attitude bro

Your skin gets you so much, love is not something that is guaranteed for anybody.

>all these cucks taking the bait

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